
Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

author:Gold Broker
Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

Looking back at 2016, web dramas have blossomed everywhere, tomb robbers, criminals, criminal investigators, supernatural... Everything is available on a variety of topics. However, on the tail of the year, the editor got such a "demon type" web drama that is completely different from other glamorous and cheap goods - "The Demon Life of Chen Er Dog". The drama is adapted from the novel of the same name by the Princes of Beacon Theatre, which has tens of millions of readers and fans, and has aroused great concern since the official announcement of filming.

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

At present, "Chen Er Dog" has been broadcast for two consecutive seasons, tencent video members have achieved gratifying results in single broadcast clicks, Weibo topics have read more than 100 million, and the Overall Baidu Index has risen by more than 1,000% year-on-year... All kinds of big data are taken out minute by minute to prove how hot this drama is! However, some people pay attention to the starring two dog brothers, but I am attracted by another Chinese paper in the play

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

His name is Chen Qingzhi, known as "White Horse Tanhua". Don't look at the old driver who "cut people, sucked powder, and stood on the road to kiss", but he has an innate and lingering celebrity temperament, which can be described as a set of gentle and elegant and fierce and meticulous, which is a rather multi-faceted and three-dimensional role.

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

As the first fierce general of the Two Dog Army, the god is played by young actor Guo Jianuo. Born as an advertising model, he is even more skinny, stripped of flesh, and warm in the blood of the tough guy image to hold just right, really circle a lot of fans ~ ~

PS. It is said that Guo Jianuo originally loved the sport of free fighting, so this body tendon meat! be! true! target! ↓↓

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

First come a few boyfriend force MAX, hormone bursting gif diagram you feel down ~

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

The play is also all personally played~

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

Gold Medal Agent: "Chen Er Dog" is based on the novel of the same name by the Princes of Beacon Theatre, so have you seen this novel before interpreting this character? How did you get introduced to this character?

Guo Jianuo: Actually, to be honest, when I first heard this name, I really didn't understand it. But I had a friend who read the novel, and he told me you should go to the original first, so I spent almost ten days without going out and finished the novel. After seeing the second dog come out of the northeast, I couldn't stop, thinking about this play I had to go anyway. So later I met the group in Beijing, and then video audition, and then specially from Beijing to Shanghai to meet the director and then audition, which was equivalent to tossing and turning three times before giving Chen Qingzhi the role.

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

In the play, although Chen Qingzhi is a bodyguard, he is not the kind of stunned Qing who can only fight, and the whole image is vivid and full. He was born in the Chen family in Taiyuan, with a cold and cool personality, who had climbed through the pile of corpses and bones, and his martial arts were profound and exquisite, which could be described as both literary and martial arts. He carries the family mission and worries about his sister who is suffering from eye diseases at all times, and is a particularly loving "sister control".

Do you feel the tenderness of "sister control"? ▽▽

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

Not only for his own family, he is also particularly angry with his brothers, and can even fight for his brothers. Later, he also showed a sense of humor that attracted the opposite sex. Guo Jianuo said that he was a particularly stuffy and did not have much to say, so he had a lot in common with the role of Chen Qingzhi.

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

Gold Medal Agent: Now that "Chen Er Dog" has been broadcast to the second season, what new performances and changes have you played chen Qingzhi in the new season?

Guo Jianuo: Chen Qingzhi is a typical "sister control", because the whole family is only two brothers and sisters left after the great changes, so he especially loves his sister. But the sister's eyes are invisible, the health is not good, need money for surgery, Chen Qingzhi while cutting people and killing people to make money, but also to take care of his sister. In this respect he is a bloody and warm figure of a big man. He once worked overnight and rushed back to the hospital early the next morning because his sister was going to have surgery. His brotherhood with the second dog is also slowly accumulated, from the initial uncertainty, to the slow familiarity, slow trust, and finally even life can be given to the second dog. The character of Chen Qingzhi has gone through such a process.

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

In addition to the drama "The Evil Life of Chen Er Dog", Guo Jianuo will have a series of works that will meet with the audience in 2017.

For example, the Three Kingdoms epic blockbuster "Army Division Alliance" starring Wu Xiubo, Liu Tao, Li Chen and so on. Guo Jianuo played the famous general Zhang Jaw by Cao Cao's side in the play, who was brave and good at war and strategic.

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

Gold Agent: What was it like to join a big production like League of Soldiers for the first time?

Guo Jianuo: The creative atmosphere of "Military Alliance" is particularly good, this TV series is simply filmed in the standards of movies, and it has been filmed for ten months so far. My role is mainly my partner Wu Xiubo, and in the later stages, I was the deputy governor, and he was the metropolitan governor. Two famous battles in history, such as the Battle of the Street Pavilion that Zhuge Liang lost, were fought by Zhang Jaw. There is also the empty city plan, our version will be completely different from other film and television drama versions, it is from The perspective of Sima Yi to shoot.

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

Gold Agent: What was the biggest takeaway from filming League of Soldiers?

Guo Jianuo: The production cycle of this play is very long, and such a valuable experience will have a great improvement for an actor, both from the heart and in terms of acting skills. Although I don't have a role every day, when there is no drama, I can go to the scene to observe and learn, which makes me have a great gain.

"Our directors Zhang Yongxin and Wu Xiubo, they gave me the feeling that they are really people born for art. Director Zhang is very amiable, and he especially respects every actor. Before filming starts, we will read the script, and everyone can express their own opinions, because everyone has their own interpretation of the history of the Three Kingdoms, so through discussion, it can be integrated into the script. Although this book has been changed many times before filming, it is still fine-tuned during filming. I believe that "The League of Military Divisions" will definitely become the opening drama of next year. Guo Jianuo said.

Next, we will also see Guo Jianuo's handsome figure in the TV series "Summer Solstice Has Not Arrived" and "Choosing Heaven".

In "The Summer Solstice Has Not Arrived", he plays the art teacher with long hair flowing and some humor, like the rhythm of the upper body of the "literary youth"

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

In "Choosing Heaven", Ji Jin, who he played, is an old-fashioned "old professor" image, and the small editor brain makes up the picture of the handsome "White Horse Tanhua" transforming into an elder ~ It is really a little bit of expectation!

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

From "The Evil Life of Chen Er Dog" to "Choosing Heaven" to "Summer Solstice Has Not Arrived", these film and television dramas are based on the novel IP, and the remake into dramas naturally carries the infinite expectations of the original fans. For Guo Jianuo, this is both pressure and motivation. After all, there are a hundred Hamlets in the hearts of a hundred people, and they do their best to interpret the role well, and they are not ashamed to face the support of fans.

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

You see, after the broadcast of "Chen Er Dog", Guo Jianuo's Weibo set off a large wave of fandom and sister confession. This is probably the biggest affirmation and encouragement for an actor!

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

Guo Jianuo wrote in his personal profile on Weibo that "a small actor who is three lines away, a calm pseudo-middle-aged man." Such a small humor is more like a kind of indifferent self-awareness, and at the same time, for the profession of actor, he also has his own small goals and small expectations: "I hope that I can go well step by step on the road of acting, and if I have a good role, I can shoot steadily, and I can get the affirmation and recognition of the audience and friends." ”

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

Gold Agent: What kind of role would you most like to try? What type of drama do you most want to act in?

Guo Jianuo: What I most want to try is the military theme, such as the tough guy drama of special forces. Because before I became an actor, my biggest dream was to join the army and become a special soldier, but for many reasons it was not completed. Now that I have changed my career to an actor, if I can't become a soldier, then I will wear a military uniform!

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

Gold Agent: Which actor would you most like to work with? Who would you most like to work with?

Guo Jianuo: If you want to cooperate more with the older generation of artists, you can learn a lot from them. The director I want to work with the most is Lin Chaoxian, and I like his "Guild Wars" and "Mekong Action".

Speaking of "pseudo-middle age", Guo Jianuo, who was born in 88, is a "post-85" young actor of Totoer. He laughed and said that he probably had more wrinkles on his face because he used to smile too much, and in order to catch the advertisement, he grew his beard, which was out of control, so he filmed "Dad" and "Business Man" for five or six years.

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

When some "post-85s" are still called small fresh meat, Guo Jianuo has already regarded himself as an uncle, because he feels that the title of "small fresh meat" makes people feel as if they only look at the face, and he hopes to be truly remembered by the audience, appreciated for a long time, and can become a classic, relying on acting skills and works to speak.

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

Not willing to classify themselves into the "small fresh meat" column is also Guo Jianuo's insistence, let us continue to look forward to this "pseudo uncle" to bring more good works and good characters!

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Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

Chen Weiting

Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"
Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"
Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"
Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"
Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"
Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"
Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"
Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"
Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"
Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"
Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"
Guo Jianuo: The "White Horse Tanhua" that combines warmth and blood has a "uncle heart"

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