
Poetry of the Plant Atlas (Mao)

author:It's like Wonderland 005

Lu Song Pan Shui

Sile pan water, thinly pick its parsley. Lu Hou stopped talking and looked at his words. Its voice is grumble, and the voice of the luan is beeping. No small, no big, from the public to the mai.

Sile pan water, thinly harvest its algae. Lu Hou stopped, and his horse was wretched. Its horses are wrenching, and its sound is clear. Zaisai laughed and was angry with Yijiao.

Sile pan water, thin picking its mao. Lu Hou stopped drinking in Pan. If you drink wine, yongxi will not grow old. Follow the long path, bend this group of ugly.

Marquis of Mumuru, honoring his virtues. Respect for the mighty and mighty, the rule of the people. Yunwen Yunwu, Zhao False Liezu. There is no filial piety, and I ask for Yihu.

MingMing Luhou, Keming Qide. Both as pan palace, HuaiYi is obedient. Correction of the tiger chen, in the pan offering. Shu asked Rugao Tao, offering prisoners in Pan.

Jijidos, Ke guangde heart. Huan Huan Yu Zheng, southeast of Di Pi. Emperor Wu, not Wu, not Yang. Don't tell the truth, do it in pan.

Horn bow its crotch. Shu Yaqi search. Rong Che Kong Bo. Nothing can be done. Both Ke Huaiyi, Kong Shu did not rebel. Style Gueryu, Huaiyi pawn.

Flying Owl, gathered in Pan forest. Eat my mulberry < black and >, pregnant with me good sound. Sacrifice to Qichen. Yuan turtle elephant teeth, big bribe Nanjin.

Poetry of the Plant Atlas (Mao)

Small archives of plants


Present name: Lettuce;

Scientific name: Brasenia schreberi F. Gmel.

Family: Thrush (Water Lily Family)

It is a perennial aquatic herb with rhizomes. The leaves are oval to rectangular, eyebrow-shaped, blue-green on the back, glabrous on both sides; full margins. The petiole is 25 to 40 cm long. The flowers are solitary, 1 to 2 cm in diameter, dark purple, calyx and petals are 3 to 4, all petal-shaped, sustenance; anthers linear; carpels 6 to 18, detached, short flower stubble, lateral stigma. Nuts are ovoid and leathery. It is found in ponds, lakes or swamps in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Yunnan, Hunan, Sichuan and Jiangxi; it is produced in Russia, Japan, India, North America, Oceania and West Africa.

Poetry of the Plant Atlas (Mao)

Lettuce grows mostly in the southern lakes, and the young stems do not grow leaves in the third and fourth months of the lunar calendar, and it is most suitable for feeding when it is as thin as a plutonium. Lettuce and lettuce are similar, and can be eaten with young vegetables, petioles and young stems, and both raw and cooked foods are suitable. Wu people are particularly fond of lettuce, with "lettuce soup perch" is the most popular population, legend has it that Zhang Han of the Jin Dynasty was an official in Luoyang, saw the autumn wind, remembered the lettuce perch in his hometown, and did not hesitate to resign his official and return to his hometown to taste the fresh. Xin Zhiyi's "Magnolia Slow" "Autumn evening on the river, in the middle of the night in front of the children's lamp" describes the same situation. Lettuce was also used as an offering in ancient times, and the Zhou Li Tianguan records that "the beans of the dynasty are actually leeks, lettuce, and elk", of which "lettuce" is pickled lettuce.

Poetry of the Plant Atlas (Mao)

There are often lettuce in the water in the Jiangnan region, and poets have always quoted it in poems, such as Jiang Kui's "Qingchun Palace": "Double oars and waves, a pine rain, twilight is gradually full of emptiness", which is the same as the situation in this article. In addition, the "Shan Hai Jing Xi Shan Jing" Yun: "Yin Mountain, its grass is more than a cocoon", "Mao" is a lettuce; "Chu Ci Summoning Soul" "Purple Stem Screen, Wen Yuanbo", the "screen" here is also a lettuce.

The verses of "Lu Song Pan Shui" place special emphasis on water vegetables such as cress, algae and lettuce in "Pan Shui", and together with the subsequent sentence "Drinking in Pan", it indicates that lettuce is a beautiful dish, especially suitable for drinking, rejoicing, celebrating and festivals.


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