
(Hot Spot Observation) The United States Is Once Again caught in the "Eavesdropping Storm"

author:International Online

Recently, the Danish Broadcasting Corporation launched a special report that the US National Security Agency used the Danish Defense Intelligence Agency to access the Danish Internet to obtain raw data from 2012 to 2014, monitoring and listening to European politicians including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the leaders of France, Sweden and Norway. The incident caused an uproar in Europe. French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have asked Denmark and the United States for explanations and clarifications in this regard. The governments of Sweden, Norway and other countries also said they could not accept surveillance "against close allies." The US political news website Politico reported on May 31 that US President Joe Biden is about to make his first visit to Europe in mid-June, exposing the surveillance scandal in less than two weeks before the trip, which may cast a shadow on European and American relations.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova noted that the exposure of U.S. surveillance "is just the tip of the iceberg." In 2013, Snowden, a former U.S. defense contractor employee, exposed through the media a massive surveillance operation code-named "Prism" by the U.S. government, which targeted allied leaders, including Merkel. The WikiLeaks website revealed in 2015 that the NSA had been spying on three consecutive French presidents between 2006 and 2012. Early last year, the Washington Post and German Television Two reported that the Swiss encryption equipment manufacturer Cripto was secretly owned by the CIA and the then Federal German intelligence agency, and that the two intelligence agencies could easily crack all the confidential documents transmitted using the company's encryption equipment through deliberately implanted "loopholes" and steal the required information while making huge profits.

China has also been a victim of U.S. cyberattacks and surveillance. In March last year, the 360 Technology Group Co., Ltd. International Security Think Tank published an article saying that 360 Security Brain had captured an 11-year-long cyberattack infiltration of China by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) attack group (APT-C-39). According to the data analysis report of China's Internet network security monitoring and analysis, the United States ranks first in terms of the number of overseas computer malware programs captured, the number of overseas malicious program control servers, the number of overseas denial of service attacks (DDoS), and the implantation of backdoors into websites in China.

In response to the network surveillance scandals exposed by the United States one after another, the website of Spain's "El País" sharply pointed out that the United States seeks to reverse its inevitable decline by controlling global information, and uses monitoring means to accurately track the people's ideological dynamics, which is becoming the most important resource of the United States in global competition. Therefore, the United States will not consider international rules and morals, but will rely on its technological advantages to continue to carry out network eavesdropping and surveillance activities covering the whole world.

It is quite ironic that such a bottomless country engages in surveillance and surveillance activities around the world, but under the banner of "cleaning the network", from time to time throws dirty water of "surveillance and surveillance of other countries" and "network attacks" on China, Russia and other countries. The Trump administration has lobbied allies without the slightest evidence, spread rumors that Huawei equipment is not safe, and pressured countries to exclude Huawei equipment from 5G network construction.

Alexander Kuritz, a member of the German Bundestag, believes that for most Germans, the US surveillance act is "a very serious betrayal" and "seriously undermines mutual trust between allies". Commenting on Biden's upcoming visit to Europe, Curitz said, "I would like the German government to emphasize to the United States what the United States can do to better regulate their intelligence work, and that this must not happen again." (Hot Spot Watch Commentator)

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