
On the eve of the stepdown, Republican Congressman Liz Cheney slammed backers within Trump's party

author:Overseas Instant Pass

Speaking in the House on Tuesday (May 11), Rep. Liz Cheney criticized her party peers for not coming out against former President Trump and his lies about last November's election fraud, speaking in the House on Tuesday (May 11), a day before she stepped down from the Republican leadership position.

On the eve of the stepdown, Republican Congressman Liz Cheney slammed backers within Trump's party

(Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Cheney is the third Republican in the House of Representatives and one of the 10 Republicans in the House who voted to impeach Trump in January after giving a fire-out speech to supporters on Jan. 6, many of whom then stormed the U.S. Capitol to try to prevent the Electoral College from certifying Trump's presidential election loss to Biden.

Cheney said Tuesday night: "Silence and ignoring lies will make liars bolder, and I will not go along with them." ”

"I'm not going to sit idly by when some people are pulling our party down a path of no return that abandons the law and joins the former president to undermine democracy," she said. ”

On the eve of the stepdown, Republican Congressman Liz Cheney slammed backers within Trump's party

The daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, Cheney is likely to be voted oust of his party leadership at a meeting convened by House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy last Wednesday (May 5).

Cheney said: "Millions of Americans have been misled by the former president. They have heard only his words, but not the truth, because he continues to undermine our democratic process and sows the seeds of doubt about the effectiveness of the democratic system. ”

Most Republican lawmakers, including McCarthy, have tried to persuade Trump, who continues to falsely believe he lost the November election because of widespread voter fraud, an allegation denied by multiple courts and state and federal election officials.

On the eve of the stepdown, Republican Congressman Liz Cheney slammed backers within Trump's party

McCarthy told his Fellow Republicans in a letter announcing the results of Wednesday's vote: "It's clear that we need to make changes and resolve these internal conflicts so that it doesn't affect our group moving forward." ”

Rep. Elise Stefanik, who rose to prominence in the Republican Party for defending trump in a pre-2019 hearing on trump's first impeachment, is seen as a potential replacement for Cheney and has the support of McCarthy, House No. 2 Republican Steve Scalise and Trump himself.

(Canada and the United States Financial Special Article, plagiarism must be investigated)

#Republican#, #American Politics,#特朗普 #

Author: Mark

Editor-in-charge: Master Liu

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