
Who remembers this old TV series full of earthy feelings "The Legend of Yi Wei Haoke"

author:Mao Sai shield open
Who remembers this old TV series full of earthy feelings "The Legend of Yi Wei Haoke"

To this day, I still remember when I was a child, a neighbor's aunt sat in the courtyard and hummed a song by Li Na called "Who Says Don't Believe Him":

"Whoever says he does not believe him,

Whoever says he doesn't believe him

Whoever says he does not believe him,

As long as I identify her in this life,

Travel all over the world to find her..."

The song repeateds the words "who says he doesn't believe him", making the overall style of the song full of strong local feelings.

I vaguely remember that behind this song is associated with an old TV series called "The Legend of Yi wei Haoke".

The time will go back to about twenty years ago, when the domestic TV drama industry has just grown for many years, and many film and television shooting organizations are in their infancy, especially some local film and television institutions, constantly creating and shooting film and television dramas with various materials, and constantly meeting the audience through the TV drama station. Among them is this TV series called "The Legend of Yi Wei Haoke", and I still feel that this name is strange.

Looking at the plot introduction, the story told in "The Legend of Yiwei Haoke" takes place at the end of the Qing Dynasty, after the Sino-Japanese War, but the hairstyles of those actors and actresses in the TV series always make me jump the drama, because their hairstyles are at least twenty or thirty years ahead of that era.

Who remembers this old TV series full of earthy feelings "The Legend of Yi Wei Haoke"

In addition, it is felt that this drama is so long, the impression is that the picture of this drama has been playing on TV for a long time, and the adults around me are also discussing topics related to this drama for a long time. Moreover, the names of the heroes and heroines in this drama are also very interesting, such as Hengsha Number, Bai Ruxue, Bai Rumeng, and Zhao Chenying, which at first glance has the feeling of the unity of the three religions of Confucianism and Taoism.

Other impressions are the more complex story lines in the play, Hengsha number as the absolute hero, is a main line, the other line is the Bai family with Hengsha number complex grudge, including Bai Ruxue, Bai Rumeng brothers and sisters. Then there are the tuanzong forces that represent the official forces of the Qing government, and finally the Japanese invaders, but there are still some consciences among the Japanese ronin who constantly secretly help the Hengsha numbers who represent the righteous forces. All in all, the story of the entire "Legend of Yi Wei Haoke" is repeatedly unfolded between these main lines and several forces.

In fact, the story line of "The Legend of Yi Wei Haoke" is the usual idea of many anti-war dramas and spy dramas today, but it seems that the main creative staff at that time did not coordinate, shoot and edit the level, making this TV series often very chaotic during the broadcast process, or some clips are too procrastinating, and some clips appear rashly, and even make the audience feel confused.

However, people living in that era would still sit around in front of the TV after tea and dinner to quietly watch these actors perform hard, no matter whether the plot was good or bad, everyone might not care much, because people at that time pursued such a living atmosphere, as long as the plot was lively and family fun could be achieved.

Let's briefly review some of the actors who participated in the show.

The male protagonist Heng Sha counts, played by Zhang Jibo

Who remembers this old TV series full of earthy feelings "The Legend of Yi Wei Haoke"

Zhang Jibo was once quite famous in the 1980s and 1990s, and the "Legend of Yi wei Haoke" in which he participated was one of the trilogies of director Ji Xiaohei, the other two were "The Legend of Kant's First Bodyguard" and "Wolf Walk Buddha Xiao", and the other two dramas were also broadcast on TV stations, which caused a lot of repercussions among the audience. Zhang Jibo is also the only actor to participate in these three dramas.

Since the 1990s, Zhang Jibo has faded out of screen performances, and people rarely see him again.

Bai Ruxue, played by Lan Zhenbo (deceased)

Who remembers this old TV series full of earthy feelings "The Legend of Yi Wei Haoke"

Although the main filming location and the story of "The Legend of Yiwei Haoke" is the Kanto region, Lan Zhenbo, who plays Bai Ruxue in the play, is an actor from Guangxi. In the play, the shape of White Ruxue in white clothes is believed that many viewers are still difficult to forget. Moreover, the martial arts PK of Bai Ruxue and Hengsha numbers is also very much expected by many audiences. Nowadays, lan Zhenbo, the actor who played Bai Ruxue, has long passed away, which makes people sigh.

Bai Rumeng, played by Mu Liyan

Who remembers this old TV series full of earthy feelings "The Legend of Yi Wei Haoke"

When she was young, Mu Liyan played Bai Rumeng, I believe that she was also the dream goddess of many men at that time, and Mu Liyan is still active in the creation of film and television dramas, playing Qu Xiaoxiu's mother in "Ode to Joy".

Li Xuesong, who plays Zhao Chenying

Who remembers this old TV series full of earthy feelings "The Legend of Yi Wei Haoke"

Li Xuesong is said to be a classmate of Fu Yiwei, who played Su Daji in "Fengshen List", but Li Xuesong faded out of the acting world a long time ago.

Liu Hongmei, who plays Heng Danmei

Who remembers this old TV series full of earthy feelings "The Legend of Yi Wei Haoke"

Liu Hongmei, who plays Heng Danmei in the play, is not only a professor at the Central Academy of Drama, but also a very well-known actor, and the most familiar role for the audience is the role of Jiang Menshen's wife in the 98 version of "Water Margin".

It has been almost thirty years since this drama was broadcast, and seeing this familiar and unfamiliar still and storyline stills will still remind people of life at that time. Some TV series are used to cast classics, and some old TV series may not be classics, but it can carry us a lot of memories.