
13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

author:Early every

In 1977, it was a chaotic and crazy year.

That year, 5.7 million young people in China were busy studying for the gaokao, while many young people in the United States were busy dreaming of death.

12 kilometres north of Los Angeles is Glendale, where an ignorant Czech girl who has just turned 18 is a clueless young girl.

She hangs out with a mercurial Russian man all day long, and after not knowing where to hang out, she leaves an unwelcome consequence.

And he was Edward Furlong.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

Edward Furlong childhood photo

After giving birth to Edward, the ignorant Czech girl found an "honest man" to take over, and soon gave birth to another child.

And Edward became an annoying little drag bottle.

Where did that Russian man go, you ask?


The moment he learned that something was wrong, he ran away.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

Edward grew up in such a complex family, he lived with his stepfather, immature mother, and half-brother.

Although the stepfather was an "honest man", he was not a fool.

He was not good to Edward.

Whenever this happened, Edward thought of his irresponsible Russian father.

The days passed painfully day by day.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

In 1990, his life took a turn for the better.

Edward was 13 years old.

This little boy, who has been plagued by bad luck, has finally been favored by the goddess of luck.

One day, he was hanging out in a club.

Suddenly, a scout spotted the 13-year-old boy and was deeply struck by his beauty.

Naturally, he recommended Edward to audition.

As soon as the great director James Cameron saw Edward, he expressed his satisfaction.

So Cameron asked him to play john Connor, the heroine's son in the classic sci-fi film Terminator 2.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

His first acting was with big names Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton;

The first film was the Hollywood blockbuster by the big director Cameron, and Edward's starting point can be said to be very high.

Thankfully, Edward deserved it.

The 13-year-old boy never learned to act, but was born to be a good performer.

A lot of thrilling plots, complex expressions, but he can easily perform.

It is no exaggeration to say that his performance in the film is not inferior to that of the long-famous Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton.

After the movie was released, everyone was asking, "Who was that little boy riding a motorcycle?" ”

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

How many people were amazed by that scene.

Juvenile growth, taboo temptation.

The teenager who has not yet fully grown up, but with a faint rebellion in his youth, cold and uninhibited eyes, the lines on his face are sharp and clear, and the bright brown hair that flutters with the wind seems to shake not only hair, but also the hearts of young girls.

That year, he won the MTV Film Award for Best Breakthrough Role and the Saturn Science Fiction Film Festival Best Young Actor Award.

Edward became famous at a young age, became a hit, and the film continued to be released.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

But I don't know if it's lucky or unlucky, because what is too easy to get is always not cherished.

This rebellious teenager, Edward did not care about his own star path.

"At that time, she was too young to know all the gifts given by fate, and she had already secretly marked the price."

— The Severed Queen [Austria] Stephen Zweig

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

It was at this time that Edward's mother, aunt, and uncle fought for custody.

At this time, Edward was different, he was no longer the little drag bottle, and everyone wanted to grab his custody.

After all, everyone wants money, and everyone wants a "walking vault."

This rebellious little boy did not do as they wished, and for two whole years he was in court.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

In the end, he obtained his own custody through a lawsuit and was his own guardian.

However, that doesn't mean he's mature.

This just made his later life become turbulent.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

In 1991, Edward was 14 years old.

Jacqueline appeared, who was initially Edward's personal tutor.

Scarily, not long after, his mother found the little boy sleeping in bed with his teacher, Jacqueline, who was 13 years older than him.

What does this mean?

The 14-year-old boy was with the 27-year-old woman. They're in love.

At that time, Edward's aunt was very angry, and she accused Jacqueline of sexually assaulting the boy.

But Edward at the time sincerely told the judge in court, "I love her." ”

And, in 1995, Edward and Jacqueline announced their engagement. It is worth mentioning that it was also in this year that Edward won custody of himself.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

Edward Furlong and Jacqueline

Jacqueline at that time really loved him.

She graduated from the University of California and was supposed to have a bright future, but she frantically pursued Edward, who was only 15 years old at the time.

In fact, this is also normal.

The boy's overly outstanding appearance prevented him from being seen as an ordinary child.

Being pretty but not being protected is fatal.

He was like a chocolate cake with a rich fragrance that was not protected by a glass window, and hungry people wanted to take a bite, even to take it for themselves.

It's just that Jacqueline did it, and did.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

Their love is not favored by the outside world.

Edward, 15, is lonely and still can't feel the outside world.

But Jacqueline was nearly 30 years old, and she was under overwhelming pressure with Edward, but fortunately Edward was very obedient at that time, and Jacqueline did whatever he wanted, without resisting.

She was Edward's teacher and his agent.

For those 7 years, Jacqueline and Edward had been living together.

Jacqueline took all of Edward's affairs into her own hands, and it was up to her to decide edward's job offers, eating, drinking, and even which clothes to wear to the event.

This is not actually love, but control in the name of love.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

From 1991 to 1998, these 7 years were the peak of Edward's stardom and appearance.

1992, Pet Graveyard 2 by Jeff Matthews;

1992, American Heart, Nick Kelson;

1993, "Our Own Home" by Shane Reis;

1995, Grass Harp, Corinthine. Wick;

1996, Before and After by Jacob Ryan;

In 1998, Woodpecker, Woodpecker.

Although these movies are not popular, they are also steady and steady, step by step, and Edward's popularity has also soared.

In 1996, Calvin Klein even promoted him as a spokesperson.

And the series he shot was also well received.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

At this time, it coincided with the male cast of "Titanic", and the director of "Titanic" was Cameron.

So there were even rumors at the time that Edward Furlong would star in Titanic.

In the end, although Edward Furlong did not succeed in starring in titanic.

But people looked at Cameron's new favorite, Little Plum, and said, "Cameron's aesthetic is indeed the same, and Leonardo and Edward Furlong are the same type of beautiful men." ”

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

But it all quickly vanished, both in Edward's popularity and fame.

In 1998, Jacqueline broke up with Edward and took him to court on charges of domestic violence.

The 7-year relationship ended in such a decisive way.

In the United States, a woman's vigorous touch on the shoulder by a man can be regarded as domestic violence, and the reason Jacqueline gave was that Edward slapped her.

Edward was 21 years old at the time, and the belated period of rebellion had finally arrived.

Their breakup is inevitable.

Jacqueline wanted an obedient husband, not a son.

Edward had barely been involved with "obedience and understanding" before, but as an adult, he did not want maternal love, and he longed for a true love.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

When the child grows up, he can't control it.

But after all, Jacqueline is old and skilled.

If the child wants to go out, break his wings.

Just like dolls played with when they were young, if their mother wanted to give their dolls to others, some children would deliberately break the dolls.

Because, what you can't get yourself, others can't think of.

Jacqueline thought the same thing.

She firmly held the charge of "domestic violence" firmly on Edward's head.

In the past few years, Edward had been so well protected by her that he had no power to fight back.

In this way, Edward's popularity plummeted, and all good film and television resources were gone.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

1998 was Edward's last glory.

His starring role in "The X-Files of America" was rave reviews, and the acting skills he showed in the film were highly praised, which should have laid the foundation for him to step into a "powerful actor".

But in fact, this was the final highlight of his acting career.

After Jacqueline left him, he was like a rebellious child who had no one to discipline, thinking he was mature and desperately trying to do the things he thought was cool.

He made a lot of strange friends and took him to smoke, drink and take drugs.

Later, according to his own account, he smoked 60 cigarettes a day at that time.

At first, there was no retribution for all this, and everything seemed to be moving in a good direction.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

His beauty is still online.

He was sought after by a large number of female fans, and was chased by the "super rich girl" Miss Paris Hilton.

He fluttered but did not know that the end was coming.

Paris is the successor to the Hilton Hotel, with a family fortune of billions of dollars, and in the early years Kardashian was just her "little follower".

Later, Paris said: "Edward Furlong was her first love boyfriend and had been in a relationship for two months. ”

Two months later, Edward's world changed.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

Paris Hilton

In 2000, he was hospitalized for excessive intake of cocaine and alcohol.

A year later, he was admitted to the hospital for the same reason.

Since then, he has been rehabilitating from drugs in the correctional home.

The road to acting is half broken, why say half? Because he continues to be a demon.

Drug abuse made him no longer grow tall, and his height of 170cm restricted his development.

Worst of all, he was in a very poor state of mind, and he was in a state of flux all the time. He was arrested first for driving without a license, then for drunk driving, and finally for a drunken fight, and was imprisoned several times without repentance.

The barrage of absurdity made the audience, the Hollywood producers, and his agency lose complete confidence in him.

Edward, on the other hand, did not care and willingly fell.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

In 2006, Edward got married.

Married to actress Rachel Bella, they were very happy at first because of the drama, and gave birth to a son Ethan.

But in just 5 months, their marriage broke down.

Rachel sued Edward for domestic violence, and after the two divorced, Rachel even filed for a protective order, prohibiting Edward Furlong from approaching her and her son.

Incredibly, Edward's son Ethan was tested positive for drugs.

Edward is a lunatic!

He also took drugs himself and let his 6-year-old son also use drugs. He was arrested and imprisoned for violating a protective order.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

A happy family at the time

Here's an interview he did after he was released on bail for $50,000:

Reporter: "Where are you?" ”

Edward Furlong: "I'm at Dinis Paradise!" It's called a prison, haha! ”

At the end of the conversation, Edward's fox friends laughed wildly with him.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

Since then, there has been no news of him for a long time.

Until 2011, he played a drug dealer minion "Taper" who was killed in less than a minute in the movie "Qingfeng Man".

Moreover, he declared bankruptcy because he could not afford to pay his son's maintenance.

On October 5, 2012, he publicly asked fans to donate to him so that he could afford the high cost of liver transfer surgery.

His body was completely collapsed, and his formerly beautiful skin bag had become ugly.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy
13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

Recent photo of Edward Furlong

Broken family, good-looking skin, false prosperity brought about by young fame, betrayal of the women around him, chaotic private life, alcoholism and drug addiction, Edward Furlong is thus stepping into the abyss of depravity.

Perhaps, he died as a child, in the years when no one paid attention to him.

13 years old popular, 14 years old public love, 21 years old betrayed, 24 years old, his life is a tragedy

For Edward's sake as a young man, give me a thumbs up, right?

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