
Why is the battle flag so red -- the interpretation of the book "Iron-Blooded Division" Author: Iron 13th Division Wan Guangshui Centenary of the Founding of the Party Special Topic W219] Why is the Battle Flag So Red -- The interpretation of the book "Iron-Blooded Division"

author:Railway soldier culture
Why is the battle flag so red -- the interpretation of the book "Iron-Blooded Division" Author: Iron 13th Division Wan Guangshui Centenary of the Founding of the Party Special Topic W219] Why is the Battle Flag So Red -- The interpretation of the book "Iron-Blooded Division"

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="45" > Centennial Of the Founding of the Party W219] Why is the battle flag so red - the interpretation of the book "Iron-Blooded Master" </h1>

Author: Iron 13th Division Wan Guangshui

Why is the battle flag so red -- the interpretation of the book "Iron-Blooded Division" Author: Iron 13th Division Wan Guangshui Centenary of the Founding of the Party Special Topic W219] Why is the Battle Flag So Red -- The interpretation of the book "Iron-Blooded Division"

  ...... The mountains were filled with smoke and flames, and several comrades-in-arms rushed to our artillery positions that had just been bombed, preparing for rescue... The magnificent scene suddenly stunned everyone: "Range finder Wu Weiqian clutches the rangefinder; Squad leader Hu Xiaosan glared at the blue sky with two eyes; Mai Yuqian, the 4 gunners and deputy squad leader whose lower abdomen was blown empty, stood on the gun plate holding the navigation marker; 5 gunner Luo Zhiguang's abdomen and intestines flowed out, and the hand that was holding the bullet was stuck with a cannonball stained red with blood... Hu Qingping, secretary of the Regiment's Political Department, collapsed in a pool of blood..."

  A huge and solidified picture of the hero's arrogance of "life is endless, fighting is not stopping", which is shocking and shocking the mountains and rivers!

  This is the tragic and magnificent memory of the participants in the War to Aid Vietnam and the United States recorded in "The Iron-Blooded Master".

  During the bombing and counter-bombing struggle with the US army on November 29, 1967, the positions of the six companies and one squad of the artillery regiment of our 6 detachment were hit by heavy shrapnel, and the officers and men were not afraid of danger, insisted on fighting, and made heroic sacrifices. This scene reminds me of the writer Wei Wei's unforgettable and moving description of the soldiers of our volunteer army in the "Battle of Songbone Peak" in "Who is the Most Lovely Person"; Remembering the movie "Visitor on the Iceberg", Amir, a soldier of the People's Liberation Army, was frozen into a tall "ice sculpture man" for victory... Isn't this scene in front of us a reproduction of the heroic spirit of our army?

  Heroes, heroic spirits, and "How is steel made?" It's been echoing in my head.

  The Iron 13th Division had just been formed, that is, the sixth detachment of the Chinese logistics force was formed with its reinforcement to go abroad to participate in the War to Resist the United States, and most of its officers and men had not experienced the tempering of war, and when they stood in the face of the fierce war for the first time, did they not have human fear and weakness?! In particular, a large number of newly recruited soldiers have not only never seen US reconnaissance planes, bombers, and fighters, but also have never heard the loud noise of heavy bombs... How could these young railroad warriors stand up to the number one enemy, the U.S. military?!

  I searched page by page for the solutions in "The Iron-Blooded Master", approaching the Chinese soldiers of that era step by step, and entering the world in which they learned war, adapted to war, and controlled war in war... A series of answers followed.

I. "Actions come from the heart, and strength comes from the will"

  Before going abroad to fight, the six detachments organized troops to conduct more than a month of ideological and political education and training. For this reason, all the commanders and fighters understood "why they participated in the War to Resist US Aggression in Vietnam," "The Time and Tasks of Fighting Abroad," "The Discipline and Requirements of Fighting Abroad," "The Relationship Between Building Roads Abroad and Fighting Wars," "The Revolutionary Tradition of the Troops In Resisting US Aggression and Aiding Korea," "The Exemplary Vanguard Role of Communist Party Members and Communist Youth League Members," "The 'Five Greats' and 'Two Elevations of Prestige,'" "(1)...

  This intensive training enabled the troops to quickly shift from peacetime to wartime, from a peaceful environment to a wartime environment, from their homeland to a foreign country, from the open to secret...

  This training session has filled all officers and men with a sense of pride in adding glory to the country and raising prestige for the army, a sense of mission in fulfilling the obligations of patriotism and internationalism, and a sense of heroism in daring to fight and win and overcome difficulties.

  For a time, the morale of the troops was greatly boosted, and the crowd was full of emotion, like an iron-blooded lion.

Why is the battle flag so red -- the interpretation of the book "Iron-Blooded Division" Author: Iron 13th Division Wan Guangshui Centenary of the Founding of the Party Special Topic W219] Why is the Battle Flag So Red -- The interpretation of the book "Iron-Blooded Division"

Second, "moisturizing and silent"

  Fighting in a foreign country is facing one dangerous and arduous test after another.

  For the sake of secrecy, the fully loaded troops chose to enter the mission site on foot on a dark and rainy night——— the Western Vietnamese Front. After a night of muddy marches to the hidden camp, the troops are waiting for the dry ants, mountain ants, insect bites and dry and wet rainforest. Exhausted officers and men laid out raincoats and rested on the ground, leaned on each other's seats, slept in a variety of postures, and helplessly embraced these blood-sucking and bitten "new friends" and fell asleep.

  At this moment, the party branches of each company urgently studied and quickly carried out mutual assistance and mutual help activities in the emergency march. In an instant, "you help me backpack, I carry a gun for you, a pot of water wheels to drink, a mouthful of dry food to eat evenly" became the norm. The next night, they continued on a narrow marching road with a steep slope of tens of kilometers. In the dark mountains, the cliffs and cliffs, one rope after another connected the comrades-in-arms, you and me, relying on each other's gasps, carefully touched the dawn, walked into the high and densely forested Huanglian Mountain, etc., divided into sparsely populated garrisons, began the tense construction of barracks and the transportation and installation of dozens of tons of construction equipment on the shoulders... There is no rest, seamless hard work, in the atmosphere of cadres and party members full of passion, no one shouts and screams tired, showing the heroic image of a generation of soldiers who are bravely moving forward.

  Zheng Xiaogang, deputy chief of staff of the 35th Brigade, was on his way down from the company when a flash flood broke out and the bridge was broken. For the safety of the soldiers, the 45-year-old veteran who came out of the Korean battlefield, despite the gunshot wounds in his body, jumped into the turbulent water alone, fought several times, and finally pulled the rope to the other side of the river, and immediately solved the feat of the accompanying car people crossing the river, all of which were praised.

  Fang Guangzhi, deputy battalion commander of the fourth battalion of the 34th Brigade, found an unexploded American bomb and immediately disassembled it with his own hands. When demonstrating to the officers and men, he said happily and easily: "This technique was taught by my old squad leader when I was in the Korean battlefield!"

  One day in September 1967, General Luo Hongbiao, acting director of the Engineering Headquarters for Aiding Vietnam and Resisting US Aggression, accompanied by the leaders of the detachment and the brigade, inspected the 1st Battalion of the 34th Brigade of the 6th Detachment, which coincided with a large-scale bombing by the US army. During the bombing, a bomb hit a pot of noodles that the battalion cooking squad was cooking. General Luo said loudly to the officers and men: "The Yankees are blind, and if they blow up for half a day, won't they blow up our pot of noodle soup?" The general's light-hearted humor caused the officers and men to burst into laughter. Afterwards, the commanders and fighters learned that General Luo's son was also a soldier in the 12th Company of the 33rd Battalion of the 33rd Brigade and was fighting with everyone nervously.

  The power of example quickly became a guide, invisibly inspiring the soldiers at the front.

III. "Everything for Peace"

  In the struggle to aid Vietnam and resist the United States, the troops often saw many innocent Vietnamese people die from the bombing of US planes, and there were many coffins of the buried and dead people waiting to be buried.

  The party committees of the six detachments and their political work departments tightly grasped the ideological vein of the troops, and all the political work cadres of the organs went deep into the front line in turn, ate, lived, lived, and fought with the officers and men, and integrated the in-depth and meticulous ideological and political work at the grass-roots level of the troops.

  Luo Bin, political commissar of the six detachments, is an old Red Army soldier who has gone through the tempering of war from Jinggangshan to the Long March; he has been squatting with the officers and men for more than 40 consecutive days in one sitting in one company of the 34th Brigade, teaching by example, stressing the situation, politics, and the immortal soul of the army, guiding the commanders and fighters to strive to become qualified Chinese soldiers, fulfilling their lofty internationalist obligations, and resolutely winning the war, thus setting an exemplary example for the political work cadres of the whole detachment.

  In the rich atmosphere of ideological and political work, all units of the six detachments have vigorously carried out project progress competitions such as "learning from heroes and being heroes" and "thousands of square classes/month, and ten thousand square companies/month, and ten thousand square companies/month" in various forms of propaganda and culture, such as "small trumpets," "blackboard newspapers," "daily war reports," "briefing notes," and "battlefield performances," and have gone all out to publicize that "soldiers who cannot be defeated are heroes, and soldiers who are tired are also heroes." It is necessary to promote the strong revolutionary fighting spirit of all officers and men, comprehensively promote the progress of the project, and maintain a high revolutionary will to struggle against the enemy.

  In that battlefield, in the face of the indiscriminate bombardment of US military aircraft, officers and men fought with hatred and indignation; Watching the sacrifices of their comrades-in-arms fall, the officers and men were furious and denounced the blood debt. They resolutely took the martyr's gun and continued to fight. "Minor injuries cannot reach the line of fire, and serious injuries do not cry or moan" is not only a true portrayal of the officers and men, but also a shining spirit of the heroic and tenacious spirit of the Chinese soldiers.

  This is the spirit of the Chinese soldiers!

Why is the battle flag so red -- the interpretation of the book "Iron-Blooded Division" Author: Iron 13th Division Wan Guangshui Centenary of the Founding of the Party Special Topic W219] Why is the Battle Flag So Red -- The interpretation of the book "Iron-Blooded Division"

IV. "Agni Casts King Kong"

  On August 8, 1966, for the first time, U.S. military aircraft carried out a targeted air strike against our six detachments. Two US fighter-bombers swooped down and dropped bombs at more than 100 officers and men of the 2nd Battalion, 6th Company, 2nd Battalion, 35th Brigade, and more than a dozen dump trucks and road rollers who were working on the road. At this critical juncture, Wu Changxing, a soldier who had been enlisted in the army for more than a year, bravely turned around and drove his newly driven car back to the construction site and rushed along the poured road to attract american planes. The US plane then tracked the strafing. Wu Changxing skillfully used the terrain and landform to drive the car behind a boulder to dodge, causing all the bullets of the US plane to hit the boulder, and successfully covered the rapid evacuation of his comrades-in-arms.

  These are the Chinese soldiers who have been trained in the battlefield.

  During the More Than Three-Year War to Resist US Aggression, the six detachments produced a large number of young Chinese servicemen like Wu Changxing who sacrificed their lives and forgot their deaths, dared to fight hard, and were resourceful and brave.

  During the War to Resist US Aggression for more than three years, a large number of young soldiers from six detachments joined the party.

  During the War to Resist US Aggression for more than three years, six detachments stepped out of the "combat heroes," out of the "hero company," out of the "first-class meritorious regiment," and out of more than 2,770 units and individuals who had achieved first-class, second-class, and third-class meritorious service.

  The battlefield of "blood and fire" has tempered the troops and tempered every officer and soldier. They have experienced indescribable hardships, experienced the tests of life and death, and thrived in the fire!

  It is these outstanding Chinese soldiers who have dyed red with their loyalty to the party, serving the country, daring to fight and win, and a piece of Dan heart that has stained red and reflected the battle flag of hunting in the wind!

  I'm proud of the old troops!

  I am proud of the immortal military soul of the old troops!

  (1): "Five greats" refers to: great party, great country, great people, great army, and great leader; "Two Yang Wei" refers to: Yang Guo Wei and Yang Jun Wei.

  July 9, 2021

  About the Author:

  Wan Guangshui, who joined the army in 1972, successively served as a platoon commander of the 13th Division of the Railway Corps and an officer of the Propaganda Section.

The photo is from the Railway Soldier Album

  EDIT: Have fun