
Xunyi County's new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work conference was held

author:Market Weekly
Xunyi County's new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work conference was held
Xunyi County's new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work conference was held

On October 19, the xunyi county new crown pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work conference was held, and Shi Hu, deputy secretary of the county party committee and acting county governor, attended the meeting and spoke.

At the meeting, Zhang Fengni, deputy county magistrate of the county government, arranged for the recent prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Xunyi County. The relevant responsible comrades of the County Health and Health Bureau, the Market Supervision Bureau, the Transportation Bureau, the Agriculture and Rural Bureau, the Housing and Construction Bureau, and the Cultural Relics and Tourism Bureau made statements on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

Shi Hu demanded that all levels and departments in Xunyi County must enhance their ideological understanding, resolutely overcome paralysis and war-weariness, and ensure that they do not go out unless necessary, do not have a fluke mentality, and if they really need to go out, they must do a good job in reporting, cooperate with epidemic prevention work, and ensure that there are no mistakes in epidemic prevention and control. All epidemic prevention and control points should do a good job of duty work, implement responsibilities in detail, achieve seamless docking, and orderly handover; they should work together in a multi-pronged manner, weave a tightly knitting epidemic prevention and control network, base themselves on reality, refine plans, refine measures, and refine responsibilities, and ensure that various prevention and control measures are implemented; they must re-explore key groups, adhere to the combination of big data push information and active investigation, and implement the four early requirements (early detection, early reporting, early isolation, and early treatment); we must continue to strengthen the registration management of personnel in key parts such as bus stations and highway intersections. Strengthen the testing and inspection of cold chain food processing, transportation, storage and sales and other places, do a good job of monitoring plans for commercial stores, hotels, guesthouses, enterprise construction sites, bazaars, stadiums, tourism and entertainment venues and other crowded areas, supervise and strictly implement the scanning code temperature measurement; we must continue to do a good job in publicity and education on epidemic prevention and control, guide the general public to do a good job in daily protection, do not believe rumors, do not spread rumors, and in principle do not undertake large-scale offline activities or meetings. All tourist scenic spots and scenic spots should make reservations, stagger peaks, divert flows, and reduce the gathering of personnel; it is necessary to standardize and deal with strict management, effectively strengthen the investigation of susceptible risks, and supervise and guide all medical institutions to do a good job in the system of responsibility for the first diagnosis and access control management; it is necessary to make overall plans and take into account the overall situation, resolutely build a wall of epidemic prevention, speed up vaccination, increase the vaccination rate, and ensure that material support is sufficient, improve the emergency plan, and scientifically allocate materials, so that it is better to be prepared than not used, and it is not available and unprepared. The office of the county epidemic prevention and control headquarters should think through the problems and methods, give full play to the role of taking the lead in grasping the general, work guidance, supervision and inspection, etc., to ensure that the upper and lower hearts, Xunyi County is a chess game, resolutely win the epidemic prevention and control battle, and escort the life safety of the people in Xunyi County.

(Source: Xunyi County People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send private messages or send 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】


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