
"Huxiang Footprints" celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the exhibition of watercolor painting theme creation was launched

author:New Hunan

New Hunan Client, October 22 (Correspondent Ma Zhijun) On the afternoon of October 22, the "Huxiang Footprints" watercolor theme creation exhibition celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was opened at the Art Museum of Hunan Provincial Academy of Painting. The exhibition is sponsored by the Hunan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and co-organized by the Hunan Provincial Artists Association, the Academy of Fine Arts of Hunan Normal University, the Hunan Provincial Academy of Painting, and the Hunan Provincial Watercolor Painting Society.

"Huxiang Footprints" celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the exhibition of watercolor painting theme creation was launched

Huang Tieshan, Honorary Director of the China Watercolor Painting Art Committee and Honorary Chairman of the Provincial Artists Association, Liu Yun, Honorary Vice Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Executive Vice Chairman of the Provincial Artists Association, and former President of the Provincial Academy of Painting, Kuang Xiaojin, Vice Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, President of the Provincial Academy of Painting, and Vice Chairman of the Provincial Artists Association, Duan Jianghua, Vice Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Professor of the Hunan Normal University Academy of Fine Arts, and Vice Chairman of the Provincial Artists Association, Chen Feihu, Vice Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Artists Association and Professor of Hunan University, Kan le, Vice Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Artists Association and Professor of Central South University, and members of the Presidium of the Hunan Provincial Artists Association. Liu Yongjian, chairman of the Hunan Watercolor Painting Society, and Duan Hui, Hong Qi, Ye Jingwen, Tang Xiaoming, Liu Xiangdong, Dai Yongqiang, Guo Lou, vice chairmen of the Hunan Watercolor Painting Society, came to see the exhibition.

Three Xiang and four waters, brilliant people, Huxiang culture, has a long history. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Hunan watercolor painting community traced the solid footprints left by the communists on the land of Huxiang from the perspective of searching for the "footprints of Huxiang", and the art reproduced the history of the Communist Party of China leading the people to perseverance and constantly moving toward glory, and focused on launching a number of watercolor painting masterpieces with the praise of the party, the acura motherland, the acura people, and the acura heroes, so that the audience can be inspired and educated from these works, condensing the powerful spiritual force of the people of the province to build the Chinese dream together.

"Huxiang Footprints" celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the exhibition of watercolor painting theme creation was launched

At the scene, Huang Tieshan spoke as a representative of the old artists and welcomed the audience from all walks of life who came to the exhibition. Huang Tieshan said that this is a very meaningful exhibition, which reflects the high political enthusiasm of watercolor painters, the professionalism of hard work and exploration in art, and the professionalism of excellence, and opens a new chapter in the development of watercolor painting in Hunan. Closely following the theme of "a hundred years since the founding of the Party", this watercolor exhibition exhibits a large number of works expressing revolutionary history and people's lives and even huge revolutionary history paintings, which are shocking; many young painters have risen rapidly, innovated with determination, and achieved gratifying achievements; the works in the exhibition are diverse in expression and their personal style is prominent, which is refreshing.

Huang Tieshan stressed that we should not forget our original intentions, remember history, cherish the present, and keep forging ahead. Watercolor art creation should draw nutrition from life, take the people as the center, strengthen the creation of realistic themes, focus on the new era, vigorously promote the innovation of concepts, methods, means, contents, themes, and forms, diversify expressions from different angles and different fields with different artistic styles, carry forward the main melody, spread positive energy, form a creative pattern of a hundred flowers blooming and elegant and popular appreciation, and create more fine works that the people like to hear.

"Huxiang Footprints" celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the exhibition of watercolor painting theme creation was launched
"Huxiang Footprints" celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the exhibition of watercolor painting theme creation was launched
"Huxiang Footprints" celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the exhibition of watercolor painting theme creation was launched
"Huxiang Footprints" celebrates the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the exhibition of watercolor painting theme creation was launched

The exhibition is exhibited in the exhibition halls on the second and third floors of the Art Museum of Hunan Provincial Academy of Painting, with a total of 61 watercolor paintings on display for one week (October 22 to October 28).

[Editor-in-charge: Tang Hui]

[Source: New Hunan Client]

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