
Xiajin Rural Commercial Bank Suliuzhuang Branch Party building and co-construction to promote business development

author:Qilu one point

In order to thoroughly implement the party's organizational line in the new era, continue to strengthen the construction of party organizations, implement the overall concept of party building as the guide, and support rural revitalization with practical actions through party building and joint construction. Recently, the party branch of Suliuzhuang sub-branch and the party branch of Guodikou Village in Xiajin County held a flag awarding ceremony for party building and rural revitalization service team. At the signing ceremony, the two sides conducted in-depth communication and exchanges on their basic situation, development status and how to jointly promote win-win cooperation between the two sides.

After the signing ceremony, the party members and representatives of the party branch of Suliuzhuang Sub-branch introduced the existing deposit and loan products, combined with the customer manager's village system, through visiting publicity, WeChat circle of friends publicity, etc., to conduct on-site visits to individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises within the jurisdiction, to understand the financial needs of customers within the jurisdiction, explain the bank's loan products and deposits, electronic banking and other businesses, and distribute leaflets to the villagers in the jurisdiction. Up to now, the villagers under the jurisdiction of the co-construction branch have handled more than 30 households with online tied cards, precipitated demand deposits of more than 200,000 yuan, and "Huide E Loan" scan codes to pre-credit 5 households, with a credit amount of 80,000 yuan. (Xu Jiaqi)

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