
I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

author:Shangguan News

The baton of epidemic prevention and control stationed at Xuhui District at Pudong Airport was passed on to the 11th batch of volunteers, and Xue Jiliang from the Xuhui District Justice Bureau was the leader of the second group. He said at the group's mobilization meeting for the war: "Guarding the 'Shanghai' volunteer work is a training ground for 'ideological tempering, political experience, and practical training,' and it is also a 'battlefield' where we are tested on the front line of the 'epidemic'; we must firmly grasp the set goal of 'good completion of tasks, zero infection of personnel, and zero reporting of inspectors', adhere to the leadership of party building, give play to the exemplary role of party members, practice the Zhengzheng oath of 'I have the responsibility to guard the safety of Shanghai, and I do my duty in retrograde fight against the epidemic', pass on the baton, fulfill our duties at the post, guard a door with blood, and protect a city with love." ”

I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

The second set of family portraits

I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

"I'm a communist, I want to go to the front line"

I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

Xu Liang from the Xujiahui City Management Squadron is a 25-year-old party member, although there are elderly people and families who need to be taken care of, but in order to participate in this mission, he has asked the organization to fight three times, asked to participate in the frontline fight against the epidemic, and finally got his wish. As the deputy team leader, he is conscientious and responsible, actively coordinates, serves passengers very thoughtfully, and deals with emergencies well. Under his influence, Wu Sijia, a post-95 female comrade from the Hongmei Street Grid Center, submitted an application to join the party under the party banner very carefully after completing three rounds of work. As the only woman in this group, although she is the youngest, she is very meticulous and patient in her work, even if she works the night shift, she always sticks to her post.

I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

Submit an application to join the Party

I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

The party flag takes the oath

I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

Study of rule of law theory

"We are very focused and have always been very attentive"

I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

The epidemic prevention and control work at the airport is a "coordinated battle", "overall battle" and "protracted battle", and we must go all out, concentrate and devote ourselves to it. Team member Xu Di, from the Arbitration Court of the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, a member of the Civil Construction Party, and Tang Shu, a member of the group, from the Organization Department of the Organization Department, the two usually do not talk much, but they are very passionate about the volunteer work, very focused, good at thinking, and can put forward opinions and suggestions at each task analysis meeting organized by the group.

I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely


I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

Kill frequently

Since the mission, the task analysis meeting has been held twice, forming the "five noes and five diligences" of health protection in the work area (no eating, no drinking, no touching the face, not taking off the equipment, not leaving gaps, washing and wiping frequently, washing and eliminating frequently, checking and reminding frequently); the five steps of passenger information verification "one question, two sweeps, three selections, four beats, and five recordings"; and the "four reminders" for service and transfer passengers (reminders to do a good job in personal exclusion before departure, reminders on board safety matters during transfer, reminders to take good personal belongings after delivery, Before returning to the hotel, remind to do a good job of washing and eliminating) and other working methods, effectively improve work efficiency and ensure their own safety.

"We wish you 'very' satisfied with our service"

I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

Sun Chaohan from the Caohejing Street Service Office is a veteran of college students after the 90s. Since the outbreak of the epidemic last year, he has not only been a liaison officer for the street epidemic prevention team, but also served as a volunteer at the hotel's isolation point. In various emergency situations at the airport, he has a calm and composure that is different from his peers, using his rich work experience to receive passengers, answer policies, and deal with contradictions...

A flight has a passenger, nearly seventy years old, according to her own words have two days and two nights have not closed their eyes, in order to be able to return to Shanghai for the New Year, in the take-off and landing airport has scanned more than a dozen two-dimensional code, because did not clarify the isolation policy, but also has been rejected by other districts 2 times, plus the mobile phone in the country no signal, each operation feels very cumbersome, the heart is more and more impatient, and even a little emotional out of control at the airport. After arriving at the Xuhui reception point, Xiaosun patiently listened to the passengers and calmed her emotions in fluent Shanghainese, while opening hot spots, helping to scan codes, clarifying policies, and verifying information, through nearly an hour of hard work, finally calmed the passenger's anxious heart.

I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

Warm reception

I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

Assistance with checked baggage

I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

Help with luggage to the bus

"I'm a community transporter, not on the front line is also on the front line"

Team member Chen Zelu, from the District Civil Affairs Bureau, is a post-80s, meticulous work, warm treatment, calm handling. His lover works in the street and is usually very busy, and the children in the family can only be entrusted to the care of the elderly. It is responsible for all claims, safeguards and transshipment of protective materials during the mission.

I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

Airport duty

He said: "Once I transferred passengers to the community, just arrived at the community where I live, although my home is close at hand, but the iron law of epidemic prevention cannot be broken." The Spring Festival is approaching, the night shift task has become more arduous, Comrade Chen Zelu took the initiative to ask to go to the airport frontline, he said, the task area to go to one more person, can allow the team leader to better handle various situations, maintain physical strength.

Since the beginning of the mission, there have been 4 policemen from the South Railway Station Police Station Zhuang Fan, Fenglin Police Station Hu Wenjie, Traffic Police Detachment Wang Yanming, hengfu Police Station Gu Yanmin standing side by side to guard the "Shanghai" family "yuan", on the occasion of the Spring Festival, adhere to their posts, light up the lights of thousands of homes.

I have the responsibility to keep the "Shanghai" peace, and I am responsible for fighting the "epidemic" retrogradely

Community transshipment

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