
Good style brings good service! The people in Zhucheng wrote a letter of thanks by hand on the spot

author:Popular Daily

A letter of thanks, showing the feelings of the masses. Recently, the Zhucheng Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau received a sincere letter of thanks handwritten by Aunt Su of Fude Pharmacy of Liangquan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.:

"Comrade Wang Lingyu saw that I was old and could not use the computer, so she took the initiative to fill out the process of doing things for me twice, which was very, very touching to me, she really served the people wholeheartedly, and at that moment, there was a living Lei Feng in front of my eyes. Comrade Wang Lingyu always kept in mind the oath of the party, which was small but deeply moving. Making extraordinary achievements in ordinary posts, not forgetting the original intention in the work, starting from one thing after another, is an example for us to learn from, and it is also the pride of the administrative approval organization. From the bottom of my heart, I gave Wang Lingyu the highest score in the comments on my work! ”

Good style brings good service! The people in Zhucheng wrote a letter of thanks by hand on the spot

The word-by-word thank-you letter carries the praise and encouragement of the masses for the thoughtful service of the staff, and is also the recognition and trust of the work of the Zhucheng Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau. It turned out that when Aunt Su came to the Zhucheng City Government Service Hall to handle the business license change business, due to her old age and inability to operate the computer skillfully, she felt quite worried about the materials required for the matter and the online operation process. Assistant staff Member Wang Lingyu saw Aunt Su's concerns and took the initiative to provide "one-on-one" assistant service for Aunt Su. Under the patient guidance of Wang Lingyu, Aunt Su successfully completed the business license change registration business. After the matter was handled, Aunt Su, who was deeply moved, found the service desk on the first floor and insisted on writing a handwritten thank-you letter to Comrade Wang Lingyu.

Good style brings good service! The people in Zhucheng wrote a letter of thanks by hand on the spot

This is just a microcosm of the spontaneous praise of the masses. Zhucheng Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau has won wide recognition from the masses with high-quality and efficient services, and has received more than 20 commendation letters and pennants since the beginning of this year.

Good service highlights a good style. The Zhucheng Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau will vigorously grasp the construction of work style as a key link to enhance the masses' sense of experience and satisfaction in handling affairs, highlight the two key points of education and training and system implementation, and strive to improve the work efficiency and service awareness of cadres and workers. Issued the "Implementation Plan on Further Implementing the "One-time Notification" System" and the "Notice on Further Improving the Assessment and Evaluation Work". Strictly implement the Monday regular meeting and the month-end supervision system, and ensure the improvement of service quality with system construction.

In April, well-known lawyers and party school professors were invited to hold lectures on "The Complex Situation Faced by Administrative Law Enforcement under the New Situation, the Status Quo of Examination and Approval Services, and How to Better Serve enterprises in the Next Step" and "Communication Skills and Etiquette Norms for Government Affairs Staff" to enhance the awareness of full service and improve service levels.

In mid-June, in conjunction with the special action to improve the study and education of party history and the construction of work style, a discussion on "improving service attitude, improving service quality, and improving service efficiency" was organized and carried out, and everyone spoke, talked about experience and understanding, unified thinking, and encouraged motivation. On the eve of July 1st, all party members were organized to carry out on-site education activities of "learning party history, undertaking missions, and reliving the red spirit" at the Quanmei Cadre College. Organize all cadres and workers to carry out on-site education on "learning party history, enlightening the original heart, and serving enterprises first" to Huifa, Xinde Science and Technology, Yonghui Ecological Farm, etc., which further narrowed the feelings with enterprises and enhanced the consciousness of serving the people.

Starting from July 16, we will devote one month to carry out the "Administrative Licensing Law of the People's Republic of China" study competition among all cadres and workers, study collectively in departments, study by individuals throughout the process in combination with reality, invite the legal advisers of the bureau to hold special lectures, and organize closed-book examinations at the end of the activities to promote learning and learning to promote cadres, further enhance the legal awareness of all employees, and enhance the ability to carry out examination and approval work in accordance with laws and regulations. With continuous efforts, the overall business capabilities and service levels have been significantly improved. As of July this year, more than 24,000 approvals of various types have been handled globally, and the satisfaction of the masses is more than 99.9%.

The reform of the administrative examination and approval system has a long way to go, and serving the masses is an eternal theme. In the future work, the Zhucheng Administrative Examination and Approval Service Bureau will always practice the fundamental position of "people-centered", adhere to being a good "shop small two", do a good job of "waiter", with the goal of letting the masses "only run once", continue to improve service efficiency, and deliver better answers to the people of the city with more high-quality and efficient services.

(Reporting by Zhang Peng, client reporter of Dazhong Daily, correspondent Li Xueting)

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