
Former Liao football player Qu Leheng appeared at the hotel and smiled by pushing a wheelchair into the mirror

On May 31, 2018, Qu Leheng, a former Liaoning Football Club player, appeared at the hotel in Shanghai. (Photo attribution: Oriental IC) "

Former Liao football player Qu Leheng appeared at the hotel and smiled by pushing a wheelchair into the mirror

Qu Leheng got out of the car. (Photo attribution: Oriental IC) "

Former Liao football player Qu Leheng appeared at the hotel and smiled by pushing a wheelchair into the mirror

Self-pushing wheelchair with a smile. (Photo attribution: Oriental IC) "

Former Liao football player Qu Leheng appeared at the hotel and smiled by pushing a wheelchair into the mirror

Looks like he's in a good state of mind. (Photo attribution: Oriental IC) "

Former Liao football player Qu Leheng appeared at the hotel and smiled by pushing a wheelchair into the mirror

Qu Leheng appeared at the hotel. (Photo attribution: Oriental IC) "

Former Liao football player Qu Leheng appeared at the hotel and smiled by pushing a wheelchair into the mirror