
The 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, these 9 films let us remember history

author:Art Bloom

Today is the 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre and the fourth National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre.

The 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, these 9 films let us remember history

Let us observe a moment of silence for the innocent victims of the 300,000 Massacres,

In the silence of all our compatriots who were slaughtered by the Japanese invaders,

A moment of silence is held to pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs and national heroes who gave their lives for the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression for the Chinese.

On December 13, 1937, the Japanese army invaded China and brutally invaded Nanjing, causing the tragic Nanjing Massacre, in which 300,000 compatriots were killed, countless women were trampled and maimed, countless children died, one-third of the buildings were destroyed, and a large amount of property was plundered.

The 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, these 9 films let us remember history

Whether it is the number of deaths or the means of murder, this massacre can be called a dehumanizing atrocity against humanity, and like the Nazi Holocaust at Auschwitz, it has become a witness to the great disaster brought by fascism to mankind, and it is the darkest page in human history.

The 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, these 9 films let us remember history

From the movie "Nanjing Massacre" thirty years ago to the later "Qixia Temple 1937" and "Rabe's Diary", one film and television work after another reminds generations of Chinese people not to forget the pain of history. Yi Xijun (ID: bjvariety) has taken stock of a documentary video material, 8 of the most representative films reflecting this historical event, and the big screen will always remember this historical catastrophe.

Real Footage taken by John Magee (1937)

The 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, these 9 films let us remember history

In 1946, Maggie testified before the International Military Tribunal for the Far East on behalf of the Japanese Nanjing Massacre

John Maggie was an American missionary who was involved in the rescue of Chinese refugees during the Nanjing Massacre and filmed the massacre of Japanese soldiers Chinese. He shot 4 films with a total time of 105 minutes, these real shots are strong evidence of the Japanese massacre in Nanjing, the only dynamic picture of the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese army invading China that has survived to this day, and has become the ironclad evidence of the atrocities of the Japanese army.

Nanjing Massacre (1982)

Douban score 8.1

The 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, these 9 films let us remember history

Produced by the China News Film Studio, this black-and-white documentary is a rich and informative documentary that truly records the massacre of more than 300,000 people in Nanjing by the Japanese invaders in 1937.

"Slaughter City Blood Certificate" (1987)

Directed by Luo Guanqun

Starring Qu Naishe Shen Danping Chen Daoming Wu Lijie

Douban score 6.6

The 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, these 9 films let us remember history

This is the first feature film in China to positively show the atrocities of the Nanjing Massacre committed by the Japanese army invading China, telling the story of the inhumane massacre carried out by the Japanese army invading China after occupying Nanjing in 1937, and the Chinese doctor Zhan Tao disregarded his personal safety and tried every means to send photos proving the crimes of the Japanese army to Nanjing. At that time, the film filled a major gap in the history of Chinese cinema about the Nanjing Massacre, and it was filmed in a timely manner. The film condenses the disasters of the Nanjing Massacre, with a small view and a small weight.

May-August (2002)

Directed by Du Guowei

Starring Ye Tong Lin Quan

Douban score 7.8

The 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, these 9 films let us remember history

The film does not portray the bloody scene of the Nanjing Massacre from a positive point of view, but through the breakdown of the little sisters' families in May and August, it is the first time from the perspective of a child that the Nanjing Massacre brought disasters to millions of Chinese families. Different from the perspective of the general frontal war scene, the film takes the encounter of a family under the war as the main axis, so that the audience can truly feel the harm caused by the Japanese invasion war to the Chinese family from another angle, not only physical killing, but also psychological trauma. Photography master Li Pingbin took charge of the film and shot the picture poignantly and tragically. The mother played by Ye Tong in the film is extremely infectious.

Qixia Temple 1937 (2004)

Directed by Zheng Fangnan

Starring Ding Mengyu Zhang Xinhua Chen Youwang

Douban score 7.7

The 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, these 9 films let us remember history

At the end of 1937, the Japanese army occupied Nanjing, which carried out a bloody massacre for several weeks, and a large number of refugees in Nanjing poured into Qixia Temple to escape the Japanese army. In the face of the mad slaughter of the city by the Japanese army, Master Shuran, Master Yueji and Master Zhikai of Qixia Temple led the monks to rescue more than 24,000 refugees. As the first film in China to positively depict Buddhist monks and Buddhist circles loving the country and religion, this film will show the long-unknown Qixia Temple refugee camp in front of the public, and this history of national disasters and resistance can be reproduced through film and television art, bringing the audience shock and deep thinking. The film also boldly uses Fo Le, which is very consistent with the development of the plot.

The Tokyo Trial (2006)

Directed by Gao Qunshu

Starring Zeng Jiang, Xie Junhao, Yingda, Liu Songren, Zeng Zhiwei

Douban score 7.3

The 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, these 9 films let us remember history

In 1946, the International Military Tribunal for the Far East tried Japanese war criminals in Tokyo, which consisted of 11 judges from 11 countries. Appointed by the Chinese Nationalist Government, the Chinese judges headed by Mei Ruxuan, squeezed by the forces dominated by the interests of major powers, fought on the basis of reason and struggled to break through, and finally sent seven war criminals led by Hideki Tojo to the gallows by a slight advantage of six to five. The film is about the process of reviewing the war and its responsibilities. The film does not portray the war positively, but instead uses an attitude of reflection on history to inspire love for national self-esteem and express the pursuit of peace. Among them, Justice Mei Ruxuan won the seats of the Chinese in the final trial session, and the bridge section of the tongue war with many war criminals was thrilling and shocking.

The Diary of Rabe (2009)

Directed by Flory Gallenberg

Starring Ulrich Tucker Daniel Bruch Steve Bussimi Zhang Jingchu

Douban score 7.2

The 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, these 9 films let us remember history

John Rabe is known as "China's Schindler." The German businessman built a safe zone of nearly 4 square kilometers in the Nanjing Massacre, saving the lives of more than 200,000 Chinese civilians. In February 1938, an undetermined conscience prompted him to write to Adolf Hitler calling for the exposure of the heinous crimes committed by the Japanese invaders in China, but he suffered injustice and died in a miserable state. The film tells about the Nanjing Massacre from an international perspective, does not show too many scenes of brutal killing and rape by the Japanese army, but focuses on Rabe's rescue of people, conveying the great love that transcends the boundaries of national race. After the film was released, it was completely banned in Japan.

Nanjing! nanking! 》(2009)

Directed by Lu Chuan

Starring Liu Ye Gao Yuanyuan Fan Wei Qin Lan Zhongquan Hero

Douban score 7.4

The 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, these 9 films let us remember history

Through the experiences of an ordinary Japanese soldier and an ordinary Chinese soldier during the Nanjing Massacre, the film reveals the devastation of war on human nature. The film depicts group portraits of different people when the massacre came: Chinese soldiers who regard death as a homecoming and fiercely resist, intellectuals who do their best to save their families, women who sacrifice themselves with weak bodies to block the Japanese army... The black and white images make the picture extremely tense, with a sense of distant history. In order to restore the real Nanjing City, the crew spent more than 30 million yuan in Changchun to restore 800 acres of Nanjing ruined city pool. In order to ensure authenticity, all the props on the shooting site were imitated from cultural relics, and even a newspaper torn up by John Rabe, a German who rescued Chinese during the Nanjing Massacre, was copied from a German newspaper dated December 13, 1937.

The Thirteen Nobles of Jinling (2011)

Directed by Zhang Yimou

Starring Christian Bell Ni Ni Ni Tong Dawei

Douban score 8.0

The 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, these 9 films let us remember history

Based on Yan Geling's novel of the same name, it tells the touching story of Nanjing, China, which was occupied by the Japanese army in 1937, and happens between people who do not know each other in a church. An American posing as a priest to save people, a group of schoolgirls hiding in a church, 14 dusty women fleeing the war, and soldiers and wounded soldiers who resisted to the death, they laid down their lives and deaths in a time of crisis to go to a tragic death covenant. Zhang Yimou cuts from the legendary perspective of the Wind and Dust Woman, expressing the theme of redemption and reflecting the noble humanitarianism. More than half of the Chinese actors in the film are newcomers to the film for the first time, and the crew has been training them for two years, and the performance in the film is generally affirmed.

The 80th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre, these 9 films let us remember history


Remember history

Cherish peace

Author and Editor of this issue: Yuan Yun'er

Subscription number: YiXi · WeChat: bjvariety

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