
Third grade unit eighth homework sample essay: that time play really happy, worth collecting twenty-four point game blowing bubbles sea rhyme beach fun "two people three feet" interesting zoo this is just a misunderstanding autumn swimming to the water park swimming really happy that time play really happy eagle catch chick word solitaire

author:Famous teacher essay
Third grade unit eighth homework sample essay: that time play really happy, worth collecting twenty-four point game blowing bubbles sea rhyme beach fun "two people three feet" interesting zoo this is just a misunderstanding autumn swimming to the water park swimming really happy that time play really happy eagle catch chick word solitaire

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > a twenty-four-point game</h1>

In today's thinking training class, Teacher Xu taught us to play the twenty-four point game.

The teacher first said the rules of the game: "I come up with four different numbers, you use all four numbers, arbitrarily use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and calculate the final number of 24, even if you win." Is it clear? The classroom immediately boiled over, and the students said in unison, "Clear! ”

The teacher saw the expressions of great excitement on everyone's faces, nodded, and then turned his head and wrote four numbers on the blackboard: "4-6-1-1." "That's not easy!" I didn't wait for everyone to react, so I raised my hands high. Naturally, the teacher saw me being the first to raise my hand and motioned for me to get up and answer. When I said "4×6× 1×1=24" aloud, the classroom immediately burst into warm applause. I know that this applause must contain affirmation, encouragement and envy for me!

Since I won for the first time, I was overwhelmed and answered many of the following questions with lightning speed. Due to the presence of me, a super strong player, the other students could only watch the scores of the first group I was in jump up. In the end, our group won the first place without any suspense.

After class, many of my classmates looked at me with admiration. I am naturally very happy to be affirmed by everyone, after all, this is an honor. However, I also warn myself in my heart: don't be proud! Although I have a certain talent in this area, I also have shortcomings in other aspects. I should soberly realize that everyone has their own strengths and strengths, and we must learn from each other and learn from each other's strong points.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > blow bubbles</h1>

"Haha... Come on..." A string of laughter, a burst of cheers came and went, from time to time from our class. Hey, why is it so lively? Passing students stretched out their small heads and looked in through the window. It turned out that in this activity class, Teacher Jiajia was playing the "Blow bubbles" game with us.

Ms. Jiajia sent three bottles of sparkling water to each of our groups. Everyone scrambled to pick up the bubbles in their hands and blow them, and the classroom immediately became a "bubble palace", colorful, large and small bubbles fluttered everywhere in the classroom, and the joy of the students also fluttered everywhere inside and outside the classroom. Wang Jun shouted humorously, "Eat pearls large and small!" His words drew laughter.

I was deeply infected by the joyful atmosphere of the scene, and also joined the ocean of joy, blowing out more and more bubbles, I was surrounded by these beautiful bubbles, which made me very excited. I thought: Be sure to let the bubbles see the outside world. So I happily opened the window. Under the call of the beautiful breeze, the string of beautiful bubbles flew away from the window, running to the blue sky and running to the white clouds.

Haha, in ancient times, there were quaker fathers day by day, and now there are bubbles chasing the sun. I thought: these bubbles must also be willing to travel in the air, they bring our wishes for a better life, but also bring our childhood joy!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Haiyun Beach</h1>

Blue sky, white clouds, fresh breeze, beautiful sun, and a pair of little sisters laughing under the beach.

One Saturday morning, my sister Xiao Shuang and I met again to the beautiful Bali Lake Haiyun Beach. Haiyun Beach actually has no sea, because it imitates the charm of tropical beaches, hence the name.

The two of us came to Haiyun Beach with excitement, and couldn't help but sigh heartily, Bali Lake is so big, we can't see our heads at a glance. At the end of the lake lie a few green mountains, looming, dotting the vast Bali Lake even more gracefully. Haiyun Beach is located on the section of Bali Lake Avenue, and because it came too early, only a few people can be seen on the beach.

Approaching the gate, I saw a cruise ship parked on the shore. This cruise must have been prepared for us, it was so good, we came early and happened today! Our sisters and sons rushed to the boat with an arrow. The boat couldn't stand our tossing and turning, dangling in the water. We grabbed the side of the boat hard, and the boat stopped rocking and honestly accepted our sister flowers. When I settled down, I was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a stone arch bridge on this vast lake, which was tantamount to Copernicus discovering a new continent, which was very good! I shouted happily, "Let's paddle to the little bridge!" ”。 The next picture is so beautiful, our boat in the warm waters of the lake, enjoying the broken silver sprinkled by the sunset, shaking all the way to the "Grandma Bridge".

After seeing the true face of "Grandma Bridge", we returned to the beach and played with the thrilling trampoline for a while, which was the satisfaction of leaving the fascinating Haiyun Beach.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > interesting "two-legged trip"</h1>

As soon as the bell rang at the end of class, I was the first to rush to the playground and wait for my classmates to play the game.

The students quickly rushed over, and the playground immediately became lively. I propose to play the game of "two-on-three". Li Zerui rushed to say: "I have played this game many times, I know, it is two people in a group, tied to one of the adjacent feet to race." When running up, the two must cooperate well, so that they will go faster and faster. I was a little unhappy in my heart: "Li Zerui, you have said everything I want to say, can't you wait for me to finish speaking?" ”

The four of us just split into two groups, me and Li Shiyan, Zhou Hao'en and Jiang Zixuan. After dividing the groups, the competition officially began. I held a wave of energy in my stomach and vowed to win. Who knows, Zhou Haoen and Jiang Zixuan's combination is super strong, and their speed of running is too fast, and they have thrown us both down a lot at once. But we didn't give up and got up in the back. Three meters, two meters, one meter, gradually shortened the distance with them. Now they panicked. Sometimes you dragged me, sometimes I pulled you, sometimes the two of them fell down together, and they climbed with a rolling belt. Looking at their foreign appearances, we know that the opportunity must not be lost, and the loss will not come again. So tacitly cooperate with the action and follow closely. Four meters away from the finish line, we finally overtook Zhou Hao'en and won the race.

Zhou Hao'en, they looked at us with a sense of oblivion, very unconvinced, and shouted to win the second game. However, the "bell rings..." The class bell rang, and they had to run to the classroom with regret. The playground left us with a string of hearty laughter.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > interesting zoo</h1>

In the summer of 2019, my mother was going to take our brothers and sons to the zoo to play.

I had never been to the zoo since I was a child, and I told my brother the good news for the first time. Unexpectedly, his brother's frozen face was actually melted, and the brilliant sunshine was written on his face.

When I arrived at the zoo, the legs understood my excitement, and as soon as I landed, I was like a cheerful deer galloping to the gate.

Entering the gate, I followed the signs to visit one by one. There are so many animals here! Monkeys, hippos, rhinos, tigers, lions... Everything. As I reached a wooden bridge, I saw an animal that terrified me———— crocodile. A dozen ferocious crocodiles were in the mud pond under the bridge. I looked around and saw that some tourists had deliberately thrown the meat they bought down and fed them. I didn't expect crocodiles to be so fierce, and there were still people who were rare! Crocodiles were seen opening their terrible fangs and enjoying the food brought by tourists. Soon, the meat that was thrown down was gone! If this falls, the little life will be over.

Next, we saw tigers ———— the forest country. The tiger in its cage had long since lost its domineering spirit as the king of the forest, and lay there slouching motionless. It seems that one thing drops one thing!

Later, I visited other animals. During this visit, I saw animals that I wouldn't normally see, which made me gain a lot of insight and I was very happy.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > this is just a misunderstanding</h1>

One winter evening, my mother took me and my sister home together.

It was a particularly cold night, and the bitter cold wind made the road bitterly cold. And that wasn't all, and then the cold rain fell again. The three of us, mother and daughter, did not expect the weather to be so bad, and it was so cold that it was shivering. The cold wind scraped my face like a knife, and the cold rain hit my hair and body mercilessly. To avoid further harm, my sister and I took off our coats and draped them over our messy hair.

Soon, we arrived at the entrance of the community. I was about to enter when suddenly a harsh voice came into my ears: "Mom, ghost! "I was shocked that it turned out to be a little brother who was looking at our sisters sheepishly and looking at us straight!". How? You actually think of our sisters as 'ghosts'? "It's so angry and funny! I glared at him fiercely and said with anger, "You are so rare and strange!" Haven't you ever seen twins? ”

The little brother knew the truth, smiled at me with apologies, and said, "I'm really sorry, I was wrong." Sister, don't blame me. As the saying goes, "Reach out and don't hit the smiley face." I saw him sincerely apologize, which turned to anger and joy, and responded: "It's okay." ”

I thought: although he misunderstood us, but the courage to admit his mistakes, I will still forgive him, and I am very happy in my heart, I want to be a generous person.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > autumn tour</h1>

In November last year, the autumn was high and sunny, and Teacher Wang led our classmates to the suburbs for an autumn trip.

We came to a pavilion. Teacher Wang said to us, "Students, now let's come to see a performance. "Sure enough, there was a playground underneath us, and a makeshift stage was set up in the center of it, and a performance was about to be held on the stage.

What kind of performance will it be? The students were talking about it, and they couldn't agree.

Under our eager anticipation, the curtain on the stage slowly opened. The little eyes of all the students were staring at the stage tightly. A little puppet girl appeared on the stage, and she was taking a leisurely walk! Only then did we understand that this was a puppet show. She was walking when a tiger suddenly popped out. The teacher told us that this tiger was transformed by a monster and specialized in eating people in this area. As soon as I looked, this monster turned into a tiger that was really terrible, it looked very fierce and strong, and when it saw the little girl, it immediately looked fierce and made a deafening roar at the little girl. This roar did not matter, the little girl immediately fainted in fright, and collapsed on the ground. In the end, the little girl was eaten alive by the tiger. What a poor little girl! Seeing this, I expressed deep sympathy for this little girl, hated this fierce tiger to the bone, and hoped that a great hero would appear to punish this heinous guy.

In our anticipation, the hero appeared! He is the miraculous Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong learned from the mouths of the common people that the monster transformed into a tiger to harm the party, and decided to kill the demon. When he found the tiger monster, he found the man-eating tiger monster lying there and sleeping. Sun Wukong was furious, he picked up the golden hoop stick, and it was a stick towards the tiger monster's face door. After being beaten, the tiger monster wakes up from his sleep. Without saying a word, it immediately tangled with Sun Wukong. The two fight in the dark, and in the end, Sun Wukong kills this evil tiger monster to eliminate harm for the people.

After reading it, the students all applauded in unison. I also took a long breath, which corresponded to a sentence: "Good is rewarded with good, evil is rewarded with evil, not by not being repaid, the time has not yet come." "I am so happy to see such a wonderful performance and be able to travel with my classmates in autumn."

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > it was a pleasure to swim in the water park</h1>

On Sunday afternoon, Dad was going to take our whole family for a swim at the water park, which was great!

Along the way, I was like a happy bird, chirping non-stop.

Entering the water park, I saw that the water was full of people, usually adults accompanying children to play. I was led by my dad to the pool. My eyes kept on the people playing in the water, but I didn't pay attention to my feet. One carelessly, I tripped over a water ladder and got out of the water. Unprepared, I choked on a few mouthfuls of water in the pool, and my father, who was beside me, quickly pulled me out of the water. How dangerous! If it wasn't for My Dad protecting me, I don't know what would have happened! I stood in the water scared silly, stunned for half a day before I cried out "wow".

Dad quickly hugged me and gently soothed: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, let's go to the shallow water over there!" "Hmm!" I nodded vigorously, took my father's left hand, and went to the shallow water with my sister. Who knows, just after going into the water, my sister also slipped, and my father rushed to help her up. After this slip-and-fall experience, both of us sisters were extra careful. Next, we were all infected by the joyful atmosphere of the children in the park, and happily threw ourselves into the swimming team.

Although this time, both of our sisters wrestled, we still had a lot of fun and the family was happy.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > had a great time</h1>

Today, at the warm invitation of my hometown friend Li Xiaoya, I once again embarked on the road back to my hometown.

The car back to my hometown was happily marching on the cement path in the countryside, and I couldn't suppress my excitement, and I kept looking out the window and looking at it. At this sight, I actually saw Li Xiaoya waiting for my arrival at the door of the house, and the two of us really "have a sharp mind!" As soon as the car arrived at her door, Li Xiaoya greeted her. With a big smile on her face, she took my hand affectionately and pulled me all the way into her house.

As soon as I entered the house, before I was seated, she couldn't wait to say to me: "Let's go play jump rope and see who jumps more!" I hurriedly said, "Good"! It seems that the person who knows me is none other than Li Xiaoya, she has long made a plan to play, and our sisters are really heart-to-heart!

Xi Ya took out the jump rope that had been prepared long ago, and we came to the dojo in front of the door together, and a pair of sister flowers began to dance happily. Two people take turns counting and taking turns jumping. Jumping and jumping, I gradually felt some heat in my body, but I did not have the slightest intention of stopping. After jumping for a while, I was a little out of breath, and Xi Ya was also gasping for breath. But neither of us gave up and continued to jump and jump. Gradually, I felt my legs getting heavier and heavier, so that I couldn't catch up with the end of the rope, and I was always tripped by the rope. The situation of the "battle-hardened" drama is not much better.

At this time, Xi Ya gasped and spoke: "Today's play is really in place, it is really cool." Are you hi or not? "Hi, hi, hi." After the hi, I saw that it was getting late, so I said goodbye to her.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > eagle catching chicks</h1>

This afternoon, I went downstairs to play in the neighborhood and saw someone playing a game of eagle catching chickens. I didn't know them, but a shared hobby prompted us to play together very quickly.

We shouted like happy birds, "Chicks, eagles catch chicks!" ”

So who's going to be the eagle? No one wants to be an eagle! How difficult it is for eagles to fight alone and defeat a flock of chickens! There was no way but to come out with rock-paper-scissors to decide who the eagle was. As a result, I became this unlucky egg and had to admit my fate. After determining the eagle, and then determine who will be the "chicken mother", the chickens all want to be the "chicken mother", that is not OK, because the chicken needs the protection of the "chicken mother", so everyone unanimously elected the tall and big chicken to serve as this glorious "chicken mother".

The game soon began, and my "eagle" immediately launched an operation to capture it. I opened my powerful "wings" and struggled to pounce on the "chickens". The "mother chicken" stared at me warily, and also opened her wide "wings" to block my way and protect her child. When I looked at this posture, I was embarrassed: "The chicken" has the protection of the "mother chicken", and it is difficult to be caught. What to do? Time is tight, and I must outwit it in order to make a quick decision. My mind was spinning rapidly, and suddenly I thought to myself: "Yes! I saw a fat 'chick' and he was slow to move, so why don't I get off him! But - the chicken stopped me, what to do? "I made a clever move, and the posture rushed to the left, and the chicken did not know what the plan was, and also followed to the left to stop me. Before she could turn back to the left, I deftly turned to the right with lightning speed and broke through her defenses! The "Book of Soldiers" says: 'Soldiers are not tired of deception'. I screamed east and west, she actually hit my count, haha! ”

Then, according to the established strategy, I pounced on the panicked "little fat chicken". The "little fat chicken" has thick legs and a big belly, and where it can run, it can only be grabbed with its hands tied, and it has become my prisoner and becomes a new "eagle". However, this new "eagle" is too fat to run at all, like a headless fly, bumping everywhere, and finally returning to no avail.

We had a lot of fun and ended the game unknowingly. The chickens "encouraged" him as they ran, and he said, "Don't be discouraged, next time there will be a chance!" ”

It's so funny, it tells me a truth: be strategic in everything you do!

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > word solitaire</h1>

Last summer, my parents took me and my sister to Lushan to play.

We saw a lot of people playing roller coasters, but I didn't dare to play when I was young. Dad couldn't see that I could not be mobilized, so he went up to me personally. After he got off the roller coaster, he shook his head like a splashing drum. Looking at him with a look of shock and uncertainty, I was secretly glad that I did not go up.

Soon, we were back to the room. Dad turned on the room mobile phone day trip mode, and kept staring at the phone in bed. It's also boring! To break the dreary air, I proposed, "Let's play Word Solitaire!" As soon as I finished speaking, everyone said yes in unison, and my sister added: "If you can't pick up, just perform the show!" ”

The game begins. I first came up with the question: "Yellow", and my sister immediately added: "Color". Mom thought for a moment and then said, "Rainbow." "Rainbow..." Dad thought for half a day, and did not pick up. Haha, Dad lost and had to sing a song.

In the second round of solitaire, it was Dad's turn to say first, Dad said the first word: "flat", I immediately added: "noodles". The sister soon thought of "stripes". "Tattoo..." This time it was my mother's turn to answer, looking at her thoughtful look, my sister and I shouted happily: "Mom lost, quickly perform the show." Mom had no choice but to dance the square dance she had just learned. We watched her unskilled movements, and our stomachs hurt with laughter...

Probably the Sun Father-in-Law was also infected by the happy and harmonious atmosphere of our whole family, and warmly showed us a bright smile.

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