
Former TVB Royal Alien was 4 months pregnant, generously announced the sex of the fetus: began to read parenting books

author:Spoiler Hong Kong drama

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Artist Chen Mingen and her first love boyfriend Zheng Xian officially married in February three years ago and successfully formed a new family, at that time they expressed that they wanted to spend two or three years in the world of two people first, and then decided to have children. Just in May 2020, Chen Mingen announced the arrival of their child on the social platform, it is estimated that it can be born this year, and today also revealed to us the gender of the child, which is a boy. She said it was a big gift from Heaven.

Former TVB Royal Alien was 4 months pregnant, generously announced the sex of the fetus: began to read parenting books

Chen Mingen also uploaded a photo of her and her husband, in which she held a balloon shaped like a boy to indicate that her child was a boy, and left a message: "My child is a boy, I know that many friends think my child is a boy, and now we know what clothes and shoes to prepare for him." ”

Former TVB Royal Alien was 4 months pregnant, generously announced the sex of the fetus: began to read parenting books

Some netizens saw this photo and left a message saying, Chen Ming'en you have to be careful. It turned out to be a photo of her sitting on a high wall to take a picture.

Former TVB Royal Alien was 4 months pregnant, generously announced the sex of the fetus: began to read parenting books

In addition to welcoming her children, Chen Mingen's contract with TVB in February this year also expired, and she announced her departure from TVB, and "Flying Tiger's Thunder Pole Battle" will also become her farewell work.

Former TVB Royal Alien was 4 months pregnant, generously announced the sex of the fetus: began to read parenting books

Chen Ming'en, 39, graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, where she studied musical theatre, so she had a lot of experience on stage, having worked as a dance troupe, actor, model and so on.

Former TVB Royal Alien was 4 months pregnant, generously announced the sex of the fetus: began to read parenting books

In 2007, he acted as an actor in a drama, and then in 2013, he acted in "Old Watch, Hello!" One of the characters was really well known to the audience, and in the same year she also went to a singing competition and won the third place, which made her suddenly interested in the music world, and her first paitai song was "Xenomorph".

Former TVB Royal Alien was 4 months pregnant, generously announced the sex of the fetus: began to read parenting books

Now leaving the show business circle, she said: "Over the years, I have met a lot of talented people working at TVB, and I am very grateful to my colleagues and friends for helping me and giving me the opportunity to learn a lot of things."

Former TVB Royal Alien was 4 months pregnant, generously announced the sex of the fetus: began to read parenting books

I'm just out of contract now and want to recuperate for a while. After a while, I will continue to participate in different acting work, make myself more progressive, pursue a newer me, and then appear in front of the audience to bring more freshness to everyone. ”

Now pregnant Chen Mingen said that she is a nervous mother, plus this special period is even more nervous, so it will be in place in terms of disinfection.

Former TVB Royal Alien was 4 months pregnant, generously announced the sex of the fetus: began to read parenting books

Asked about this pregnancy, did the husband have any indications? She said: "Now my husband does a lot of things, I am at home like an empress, every night he will help me massage, I have back pain he will also help me stretch my muscles, because my husband has read exercise therapy." So our feelings are better now than before. Asked if he had decided where to go and have a baby, Chan said he had not yet decided whether to be born in Hong Kong or New Zealand.

Former TVB Royal Alien was 4 months pregnant, generously announced the sex of the fetus: began to read parenting books

Chen Ming'en's father is a New Zealander and his mother is a European, so Chen Ming'en is a mixed race.

Former TVB Royal Alien was 4 months pregnant, generously announced the sex of the fetus: began to read parenting books

Minn's mom is a teacher who knows how to give a child an open educational environment, so Minn's social and life is never inexperienced. Because her mother would arrange different activities or volunteer services for her, etc.

Former TVB Royal Alien was 4 months pregnant, generously announced the sex of the fetus: began to read parenting books

Chen Mingen, who is so excellent, hopes that she can get better and better, bring us more good works in the future, and at the same time look forward to seeing the arrival of her children, which must be very cute.

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