
The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 26 Title: The central part of the tide is full of spring -- General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to write a new chapter in promoting the rise of the central region

Xinhua News Agency reporters Liu Jing, Yang Yuhua and Wang Fei

In the middle of the tide, thousands of sails are racing, and it is time to compete for the lead.

The central hinterland, connecting the east and the west, connecting the south and the north. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, under the personal planning, personal deployment and personal promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the central region has deeply implemented the new development concept, built a new development pattern, promoted high-quality rise, and written a new chapter of innovation-driven, regional coordination and green rise.

Independent innovation leads the new pattern of development

The central region is rich in resources and developed transportation, bringing together 1/10 of the country's land and nearly 1/3 of the population. From the perspective of a single province, Shanxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui and Jiangxi, each province has its own unique resource characteristics and development potential.

In the new stage of development, how can the central region write the answer sheet of the era of high-quality development? Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited the six central provinces many times, emphasizing the importance of scientific and technological innovation in promoting the rise of the central region, and guiding the direction for the central region to seek a new chapter and open a new situation.

The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter

Workers busily work in the production workshop of Lianbao (Hefei) Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. in Hefei, Anhui Province, march 5, 2020. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Mu

In April 2016, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, he pointed out that in today's world, the scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are in the ascendant, and we must enhance our sense of mission, take innovation as the biggest policy, and catch up and catch up.

"At that time, I was studying for a doctorate at the University of Science and Technology of China, and every word said by the general secretary is still engraved in my mind, inspiring us to accelerate innovation." "Post-90s" Dr. Fang Yuqiang of the University of Science and Technology of China recalled that the scene at that time was still excited. Now he is a technical backbone of Keda Shield Quantum Technology Co., Ltd.

The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter

At Keda Shield Quantum Technology Co., Ltd., located in Hefei, Anhui Province, R&D personnel conduct integrated joint commissioning tests (photo taken on November 6, 2020). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Bohan

In this young quantum technology company, a group of doctors with an average age of less than 30 years old at the University of Science and Technology of China, with the ambition of "serving the country with science and technology", started from an office of more than a dozen people and less than 100 square meters, and entered the "no man's land" of the quantum technology industry.

At the symposium on promoting the rise of the central region held in 2019, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized "improving the ability of independent innovation in key areas"; in Hubei, he proposed that "the heavy weapons of a big country must be in their own hands"; in Jiangxi, he pointed out that "technological innovation is the lifeblood of enterprises"; in Anhui, he encouraged "to benchmark against world-class, strengthen cutting-edge exploration and forward-looking layout, and increase the intensity of key core technologies"; in Hunan, he emphasized that "key core technologies must be firmly in our own hands"...

Foresight and fervent expectations have stirred up the surging momentum of innovation and development in the central region.

"Nine chapters" quantum computers, "artificial suns", compact superconducting cyclotron proton accelerators... Aiming at the forefront of science and technology in the world, grasping the general trend, and playing a good game of chess, the innovation momentum of the central region towards high-quality development is becoming increasingly strong.

The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter

Workers inspect optical fibers in the optical fiber production workshop of Changfei Optical Fiber And Cable Co., Ltd. in Wuhan, Hubei Province, on December 6, 2016. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xiao Yijiu

"What you see now is the manufacture of the most core optical rod in the optical fiber and cable industry." In the PCVD process workshop of the optical fiber preform of Changfei Optical Fiber Optic Cable Co., Ltd. in Wuhan, a pipe is shuttling back and forth on a closed track.

In 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection in Hubei that China has become the world's second largest economy, and the way of mainly relying on resource input to promote economic growth in the past is no longer feasible, and must rely on innovation. The core technology with independent intellectual property rights is the "life gate" of the enterprise. Enterprises must continue to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies, master more key technologies with independent intellectual property rights, and control the leading role in industrial development.

Zhuang Dan, president of Changfei Optical Fiber Optic Cable Co., Ltd., said: "Today, our light rod diameter has reached 23 cm, and the single rod can pull fiber up to 10,000 kilometers. Chinese optical fiber has a place in the international market. ”

Scientific and technological innovation accumulates the development potential energy that spews out of thin air. In the first half of this year, the total economic volume of the central region reached 11.8 trillion yuan, which played an important role in supporting the stable development of China's economy.

Regional synergy adds a new engine of development

In the central hinterland, the Yangtze River and the Yellow River rush all the way, giving birth to a thick Chinese civilization. Towards a new era, regional integration has accelerated the reshaping of the new pattern of the central region: in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the Wuhan City Circle, the Changzhutan Urban Agglomeration, and the Greater Nanchang Metropolitan Circle stand on their feet; along the Yellow River, the Zhengzhou Metropolitan Circle and the Central Shanxi Urban Agglomeration form a "corner trend"; in the east, Anhui carries the east and the west, and accelerates its integration into the Yangtze River Delta.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has focused on the "one game of chess" of the whole country and promoted the coordinated development of the region to a higher level.

Nine scientific devices, nine innovation centers, two trillion industrial clusters... In today's eastern Hubei Province, a science and technology innovation corridor starting from China's Optics Valley, connecting the five cities of Wuhan, Ezhou, Huangshi, Huanggang and Xianning, and extending along the Yangtze River Economic Belt, is accelerating.

The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter

At the 11th Central China Investment and Trade Expo held in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, visitors visit the Jiangxi Provincial Exhibition Area (photo taken on May 18, 2019). Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Mi photographed

In 2020, Wannian Lianchuang Display Technology Co., Ltd., which has an annual output of 60 million touch screens and liquid crystal display modules, was completed and put into production. Although the project is located in Wannian County, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, it is related to the "Nanchang Optics Valley". The "Greater Nanchang Metropolitan Circle" promotes "cross-city industrial spillover" and becomes the "locomotive" that drives the transformation and development of the regional economy, creating about 50% of the GDP of Jiangxi Province.

The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter

Workers work in the assembly workshop of CRRC ZhujiCheng Rail Division in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, on April 28, 2020. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Sihan

In the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", Hunan Province will implement the Changzhutan integration strategy as a key measure to promote the high-quality development of the central region, set up the Changzhutan Integrated Development Leading Group, and clarify the list of "ten same" tasks such as planning with the same map, facilities and network, three cities and the same city, and the same market.

The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter

This is the new look of part of the urban area of Qingshuitang in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, taken on June 17, 2020 (drone photo). Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Zhang Xiangdong)

Urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas are just like the "engine" of regional economy. According to preliminary statistics, the urban agglomeration in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, located only in the central region, has a per capita GDP of more than 70,000 yuan, and the urbanization rate of the permanent population has exceeded 60%.

Feeding, temperature measurement, sampling... In the intelligent production workshop of China Baowuma Steel Group, the 300-ton converter started "one-key steelmaking". 17.5 minutes, a furnace of high-quality molten steel "freshly baked".

The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter

Machinery and equipment in operation in the fully enclosed coal yard of the aerated membrane in the southern district of China Baowu Masteel Group in Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province,China(photo taken on December 29, 2020). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Cao Li

"I hope that in deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises, especially in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, you can seize the opportunity, follow the trend, and organically connect with the Yangtze River Delta to further develop and grow." In August 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the high-quality alloy bar workshop of China BaowuMasteel Group and braved the high temperature to inspect the production and operation.

Cordial care inspires enterprises to continue to strive and surpass. In that year, China Baowu Iron and Steel Group achieved a historic leap of "100 million tons of Baowu", which confirmed the strong resilience of China's economic development and the great potential of regional cooperation.

Ding Yi, chairman of China BaowuMa Steel Group, said: "We will follow the trend in the development of regional integration, and strive to achieve 40 million tons of steel supporting production scale and sales revenue of more than 200 billion yuan by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan." ”

The rise of the central region, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and other regional development strategies have superimposed, providing a once-in-a-lifetime major opportunity for the central region to gather and allocate resources at a higher level and in a wider field.

The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter

Workers carry vegetables at the Henan Wanbang International Agricultural Products Logistics City in Zhongmu County, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, July 22, 2021. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hao Yuan

Before dawn, Chen Na, a fruit dealer in Henan Wanbang International Agricultural Products Logistics City, was busy: "On average, about 100,000 catties of fruit are sent from me every day, which are sold to several nearby provinces and overseas markets." ”

2-hour high-speed rail circle, 2-hour aviation circle, the central plains hinterland of Henan "land, air, network, sea" road smooth, "trading global" acceleration.

Today's central region, the middle reaches of the Yangtze River urban agglomeration and the Central Plains urban agglomeration have strengthened cooperation, infrastructure connectivity has been accelerated, industrial cooperation has been steadily promoted, people's livelihood public services have been gradually shared, and the beautiful blueprint for regional coordinated development is accelerating into reality.

The rise of green depicts the beautiful new central

On May 21, 2019, at the symposium on promoting the rise of the central region, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Carry out ecological protection and restoration, strengthen environmental construction and governance, promote resource conservation and intensive utilization, and build a beautiful central region with green development." ”

The six central provinces have long and horizontal waterways and green mountains, and belong to China's "ecological powerhouse". To achieve the green and high-quality rise of the central region, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always been haunted by the heart and planned in the chest.

Walking into Youyu County, Shanxi, a neat row of trees is like a spectacular picture. More than 70 years ago, foreign experts asserted that it was "uninhabitable" by foreign experts.

The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter

Workers at TISCO Stainless Steel Precision Strip Company in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, operate a processing facility for wide-width precision strip foils on July 19, 2020. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Cao Yang

General Secretary Xi Jinping has made instructions on the "Right Jade Spirit" for 6 times. When inspecting Shanxi in 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to firmly establish the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, carry forward the "right jade spirit", and comprehensively promote the governance of the landscape, forest, field, lake and grass system.

The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter

This is a view of the Jiujiang section of the Yangtze River taken on May 18, 2016 (drone photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhou Mi photographed

Nowadays, green has become the thickest "base color" of right jade.

The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter

A fleet of fishery enforcement vessels sails across the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River on December 31, 2020. The key waters of the Yangtze River Basin officially entered the "ten-year fishing ban period" from 0:00 on January 1, 2021. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Cheng Min

Implement a ten-year ban on fishing on the Yangtze River, carry out ecological restoration and compensation, implement the river (lake) chief system, and introduce a positive list of ecological and environmental supervision and law enforcement... One institutional system after another to build a long-term mechanism for the green rise of the central region; build a river ecological corridor, explore the market-oriented trading of pollutant discharge rights and carbon emission rights, and promote the construction of green and low-carbon demonstration zones... One innovative measure after another has doubled the "green content" of the central economic development.

The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter

This is a photo taken on December 9, 2019 at the Renhe Kangyuan Soft Seed Pomegranate Base in Zhanghe Village, Jiuchong Town, Huaichuan County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, where the trunk canal of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project passes through the field (drone photo). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Feng Dapeng

In May this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed at a symposium in Henan on promoting the high-quality development of the follow-up project of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project that "we should increase ecological protection and strengthen the protection of water resources along the South-to-North Water Diversion Project" and "take the ecological environmental protection work in the water source area as the top priority, draw a hard bar, unswervingly do a good job in all work, and guard this reservoir of clear water".

"There is no fish farming in the water, no grazing in the mountains, and no exploitation of mines." In Zhanghe Village, Jiuchong Town, Huaichuan County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, the main trunk canal of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project passes through the village. Zhang Jiaxiang, secretary of the village party branch, said that in order to protect the clean water of a canal, the village banned aquaculture, and promoted afforestation along the trunk canal to protect the water with green water, and also exchanged it for the soft seed pomegranate, a green and rich people's industry.

The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter

This is a bird-dwelling wetland photographed on November 22, 2019, along the chao lake in Anhui Province. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Duan

Between the green waters and green mountains, more and more such transformations and developments. Yu Yuneng, who used to make a living as a fisherman in Chao Lake, now has a new occupation: a water ranger, responsible for the salvage of cyanobacteria in Chao Lake.

In 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping said during his inspection of the Chaohu Dike Luojiayan section of the Eighteen Lianwei Ecological Wetland Flood Storage Area in Feidong County, Hefei City, that Chaohu Lake is the treasure of the people of Anhui and the most beautiful and moving place in Hefei. We must manage Chao Lake well, protect the ecological wetlands, and make Chao Lake the best business card in Hefei.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about the ecological protection of Chao Lake. My daily job is to make the water cleaner and make the Eight Hundred Mile Chao Lake the best business card in Hefei! Yu Yuneng said.

The central tide is full of spring - General Secretary Xi Jinping plans to promote the rise of the central region to write a new chapter

Finless porpoises frolick outside Zhenjiang Pavilion in Xiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province, on August 3, 2020. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Lei Yong)

The Three Gorges of the Yangtze River are green and the rivers are turquoise; the migratory birds in the two lakes of Poyang Dongting are fluttering and the smoke waves are vast; the biodiversity along the Huai River is diverse, and the wetlands are known... On the map of beautiful China, the "value" of the central region is constantly improving, and an ecological picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature is slowly unfolding. (Participating reporters: Yu Xianhong, Liu Liangheng, Hou Wenkun, Niu Shaojie, Wang Jinyu)

Edit: Kong Weiqian