
Interview with Shen Taoran: From actor to screenwriter, endure loneliness and enjoy creation (1919 issue)

author:Screenwriters gang
Interview with Shen Taoran: From actor to screenwriter, endure loneliness and enjoy creation (1919 issue)

Wen 丨 eleven

Jiangsu Satellite TV's hit TV series "I want to be with you" (hereinafter referred to as "Together") ended today, and the ratings of this drama have broken 1 consecutively since its inception, which is known as this summer's dark horse drama. It is worth mentioning that the two combinations of the main creators of the play are the three generations of the group ancestors: producer Huang Lei, director Lin Jidong, and starring Chai Biyun; the husband and wife combination of director Lin Jidong and screenwriter Shen Taoran, which finally brings together a warm and ordinary story to reflect the pain points of the current society, and illuminates the road of "pedestrians" with the glimmer of the work. In the view of screenwriter Shen Taoran, "There is also a part of the work that can be taught and educated, depending on what you pass on." ”

Recently, the screenwriter gang interviewed Shen Taoran, the screenwriter of "Together", who shared her creative experience while also sharing her life wisdom and attitude.

Interview with Shen Taoran: From actor to screenwriter, endure loneliness and enjoy creation (1919 issue)

Screenwriter and actor Shen Taoran

Let the work become a mentor and friend to the audience

Shen Taoran graduated from the Acting Department of the Beijing Film Academy, starred in the first Beijing Film Academy film "Little Four" at the age of 15, participated in the TV series "Snowy Love" at the age of 17, starred in the movie "Intersection" at the age of 19, starred in the comedy film "I Dedicate Tenderness to You" in the same year, and won the Best Actress Award in the first performance competition of the Beijing Film Academy Acting Academy at the age of 20... Today, in addition to acting, screenwriting is also one of her strengths.

Shen Taoran was influenced by his father from an early age and was interested in literature, and his writing was brilliant, often publishing articles in newspapers and magazines. It just so happened that Shen Taoran's husband Lin Jidong had a huge story library in his head, and Shen Taoran was more talented in creation, so in 2013, Shen Taoran began to help Lin Jidong record stories, "Since then, I have embarked on the road of no return, and it has been six years now." She believes, "The opportunity is always left to those who are prepared, if I hadn't been 'closed to the country' every day in the past six years, I wouldn't have completed 'Together' so smoothly this time." ”

It took seven or eight months to create the drama "Together", and filming began immediately after the script was completed, and it was not interrupted until it was broadcast. As an actor, for the first time to control the entire script, Shen Taoran said that he was very enjoyable, "like the hand of fate." It won't be framed, anything is possible. ”

Screenwriters: What do you want to convey to the audience through this show?

Shen Taoran: True, good, beautiful, positive energy. Lin Meiya in the play is the representative of positive energy, truth, goodness and beauty, no matter what setbacks are experienced, they are optimistic and positive to maintain kindness; for example, the Li family has grown from scratch from his grandfather to today, fully adhering to a sense of responsibility for society, and the audience has said that the "three views" of the Li family are too correct, and the lines spoken by Uncle Li are the positive energy I want to convey.

I want this drama to become a mentor and friend in the hearts of the audience, there are many problems that I want to solve in life, and maybe I will find answers in it.

Interview with Shen Taoran: From actor to screenwriter, endure loneliness and enjoy creation (1919 issue)

Screenwriter Gang: You said that Uncle Li's lines are all positive energy that you want to convey, how do you think about the role of lines in a play, how to make the character say what you want to say?

Shen Taoran: The role of the lines is to lead the development of the story and show the character of the characters. I'm good at writing lines because I'm a student of acting, and my skill in writing lines is to play each character over and over again, into the heart of the character, to say what he wants to say.

For example, Li Weiwei told Lin Meiya that "Xu Siyu likes Ouyang", the two of them chased to the golf course, and the conversation between Lin Meiya and Ouyang sitting on the car was also my emotional view. I think trust is very important, sometimes you give the other person trust, the other person will give you a lot of love in return.

Interview with Shen Taoran: From actor to screenwriter, endure loneliness and enjoy creation (1919 issue)

Screenwriter Gang: Some viewers said that this drama is "dog blood", did you think that the audience would say this when creating it?

Shen Taoran: Sure, the audience is too cute. In fact, we want to gather the old terrier to make a different thing, which has many classic plots such as brothers and sisters, car accidents, falling from the upper floor, taking the wrong box on the plane, etc., but if you look closely, "Together" these scenes are not a waste scene.

Although the overall genre of our drama is relaxed, it is not enough to let the audience relieve the pressure of life, we will also directly hit the social pain points, use the same materials, and fry a different dish, which is also a challenge for us.

Actor-to-screenwriter: suitable for acting, enhanced performance

"The hand of fate let you do this, powerless to return to heaven", Shen Taoran said that being an actor to a screenwriter is a natural step to this step.

At present, there are many actors who choose to be cross-border screenwriters, for which Shen Taoran believes that whether it is an actor or engaged in other professions, as long as you have a story you want to write, and you can try to write with impulse and enthusiasm. "As actors, we may be lacking in creative skills, but we also have our advantage, which is that we know how to act. Previously, a speech by teacher Liu Heping said that a good script was eight words 'suitable for performance and strengthened performance'. ”

Although Shen Taoran has become a mother, she is still a simple and lovely Li Weiwei in the play, and outside the play, she is a beautiful screenwriter and actress who combines beauty and talent. When asked what role it would be if she made a work tailored for herself, she said that she had never thought of tailoring it for herself, and that it was all about thinking about the role, and she believed that some of the works could be taught and educated, depending on what you passed on.

In addition, she also shared her experience and experience for actors and screenwriters.

Interview with Shen Taoran: From actor to screenwriter, endure loneliness and enjoy creation (1919 issue)

Screenwriting Gang: You have a lot of acting experience, is this experience helpful for you to write a screenplay?

Shen Taoran: There are many great screenwriters who have not studied acting, but they also understand. I think acting is actually a kind of psychology, to understand the human heart, human nature, if you are born with this sensitivity, your experience, the perception of life have been achieved, you can also write a good script.

There are many good actors in the world who have not studied acting, but why do they act? In addition to learning to observe, it is also necessary to be able to show it, and the way of expression must be advanced. For example, expressing sadness, some people will perform crying, but some people only use a look, the audience has been heartbroken, this thing is not defined, it is an innate aesthetic, perception, worth many people to analyze.

Screenwriter Gang: What difficulties have you encountered from actor to screenwriter?

Shen Taoran: The only difficulty is that you need to give up a lot of acting opportunities, face the computer at home every day, and learn to bear loneliness. But when I drilled into the script, I found that it was not too lonely, there were so many characters in the script, I would feel "I enjoyed it too much". I was also a relatively independent person, so I was willing to write a script, which was quite suitable for me.

Interview with Shen Taoran: From actor to screenwriter, endure loneliness and enjoy creation (1919 issue)

Screenwriters: What do you think is the mission of actors and screenwriters?

Shen Taoran: In fact, actors who can act don't care whether they are famous or not, I will perform every scene well, "I am addicted" This is the coolest. When you can do your job well and feel that I am not sorry for my profession, your heart is full at that moment. People are happy with small satisfactions one at a time. Because we still have ideal people, we are not corrupted by money. I think everyone should sink their hearts to find the original intention, and then dig out the warm things in life and life, which is the sense of mission of people in our industry.

Break the "overnight riches" with the warmth of "small and beautiful"

Due to the tight time and heavy tasks, Shen Taoran was preoccupied with creation, and the communication part with the producer and producer Huang Lei was all responsible for her husband Lin Jidong, "This is also a point where I am very lucky, I think the creator should be protected, because the creator needs to remove the armor and shell, let himself sit at home like a slug, and write the softest things in your heart when creating." ”

In the communication with the director, the husband and wife are very tacit understanding, ideas and creativity often coincide, the creative efficiency is extremely high, when talking about this matter, Shen Taoran did not hesitate to express her appreciation and trust for director Lin Jidong, "He is a particularly good script doctor, no matter what you encounter that can not be solved, he can immediately give you a revitalizing, which I really admire him." Back to the trivial, boring life, she will also complain, "Sometimes you want to take a thousand arrows through the heart to 'kill' him, but in the process of buying a knife, you bought him a thing he loves to eat and brought it back, life is like this." 」 ”

Screenwriter Gang: What advantages will your combination with director Lin Jidong bring to the scene and the actors?

Shen Taoran: When you get to the scene, sometimes the actor doesn't eat the script as thoroughly as we do, and the director will directly tell him a direction, or directly tell him that this is right, that is not right, why not, immediately let you know the reason, he is a very good teacher, director. So all the actors in our crew are very safe, because there is a pair of eyes sitting in front of the monitor to guide you to perform, and you will know that there is absolutely no mistake after this play comes out, because believe, believe that he will never be wrong.

Interview with Shen Taoran: From actor to screenwriter, endure loneliness and enjoy creation (1919 issue)

Screenwriters' help: There are often actors in the industry who change the script, and things that conflict with the screenwriters occur. We all know that an actor's performance is an act of recreating a script, a process that actors need to understand on their own. But actors who modify the script at will may also go against the screenwriter's intentions. What do you think of the problem of actors changing the script?

Shen Taoran: Many people ignore the existence of the director, and the director's task is to direct the actor's performance. The audience looks at the actor's performance, sees the play, and the play is given by the script. I never exclude actors from changing my lines, but the premise is that the maturity of the script and the control of the director are like, whether the director and the actors have eaten the script thoroughly, and if the actors have eaten through the role and have more and better ideas, it is absolutely welcome. There are many small dots in "Together" that also burst out on the spot. Give extra points to the work, but also highlight the actor's own unique personality characteristics, why not enjoy it?

Screenwriter Gang: Compared with the gap in the status of foreign screenwriters in production, what do you expect from Chinese screenwriters?

Shen Taoran: I think the status of screenwriters will get better and better, everyone will realize that the script can determine the quality of a play, some people make movies without scripts, that is completely the art of the director, but the TV series is the art of the screenwriter.

Interview with Shen Taoran: From actor to screenwriter, endure loneliness and enjoy creation (1919 issue)

Screenwriter Gang: In the past year, everyone has been creating realist works, how do you understand realism?

Shen Taoran: I think it is the warmth of life. Now the social pressure is too great, everyone wants to make quick money, almost all have the mentality of getting rich overnight, too impetuous. The demon king Bo Xun said to Shakyamuni Buddha, "At the end of the Dharma period, I will ask my disciples and disciples to blend into your monastic treasure, wear your robes, and destroy your Dharma." Distort your scriptures, break your precepts, in order to achieve the goal that I cannot reach by force today..." Now is the "age of the end of the Law," which is terrible. We must use positive energy to break the phenomenon of "getting rich overnight".

Life is too short to live forever in jealousy, suspicion, and deception, I want the audience to see how Lin Meiya got up after being injured, and I want to put every warm little dot into the audience's heart. It's more like fighting a battle of one hundred against a hundred, and I put what I've made here, maybe the shimmer is so bright, but as long as I can illuminate the way for them.

Screenwriter's Help: What are your career plans for the next two years?

Shen Taoran: It may be one work a year. I have saved more than a dozen works before, all of which are complete, and I can do whatever I want, and I have not wasted time in these six years, although I am not a prolific actor.

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Interview with Shen Taoran: From actor to screenwriter, endure loneliness and enjoy creation (1919 issue)

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