
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

author:Poisonous tongue movie

Recently, a certain female star really played a lot.

Not only did he wear a see-through suit at the concert, but he kissed his wife, Little S.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

A few days ago, it also exploded on the hot search.

Let many post-80s and post-90s shed tears of the times - #蔡依林 40-year-old really feel damn good #

Here's a quote she said at the concert, translated:

The old lady is forty years old and feels really cool!

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Some people realize that Jolin Tsai is actually forty years old?

The media is also hi.

Tongtong regards her as the most successful inspirational model for women - a bad hand to play the king of the explosion, forty years old beautiful rich and career.

Ugly ducklings turn into swans?

As an ordinary listener who also experienced that heyday.

Sir still has to say, you are wrong.

The reason why this sentence makes people move is not how correct and inspirational it is.

Rather it is offensive enough.

Jolin Tsai once carried the delusion of every ordinary person to the myth of "swan".

Now, she personally broke the "wings" that did not belong to Jolin Tsai.


ugly duckling?

It may be difficult to connect jolin Tsai now with the image of her debut.

Pure and immature, with a strong sense of bluntness, even earthy.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

In 1999, Jolin Tsai was nineteen years old, participated in the youth singing competition and signed a record label debut.

The route set by the company for her is "boy killer" and "pure girl", and she also sings lyrical songs for girls.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

It was a time of seeming hope.

Taiwan's entertainment industry is expanding rapidly, mass-producing such "pure girls".

They generally have no outstanding points, no ability and talent, the only thing they have is: youth and cuteness.

These girls poured into the entertainment circle with star dreams, carrying the myth of the era at the beginning of the century.

After a few years of red under the company's packaging, after hollowing out the value, it was lost to everyone.

Jolin Tsai was one of them at the time.

Ordinary looks, singing skills are not good, can not engage in creation, or a dance idiot, acting is even more ...

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

If you don't do a good job of expression management when singing, you can make funny memes every frame.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

The most fatal thing is that she has no personality.

The route is like Xu Huaiyu, which looks like Lin Xinru, but it is not like himself.

Jolin Tsai thus held a bad card in her hand and began to break into the Chinese music scene that was about to usher in its peak.

Although under the company's packaging, Jolin Tsai's debut album "Jolin 1019" achieved good sales, and the song "I Know You're Sad" was quite popular and popular.

But there are also many scoldings and questions.

The Taiwan media used spicy words, laughing at her ugly and dirty, and the big guys in the circle did not give face, and Chen Shanni openly scolded her for being a bad singer.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Jolin Tsai's insecurity was buried from the time she first debuted.

In the face of the endless "pure girls" in the entertainment industry, Jolin Tsai does not know that she can still be popular for several years.

At the same time, the agency also took advantage of the fact that everyone's freshness to her had not disappeared, frantically squeezing the value, so that she could release an album at a speed of half a year.

Two years later, Jolin Tsai could no longer bear it and proposed to terminate the contract.

The price of freedom is to be hidden in the snow for a year, plus a million in reparations for litigation.

It was also this termination that ushered in a crucial turning point in Jolin Tsai's acting career.

Taking advantage of the popularity she had accumulated, she seized the opportunity to sign a new record label.

With the new album "Look at My Seventy-Two Changes" back to the public eye.

Sparrow to phoenix?

More trendy shapes, more delicate faces and figures, musical styles have also changed.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Jolin Tsai re-chose a route that looked optimal - to be a female singer who was still scarce in the market at that time.

The brainwashing divine comedy "Look at My Seventy-Two Changes", which is popular all over the country, is like Jolin Tsai's declaration of transformation.

A mediocre female star who is ridiculed by everyone for not being beautiful enough, she must strive to be the most perfect focus.

Goodbye Ugly Duckling goodbye

I'm going to change my mind

- "Look at My 72 Changes"

It is also this declaration that allows Jolin Tsai to start the road of striving for beauty for more than ten years.

Jolin Tsai, who made a makeover, fought a beautiful turnaround battle at that time.

Popularity is inseparable from one person - Jay Chou.

"Say I Love You", "Prague Square" and "Rewind", which have been constantly looping in your Walkman, are all songs tailored for Jay Chou for her.

Double J love, the tears of the times, is the most dreamy love you can bump into at that time.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle


As everyone knows:

"Finally look away, love can't come back."

Around 2005, when the double J love broke down, the media began to sing about Jolin Tsai.

Without Jay Chou's escort, Jolin Tsai still wants to make a decent album?

Everyone waited to see the joke, but waited for the "Dancer" that sent Jolin Tsai to the altar.

Another declaration, announcing that Jolin Tsai will die dancing, in the MV of "Dancing Lady", Jolin Tsai's enthusiasm for difficult moves has shown signs.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

"Dancing Girl" not only became the annual record sales champion, but also won the Golden Melody Award for Best Female Singer for Jolin Tsai.

It's really red, but negative doubts are also overwhelming.

Plastic surgery, plagiarism, hype with Jay Chou...

Some people also ridiculed why the Golden Melody Award was awarded to "gymnasts"?

Penny Dai, who was also shortlisted for the Golden Melody Award that year, also wrote a song "Blowing Beep" later, suspected of diss Jolin Tsai:

"Flying cornices are outdated tricks" "I'm just not happy that you're better than my cow B."

In the Chinese pop music scene of that year, the Heavenly Kings and Queens were like the sun in the sky, and the golden songs appeared in an endless stream.

Jolin Tsai's strength and insecurity are once again at work.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

She had to work harder to prove that she deserved the award.

However, it fell into a deeper dilemma.



Talking about Jolin Tsai, one word that can't be circumvented, effort.

Just learning to dance, with a foundation of 0, she has too many advantages over Xiao Yaxuan, who has the blessing of talent.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Others say she can't dance well, so she trains all kinds of difficult moves, such as pole dancing, hanging rings, saddle horses...

In 2007, jolin Tsai spent more than three months preparing for dance training in preparation for her tour, and even invited Liu Xuan, then Olympic gymnastics champion, to be a guide.

Repeated beatings, all blue on the legs.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

The mental pressure was too great, and he collapsed several times to cry.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

She wanted to do the best concert she could have.

However, the result, everyone knows.

This famous local talent concert contributed the most black pictures since Jolin Tsai's acting career.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

At this famous concert that can be recorded in the annals of Chinese music, she made the following remarks:

"They say Jolin is not a genius, Jolin is a genius. There are not many great and impossible geniuses around you in the world, but I have always believed that hard work will succeed. ”

Who knew that the titles of "hard work will be successful" and "local talent" also became the material for black fans to mock Jolin Tsai later.

The reality is harsh, and people prefer those who god appreciates food to win less elegant strivers.

But for Jolin Tsai, who has no characteristics, hard work is what she can remember most.

Therefore, she is afraid that others will not see her efforts and always hang on her lips.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Jolin Tsai desperately wants to prove that she is no longer the girl who danced with the same hands and feet, and wants people to "shut up and be amazed".

But it seems to be going in the wrong direction.

Jolin Tsai's dedication to these difficult, but unembodied movements makes her no longer look like a singer, but more like an eye-catching acrobat.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

In 2009, Jolin Tsai's new album "Flower Butterfly" was released, and the promotion method of the album is still how Jolin Tsai practices difficult dances.

In "Flower Butterfly", she even learned to dance ballet, turning in dazzling circles.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

But those colorful pictures and beautiful declaration-style lyrics have bored countless people.

You are a limited edition flower butterfly in the flower world

Beauties are actually more open-minded and more daring

- "Flower Butterfly"

In the whole album, half of the songs are Chinese and covered.

It seems that Jolin Tsai can't do music well, so she can only use various gimmicks to package worthless saliva songs.

Of course, the biggest negative impact of "Flower Butterfly" to Jolin Tsai is that countless Japanese European and American fans have questioned her for plagiarizing the cottage, and black powder has gathered in large quantities.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

△ Jolin Tsai's "Flower Butterfly" was accused of copying Japan's Tianhou Ayumi Ayumi Hamasaki

Jolin Tsai, who has been about 10 years old, has basically ushered in the worst period of her acting career.

At that time, Jolin Tsai, a female star who produced fast food music and was plagued by negative news, seemed to have become politically correct, and Jolin Tsai's fans also became the bottom of the star-chasing chain.

At the same time, the shower culture was born, jolin Tsai was called "shower" and began to accept years of online violence.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

It is estimated that everyone has seen a few words on the Internet, like what "provokes" and "heavenly la", are the introductory vocabulary of the circle.

Before The Lynx was now redefined as a popular subculture on the Internet, it was really tinged with sarcastic malice.

Jolin Tsai seems to have fallen into an endless cycle.

The harder you try, the more you are ridiculed by everyone.

The more I want to be beautiful, the more I am attacked by everyone's appearance.

After "Myself" in 2010, Jolin Tsai was silent for two years without releasing an album.

Perhaps, in the two years of the worst online violence, Jolin Tsai has figured out a lot of things.

Effort is Jolin Tsai's label.

But why should I work hard?

Or rather, for whom is the effort?

For jolin Tsai in that stage, in the major media.

Again for that, she didn't want to expose Jolin Tsai to the outside world.



Lady Gaga once said in her documentary "Gaga: Five Feet Two Inches" that when she debuted, she dressed in a variety of strange costumes to resist the label's packaging of herself.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Jolin Tsai clearly doesn't have gaga's rebellious spirit.

After many years of debut, under the packaging of the record company and in various media, Jolin Tsai has become a popular cultural product of the Taiwanese record industry.

The market needs such a product.

Take the singing and jumping route that others can't stick to, infinitely cater to the public's fast food aesthetics, sing gold-sucking but nutritious saliva songs, and provide various topics and gimmicks for the entertainment industry.

Just like she once laughed at herself for "Cai Is Right".

No one cared about Jolin Tsai's original appearance anymore, including herself, who had almost forgotten.

As she said at a 2013 concert after experiencing the climax of that period of online violence: I will get lost on the stage, forget what I want, forget what I am.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Under the packaging of the record company, in her beautiful and superficial dance music.

Jolin Tsai is a role that chases the trend, sells beauty, and plays with men in applause, which is in line with all people's imagination of female star.

Ambiguity is just a small foreplay, a small game to capture love.

- "Beauty Plan"

What about Jolin Tsai in reality?

Immersed in work, the only boyfriends who have been confirmed in the debut twenty years are Jay Chou and Jinrong.

Insiders have the biggest impression of her - boring.

There is no sense of drama on the variety show, and little S cues her on the side, and she will only shyly cover her mouth and smirk.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Afraid to say the wrong thing, she talks less.

Even if you can't say it clearly, there is a language barrier when cai Kangyong jokes.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Luo Zhixiang once broke the news in "Kangxi Is Coming" that Jolin Tsai is a person who holds a party together, and she also wants to go home at eleven o'clock on time to sleep.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

I don't drink much alcohol at the party, and I still play a little friend's game like marbles.

"Too boring"

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

She wasn't confident either.

This lack of self-confidence was buried from the time when her debut was not optimistic.

In an interview last year, she said she used to be a person who dared not look in the mirror.

She always felt that she was not beautiful enough and not good enough, even if the fans gave her more encouragement, but as she said:

But when you are very small in your heart

Actually, I can't listen to it

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Because there is no sense of self-security, Jolin Tsai is particularly concerned about the eyes and opinions of others.

She knew that the outside world would use a magnifying glass to examine her.

But her method of confrontational inspection is to "find the reason in herself" and force herself not to make a mistake.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Everyone is extremely strict about the appearance of female celebrities, and she complies with this harshness.

In order to stay in shape, go crazy hungry and eat boiled water dishes.

She listens to the team and tries desperately to discipline herself in the recording industry.

"They want to give me whatever they want

Not too many opinions"

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

In the most prosperous and lively years of the Chinese music scene, everyone has not yet received too much impact on European, American, Japanese and Korean pop culture.

In addition to the creative talents with Jay Chou as the core, Taiwan's record industry is more imitating Europe, the United States, Japan and South Korea to ensure fast-food production, especially for non-singer-songwriters. (Many people may not know that "The Sun Never Sets" and "Later" that were once popular on both sides of the strait and three places are all Chinese works.) )

Sinicization, cottage, follow the trend.

It is also in such a big environment that Jolin Tsai, who blindly buries her head in hard work, has no style of her own and has been questioned for plagiarism for many years.

In the constant pandering, the harder she tried, the more she lost herself.

"It's like I've been chasing something

I was exhausted

But I still don't know what was achieved

What is the purpose and meaning?"

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Jolin Tsai today looks at herself at that time, and she will feel that in her eyes at that time, there was a feeling of "I don't know what I was doing".

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

After entering the 1910s, the Chinese music scene ushered in a silence after glory.

Among the divas of Jolin Tsai's contemporaries, some failed in transformation, some had no intention of undertaking, and some went into decline along with Chinese music.

What are Jolin Tsai's advantages?

She's been.

Ugly or wretched, never flinched, and constantly looking for a way out.

Or look for clues from the work.

Her later songs are no longer those colorful assembly line desserts, more like creative dishes with rich taste levels, and jolin Tsai herself can be found more and more.

She satirized the age of the x, fighting back against the worst damage she had ever suffered.

Fifty doppelgangers on the web are not tired at all


Literary costume x chaotic dress party

- "Play Me"

She used "Rose Boy" to commemorate Ye Yongzhi, a Taiwanese teenager who was bullied to death because of social prejudice, singing that he was innocent of life, but also in harmony with his own imperfections.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Who puts whose soul into whose body

Who puts the body of whom

Become imprisoned and imprison yourself

The chaotic world is always the least lacking in whispers

Which kind of beauty will arouse jealousy

You are not guilty Of sin is the world

Born sinless

You don't need to be sorry

"Strange and Beautiful", she bravely opened the wound in the MV and revealed all the judgments she had suffered over the years.

Jolin Tsai in everyone's eyes - sausage mouth, G milk that is extremely inconsistent with petite figure.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Dressing was ridiculed by all kinds, and the dress of the 19th Golden Melody Awards was described by the media as a "sanitary napkin" and a "squid".

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

Even the most terrifying emoji, she did not care about it earlier.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

For beauty, it is necessary to diet and lose weight, and it is necessary to have large eyes of Kazilan.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

It is both the self-deprecating girl who once insisted on pandering to the eyes of others, but also the satire of the so-called standard of beauty.

I officially declare the trial open

The defendant did not meet the standards of beauty identified by the public

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

There is attitude and self-expression, there is musical experimentation, and there is a unique style of its own.

She almost took the value of pop music to the extreme.

Jolin Tsai's songs have changed, and Jolin Tsai herself has been reborn.

The girl who used to only disguise herself began to show her true emotions.

When "Dancing Girl" won the Golden Melody Award for Best Singer that year, Jolin Tsai carefully said that I would try to maintain the best state.

In 2015, when her "Yuck" won the Golden Melody Award for Best Chinese Album, she shouted excitedly:

I won! Yes!

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

At the concert that said "40-year-old really feel damn good", Jolin Tsai was very comfortable sharing her age and life with her fans.

She even teased her own twenty years of dedication to "acting talent".

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

This year, she started experimenting with something she had never tried before, getting up every day and lying on the ground to rest.

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle
With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

This is probably something that jolin Tsai did not dare to imagine.

She jumped out of the trap of effort.

Forty years old feels good, not because she's beautiful and rich.

Instead, she really found herself, who had been hidden for nearly twenty years, and knew who she was working for.

He debuted in 1999 and witnessed the collapse of the Chinese music scene.

It was a time of dreams and myths.

The times created "Jolin Tsai" and destroyed Jolin Tsai.

For many female stars, the times have never shied away from its cruelty, allowing them to exchange flowers and applause at their own expense, and then they have been cruelly abandoned.

Can't find herself again, just like Norma, the superstar who fell with the silent film in "Sunset Boulevard", finally thought that she was still the poignant princess in "Samari".

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

It is not so easy to fight against the disillusionment of the myths of the times.

Therefore, Jolin Tsai's twenty years are not a stitch of laughter to the last inspirational chicken blood.

Rather, it is a search for the "me" used to pawn dreams.

In 2012, when Taiwan's record industry was declining and Jolin Tsai's reputation fell to the bottom, her new album included a song "I".

This is a song exclusive to Jolin Tsai.

It was also the first time she had begun to really think about "me" after going through the ups and downs.

At that year's concert, she cried and sang:

She had strange cheeks in my mirror

Which I am true and which is false

I define existence in terms of the love of others

Fear of life blanks

But I forgot whether I should let the dream cover up

That girl

"To exist in terms of the love of others".

Who are you talking about?

Of course, there is Jolin Tsai herself.

But this sentence also applies to the stars who are still bound by the "swan dream" at present, and there are countless us who have lost ourselves in order to cater to the outside world.

This is Jolin Tsai, 40 years old.

She offended everyone with a sentence that seemed so "correct.".

20 years after her debut, she "climbed" into the center of the Chinese entertainment industry.

40 years of life.

She finally lifted her head and shook her head.

Out of this "circle".

With 20 years of playing a bad hand, congratulations to the queen of heaven for finally coming out of the circle

The picture in this article comes from the network

Editorial Assistant: Motor of the Summer Palace