
Smart agriculture makes farming move towards the "no man's era"

author:Agricultural Machinery Agronomic Gang
Smart agriculture makes farming move towards the "no man's era"

Unmanned harvester job site map

On the morning of October 23, 2021, in a golden valley field in Nanyanzhu Village, Nanyanzhu Town, Shouyang County, a tall grain harvester shuttled back and forth between the valley waves, walking and harvesting, turning around, unloading grain, each operation was accurate in place, people could not help but admire the driver's exquisite skills, and when they looked closely, they found that the cab was empty. It turned out that this was the millet industry technology system in Shanxi Province, which was holding a joint harvest site meeting for millet unmanned, and staged a modern agricultural scene of smart farming without harvesting in the ancient hilly mountainous area.

The reporter saw at the scene that the staff first operated the unmanned harvester through the satellite positioning system to locate the point, determine the harvest operation area and automatically plan the operation path, and then set the operation rate and operation data of the unmanned harvester on the remote control. As the expert presses the start button remotely, the harvester opens the "back" shaped millet harvest operation on its own.

Smart agriculture makes farming move towards the "no man's era"

The joy of the farmer's harvest

According to Yuan Xiangyang, director of the Mechanization Research Office of the National Millet Sorghum Industrial Technology System and chief expert of the Shanxi Millet Industry Technology System, this is a millet unmanned combine harvester jointly developed by the National Millet Sorghum Industrial Technology System, the Shanxi Millet Industry Technology System, the Millet Industry Technology Key Innovation Team (Shanxi Agricultural University), Shanghai Adaptive Navigation Technology Co., Ltd., and shouyang County Jinsui Planting Professional Cooperative. The use of traditional agricultural machinery and equipment, strengthen the intelligent and precise core technology and components research and development, the intelligent, information technology applied to millet mechanized production, through the Beidou satellite positioning system, for the first time to achieve millet unmanned combined harvesting, to meet the needs of millet production precision and efficient operation, so that the millet industry in Shanxi Province in the large-scale high-quality development to intelligent, information-based take a key step, for China's millet production to reduce costs, improve quality and efficiency provide important technical and equipment support.

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Smart unmanned millet harvester job site

(Author: Shanxi Agricultural Machinery Development Center, Zhao Jing)