
The Department of Industry and Information Of Guizhou Province went to Qiannan Prefecture to carry out rectification and research on ecological environmental protection problems in the industrial field

author:Qiannan Hotline

In order to implement the requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government on the rectification of outstanding problems in ecological environmental protection, promote the supervision of problems assigned by the provincial ecological environmental protection inspectors, the investigation and rectification of ecological and environmental problems, and the re-investigation and re-sorting of ecological and environmental problems in the industrial field to ensure that the rectification and reform are in place, Jin Bihuang, a member of the party group and deputy director of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information, led a team to Qiannan Prefecture to carry out rectification and research on ecological environmental protection problems in the industrial field.

The Department of Industry and Information Of Guizhou Province went to Qiannan Prefecture to carry out rectification and research on ecological environmental protection problems in the industrial field

  The research team focused on the rectification of phosphorus pollution problems of Kingenta Company and Batian Ecological Engineering Company on the feedback problems at the central level such as the central ecological environmental protection inspector and the rectification of problems found by the provincial ecological environmental protection inspector in 2021, and inspected the operation of the environmental protection device of Kingenta Phosphogypsum Aging Warehouse, Phosphogypsum Block Production Project, and Thunder Rock Sewage Treatment Plant. The heads of the two companies respectively introduced the rectification of environmental protection and the operation of environmental protection devices. At present, Kingenta and Batian have formulated a special rectification plan for the factory area, and strictly control the factory area according to the plan, and reduce the total phosphorus index of external rainwater discharge. Leidayan Sewage Treatment Plant has completed the installation of emergency dosing devices, agitators and other facilities, completed technical transformation and put into use.

The Department of Industry and Information Of Guizhou Province went to Qiannan Prefecture to carry out rectification and research on ecological environmental protection problems in the industrial field

  During the investigation and investigation, Jin Bihuang affirmed the progress of the rectification and reform of ecological environmental protection problems in Qiannan Prefecture in the industrial field, and pointed out that the industrial and information technology departments at all levels should improve their political standing, strengthen their ideological understanding, further enhance their ideological consciousness and action consciousness in ecological environmental protection, and in accordance with the requirements of "managing development must manage environmental protection, managing production must manage environmental protection, and managing industry must manage environmental protection", earnestly perform the "party and government responsibilities, one post and two responsibilities" and departmental work functions and responsibilities for ecological environmental protection in the industrial field, and earnestly grasp the rectification and reform of problems.

The Department of Industry and Information Of Guizhou Province went to Qiannan Prefecture to carry out rectification and research on ecological environmental protection problems in the industrial field

  Zou Yi, director of the Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization Division of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Wang Chunyuan, director of the Raw Material Industry Division of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Kong Yu, a fourth-level researcher of the Energy Conservation and Comprehensive Utilization Division of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Jiang Lei, deputy director of the Prefecture Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Qin Liqi, county magistrate of The Yong'an County Government, Luo Peilin, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Development Zone, Zhou Houqiang, vice chairman of the CppcC Committee of Wong'an County, and relevant comrades of the Qiannan Prefecture Industrial and Information Technology Bureau and the Yong'an County Industrial and Information Technology Bureau participated in the investigation.


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