
Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

author:Walk on the edge of film and television

"Eavesdropping Storm" released in Germany in 2006, the name is strange, at first glance I thought it was an action movie like "Eavesdropping", and then look at the name, it is like a crime suspense film, etc. Open a look, the above speculation is not correct, in fact, it is a film with social and political themes. We were all fooled by that name.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

What is the right name? I think it would be nice to use the title of the book at the end – Sonata for The Good.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

Set in East Germany in November 1984, five years before the fall of the Berlin Wall, the East German National Intelligence Agency "Stasi" was controlling the people with terror and authority — a message that sounded familiar and unfamiliar. You get the idea.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

The film tells the story of Wesler (codenamed "HGW XX/7"), an East German Security Bureau intelligence officer who went from being loyal to his duties to losing enthusiasm for his work, and then changed his position and began to protect the East German writer Dremann, who was asked by his superiors to scout.

The character appears as a secret policeman (Ulrich Muai) who lives in darkness and loneliness – the opening paragraph shows his wisdom and coldness, and it is true that he is not seen laughing from the beginning to the end of the film.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

The famous playwright Dreman (Sebastian Colts) and his beautiful girlfriend, the well-known actress Silan (Martina Godette), are very attractive lovers, and the writer is actually the uncle's age, not handsome, but the more he looks, the more attractive he is. Sealand girl is also, began to look general, the more you look at the more beautiful, the sexier.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

This Sealand girl has the atmospheric beauty of a German girl. The most moving between the eyebrows. If I told you that the actor is 45 years old, you will be stunned - this is still a girlish look? Still have light in your eyes, still so temperamental?

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

All her clothes, coats, shirts, all beautiful, this hat especially made her temperament to a higher level. Maybe the angle of the shooting is different, and she wears a hat and suddenly charms a lot! It was at this moment that I couldn't help but exclaim, "Wow, how beautiful!" ”

In fact, most people can't afford to put on this hat, accessories are very important!

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

Does a writer deserve to be listened to in this way?

The NSA in East Germany in 1984 would tell you that the writer's articles would be disseminated not only in East Germany, but also directly to West Germany, that is, to the world. At that time, even if domestic public opinion is well controlled, it will affect the east German people through the widespread publicity of world public opinion, which is not conducive to their own control.

In this way, the eavesdropping expert Wesler completely lost his own life, and he was ordered to enter a mansion, monitoring the lives of Dreyman and Sealand around the clock, and carrying out eavesdropping work day and night in order to find key evidence as soon as possible.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

Seriously, I was too big to watch at the beginning of the movie – I wasn't cold to the political situation of the movie, and I had to give up halfway through watching it, but fortunately I stuck to watching it. About forty minutes later, on the way home, Sealand, a car stopped beside her, and after a few simple conversations, she got into the car, and only then did she have a wonderful look.

Sitting in the car was the Minister of National Security, and Sealand was the beautiful artist he had fallen for.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

It's in front of the driver, the minister of honor—blatantly, and it's too dark, damn fat.

The Sealand girl, as she confessed before her death, was indeed weak—but it was the circumstances that distorted everything. The more beautiful things are, the more easily they are to provoke the powerful to swallow them, and if they get them, they will be trampled on and destroyed.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

Weak and naïve people are always suitable to be writers. Dreyman knew exactly what was going on. I love this passage – the woman wants to wash away her shame, the man doesn't say anything, just holds her.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

Over there, the playwright hugs the lover to sleep, and the eavesdropper on this side falls asleep with a chair, and everything falls silent.

He is not a simple state apparatus, but also an ordinary person with flesh and blood and sexual desire. His heart must also be longing for true love!

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

Listening to Dremann's sad and angry piano, Wesler even shed tears—which shows that although he is cold, he is a man who understands and cherishes art in his heart. Man does not have one hundred percent rationality (coldness) and one hundred percent sensibility (feelings), and in such a special social environment (everyone is at risk, everyone is self-protective), he must take out the mask of coldness in order to survive and live. Of course, this is sad.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

The professional "criminal spy" style makes Wesler concentrate on his work, snooping on the privacy of others is all he has. But when he spied that the two artists had a loving and stylish way of life, he was naturally attracted... Unconsciously, it gradually integrated into the colorful life of Dremann and Sealand. Even when he sneaked into the writer's study and saw the book he liked, he took the book away, which was so cute, although at first I hated him.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

The night of the fierce quarrel between the two lovers is also unforgettable, and Sealand, forced by the power of the minister, is humiliated and obeyed, and is convinced of helplessness. This is her sorrow, and it is even more the sadness of the system.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

Both of their words were eavesdropped—a closer look at Wesley's expressions and eyes, and the transformation of man begins in the details. Every time there was a close-up of his face, I looked into his eyes and didn't dare to blink, thinking that there was a big world in his eyes.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

On the night of the tavern, Wesley and Sealand actually had an unexpected encounter, which was when Sealand was most desperate and helpless, and Wesley, who knew everything, took the initiative to come forward and talk to Sealand, and he wanted to help her.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

I really think wesley in this paragraph acts like an angel.

The seed of his inner yearning for beauty and goodness was accidentally activated by the writer and the maid, and he witnessed the love of the two in the headphones, so he finally couldn't hold it!

I'm your audience! I actually thought of the faceless man in Spirited Away.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

When they met again, the interrogators appeared in the torture chamber. At this moment, their identities are completely different, but their intentions are actually the same: they are all people who live in a dual identity, living or self, and they cannot have both.

This section of Wesley's interrogation is really handsome, and there is an irresistible cold temperament. His eyes were so resolute, low-key, with a calm light. From beginning to end, the eyes are determined.

"Don't forget your audience!" The beauty of this sentence is that the same language, different people hear it has different effects.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

The trial was also extremely painful for them.

Sealand couldn't stand interrogation and confinement at all, and she couldn't stand the wesleyan interrogation method that she understood very well!

From a realistic point of view, an ordinary person in that kind of horrific environment, the psychology is easy to collapse, can not withstand the interrogation skills of the secret police, the account is forced and inevitable.

After all, she is a woman, or a star, not a hard bone in the general anti-war drama, so she will be afraid in the face of intimidation, but she is unwilling to give up her lover in her heart, and under the distortion of despotism and terror, everything cannot be spared, and her changes and final submission are more humane - this character is both plump and real.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

Whether Sealand's final death was accidental or suicidal, whether it was intentional or not, I think how to understand it.

She had actually been struggling until she saw the writer's angry look, she couldn't escape her conscience, and when she went out, she obviously turned her head and looked at the car, but she still walked over.

Judging from the expression on her face at the moment of the crash, there was both the panic of losing her soul and the guilt and pain in her heart. Since the reason she went out must have been the writer's contemptuous and angry eyes, it didn't make sense how it turned out.

So suicide or not is not the point, what is important is to express that totalitarianism can force a normal person to a dead end... She should be ashamed that she was a secret witness to the NSA, an environment that would have made almost everyone feel ashamed, including us as spectators, but we are still alive.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

Wesley, seeing that Sealand had been killed, rushed to the front in desperation, and after the writer went downstairs, he silently and reluctantly retreated to the side.

He worked for so many years in the position of secret police, from the initial indifference to the final restoration of conscience, and the film celebrates his noble side as a human being.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

After the Berlin Wall was torn down, writers who learned the truth found Wesley, who had become a postman.

This paragraph is very interestingly arranged—when I saw Wesley, I thought the writer would have jumped out of the car, rushed up and shouted his name in front of him to thank him, or grabbed his watch and said nothing. Then the public media began to praise his conscience in the Dark Ages. But after a long time of anticipation, none of these imaginations happened, and the writer, after staring at Wesley's back for a long time, did not thank him in person, but chose to leave silently.


Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

Seeing Wesley's figure in the eyes of the writer is getting farther and farther away, smaller and smaller. I felt sad, but at the same time A little relieved.

Wesley is currently doing humble postman work, plain, ordinary may be very poor, but very relaxed! He stopped being an intelligence officer and chose to start over and be free! When he risked being dismissed or even beheaded to help the progressive writers of society, he should have already considered these so-called ends, and he was willing to be a silent person!

Even if you thank you in person, even if you choose the annual moving person list, even if you become a lifelong friend with the writer, you can't get back any past.

So the writer did not call out his name in the end to thank him in person, did not bother him, there should be some intention.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

It wasn't until that huge poster appeared that it was only two years before that the writer didn't directly stop Wesley: because some thanks could not be expressed through meetings or conversations, and could only pay the most sincere tribute to him with his own works. This way of gratitude is admirable!

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

Only a creative person can make such a romantic way of thanking everyone for the life of a good person, and when countless readers wonder who HGWXX/7 is, only one person shares this secret with him.

But As if he knew there was such a page, Wesley turned the book straight to here—seeing the most thorough and sincere thanks.

Talk about "Eavesdropping Storm", look at the name like a crime suspense blockbuster, in fact, the very brilliant ending of the socio-political theme can definitely enter the history of the film, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. At the end of the day, I thought only I was touched, but I didn't expect most people to be like this.

The last 10 minutes were very moving – sure enough, the director had the best ending! When this last scene appeared, the icebergs melted for it... The plot slowly superimposes, finally shocking... My tears also fell here!

Wesley was silent, this person rarely had mood swings, and even when he saw that the book was written to himself, his expression did not change much. He remained calm almost entirely — it was a good actor, and he played a perfect role.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > this very brilliant ending can definitely go down in the annals of film history, making people feel complete and endlessly evocative. </h1>

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > I thought only I was touched in the end, but I didn't expect most people to be like this. </h1>

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