
Scattered tail sunflower buy a few days on the continuous yellow leaves, but also easy to provoke pests, is it really so difficult to raise?

author:Flower cultivation exchange

Friends who have raised loose-tailed sunflowers indoors have experienced that when this plant was first bought, the leaves were emerald green and thick, and it looked very tropical. But after a few days, the leaves will gradually turn yellow, and the wilting state will become worse and worse, what can be done to improve this situation?

Scattered tail sunflower buy a few days on the continuous yellow leaves, but also easy to provoke pests, is it really so difficult to raise?

The most important thing about raising a loose-tailed sunflower is the environment, which belongs to the tropical foliage plant of the palm family of the genus Loose-tailed Sunflower, sometimes called "yellow coconut", which is a particularly easy to take care of rainforest-type foliage plants.

Scattered tail sunflower buy a few days on the continuous yellow leaves, but also easy to provoke pests, is it really so difficult to raise?

Loose-tailed sunflowers planted outdoors

Scattered tail sunflower buy a few days on the continuous yellow leaves, but also easy to provoke pests, is it really so difficult to raise?

Flowers of the Sunflower (Close-up)

If in the southern region, the perennial temperature is above 0 degrees, it can be directly exposed outdoors, its plants can grow to 3 to 5 meters high, the trunk will continue to lignify, and there is a chance to blossom and bear fruit.

1. Pay attention to the maintenance of the environment

After the sunflower grows indoor green plants, the height of the plant can be controlled at about 1 meter 5, but the indoor environment is not well ventilated, the air is dry, and the lack of light is very unfavorable for the growth of the sunflower, basically there will be yellowing and wilting of the leaves, and it is easy to be infected with diseases and insect pests, including common red spiders, insects and so on.

If you want to avoid the yellowing and wilting of the leaves of the potted sunflower, the most important thing is to improve its conservation environment.

Scattered tail sunflower buy a few days on the continuous yellow leaves, but also easy to provoke pests, is it really so difficult to raise?

If you want to prevent the leaves of the sunflower from turning yellow, you must first place it in a ventilated and transparent position, the environment is well ventilated, plus there are about 3 to 5 hours of soft light every day. The relative humidity of indoor maintenance can be maintained between 60% and 75%.

Scattered tail sunflower buy a few days on the continuous yellow leaves, but also easy to provoke pests, is it really so difficult to raise?

Lots of water and lack of light

Planting potted loose tail sunflowers also does not need frequent watering, it has a particularly large demand for water, but that is also in the case of ventilation in a more light environment, after the indoor potting, generally wait for the soil under 3cm are dry, and then water it in time.

Scattered tail sunflower buy a few days on the continuous yellow leaves, but also easy to provoke pests, is it really so difficult to raise?

Potted sunflower is often needed to spray water around, if the ventilation is good, spray water on the leaves can quickly evaporate, you can also occasionally spray the leaves, this is not only to clean the leaves, but also to increase the humidity, pay attention to the leaves can not be long-term residual moisture.

2. The newly purchased sunflower leaves are yellow

In the process of adapting to the new environment, the leaves will continue to yellow, whether it is raised in the office or in the living room, it takes about half a month to a month to serve the pot.

Scattered tail sunflower buy a few days on the continuous yellow leaves, but also easy to provoke pests, is it really so difficult to raise?

In the process of adapting to the new environment, the old leaves at the bottom of the plant will first appear yellow, this time do not worry too much, cut off the old leaves in time, and move to the position of soft scattered light, maintain humidity (relative humidity in 65% to 75%), plus reasonable watering, can soon restore health, the criterion for judging is that there are new young leaves growing.

Scattered tail sunflower buy a few days on the continuous yellow leaves, but also easy to provoke pests, is it really so difficult to raise?

When maintaining potted loose tail sunflowers, in addition to the above points, we must pay attention to reasonable watering and fertilization, as long as the temperature can be maintained between 18 and 30 degrees, you can supplement the water-soluble fertilizer every 7 to 10 days, you can use the common flower more Than 1, flower more Than 10, it is best to use the two alternate spraying, you can also use other brands of water-soluble fertilizer. The most important thing is to supplement nitrogen and other nutrients to ensure that the leaves grow emerald green and improve their adaptability to the environment.

3. Soil selection

Scattered tail sunflower buy a few days on the continuous yellow leaves, but also easy to provoke pests, is it really so difficult to raise?

Potted sunflowers do not have high requirements for potting soil, the most important thing is to ensure that the soil has good drainage, do not let the soil be wet all the time, which is very important.

If the potted sunflowers at home are planted with yellow soil, or planted with garden soil, the soil is easy to clump, and some rotten earthworm manure can be sprinkled on the soil surface. Generally, it is sprinkled every six months, a thin layer is sprinkled, and normal watering in the later stage can improve the structure and fertility of the soil.

Scattered tail sunflower buy a few days on the continuous yellow leaves, but also easy to provoke pests, is it really so difficult to raise?

Of course, it is best to plant with some loose and breathable soil, which can be used to improve the soil quality with the common coarse coconut bran, pine phosphorus and coarse sand, and can be used to peat soil, fine coconut bran, coarse coconut bran and coarse sand, mixed in a ratio of 4:3:2:1.

4. Disease and pest protection

Scattered tail sunflower buy a few days on the continuous yellow leaves, but also easy to provoke pests, is it really so difficult to raise?

Above are ticks

The maintenance of loose tail sunflowers should learn to correctly control various pests, to avoid air drying, otherwise it is easy to breed red spiders, if the environment is not well ventilated, or do not pay attention to regular sterilization and disinfection, there may be breeding aphids and aphid shell insects, you need to use different insecticides.

If you are accidentally infected with aphids, you can use common insecticides such as imidacloprid, flower protector or avermectin, and spray once every 5 days.

If you are accidentally infected with red spiders, you can use the common pyridoxine, golden branch or acetazole, etc., and spray it once every 3 days.

Scattered tail sunflower buy a few days on the continuous yellow leaves, but also easy to provoke pests, is it really so difficult to raise?

If you are accidentally infected with the insects, you can spray the insect infestation directly with a 75% concentration of alcohol (alcohol can evaporate quickly) in a ventilated place.

If the pest is severe, it is difficult to use alcohol to exert the effect, and it is difficult to remove the pests, because they will hide hidden corners. At this time, you can spray more effective insecticides including thiazinone, acetamiprid or biji, etc., and spray once every 5 to 7 days.


If you want to raise potted loose tail sunflowers, you must give more soft scattered light, higher air humidity, ventilation and warm environment.

If you think that the plant of the loose tail sunflower is too big, there is not so much space at home, then you can choose the pocket coconut, it is the same kind of plant as the loose tail flower, the maintenance method is the same, but the size of the pocket coconut is particularly small, suitable for raising a tabletop potted plant, when the potted plant is maintained, the highest is less than one meter.

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