
Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

author:Sports Industry Ecosystem
Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Yesterday, the Tokyo Olympics officially opened, and the opening performance of the opening ceremony was only 40 minutes, which looked slightly bleak compared to the previous wonderful opening ceremony performances.

But after learning the story behind the scenes, we were relieved. It turned out that behind the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, there was a section covering bribery and plagiarism, workplace bullying, discrimination against women, etc., and the degree of ups and downs was comparable to the cross-year drama of the golden Japanese drama.


The title image comes from


The opening ceremony of "Hades" with constant negative news

Last night, the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games was held at the New National Stadium in Tokyo, and the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games without spectators seemed a bit deserted.

Five years ago, at the closing ceremony of the Rio Olympics, "Eight Minutes in Tokyo" left a deep impression on many people. At that time, the Japanese used AR technology and introduced cultural IP such as two-dimensional characters, showing the world a Japan with a sense of technology. Therefore, many people are looking forward to the original opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Eight minutes into Tokyo, Abe appears as "Mario"

However, under the epidemic situation, it is not easy for the Olympic Games to be successfully held, and the quality of the opening ceremony performance can be said to be far from the previous expectations. The opening modern dance, abstract art... Although the official "intimately" arranged the emotional two-dimensional song list and the national brand of the comic dialog box to make Easter eggs, the melon-eating masses may only have one feeling after reading it: they can't understand it.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

The Chinese Olympic delegation entered the 110th place in the order of the 50-tone chart, and the flag bearers were Zhu Ting and Zhao Shuai.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Finally, as the drone changed from the Tokyo Olympic emblem to the shape of the earth, the venue sounded "Imagine", several actors changed the shape of 50 kinds of icons, and people finally saw some of the expected shadows of the technological opening ceremony, but the performance was nearing its end.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Some people may be disappointed by the opening ceremony, because during the live broadcast of the opening ceremony, more than 100,000 people opened the video of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games; perhaps some people think of the "Eight Minutes of Tokyo" that raised people's expectations, imagining what should have been a wonderful performance in parallel time and space.

But in fact, until the day before the opening, we could still hear negative news about the opening ceremony.

Three days before the opening ceremony, keigo Koyamada, the composer of the opening ceremony, resigned voluntarily after being pickped up for bullying the disabled, and the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee also made it clear that it would not be used again for the four minutes of the opening ceremony music he was responsible for.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

The day before the opening ceremony, show director Kentaro Kobayashi was fired for filming a historical scene set against the backdrop of the massacre of Jews while working as a funny entertainer.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

People can't help but sweat for the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games, in fact, just a few hours before the opening ceremony, many people are still wondering whether the Olympic flame can be lit smoothly.

In fact, the negative news before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is by no means the only two.

Especially after studying the opening ceremony news for nearly a year, we found that behind the seemingly glamorous opening ceremony was a section covering bribery and plagiarism, workplace bullying, discrimination against women, etc., and the degree of ups and downs was comparable to the new year's drama of the golden Japanese drama.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood


The once star-studded director Tiantuan

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is an important window to show the culture of the country, and the selection of the director is quite exquisite.

The documentary on the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games, "Zhang Yimou's 2008", began with the opening two years before the opening, and as early as two years before the opening, the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee issued a letter of appointment to Zhang Yimou, the "national teacher".

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

The Tokyo 2018 Organising Committee also followed this rule, and as early as 2018, they held a press conference to officially announce the selection of directors for the opening ceremony. It can be said that just looking at these star-studded names in the director's group makes people look forward to the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Tokyo Olympics Original Director Group (Remember this picture, to be tested)

Japan's national treasure-level kyogen master Nomura Mansai will serve as the overall coordinator. Kyogen is the "Intangible Cultural Heritage" of the United Nations, and Nomura Mansai is the heir to one of the famous people. In addition, Nomura Mansai is also active on the big screen, and his performance of "Yin and Yang Division" in Abe Haruaki is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and Habu Yusei has also learned from him many times.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Harumi Abe, played by Mansai Nomura

Takashi Yamazaki, the director of the movie "Parasite Beast", was in charge of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Takashi Yamazaki (left) with Mansai Nomura and Hiroshi Sasaki at the press conference

Advertising director Hiroshi Sasaki, who was in charge of the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, was the director of "Eight Minutes in Tokyo".

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Famous musician, "Queen of Apples" Shiina Hayashi served as music director.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Ringo Shiina

The famous choreographer and excellent stage director Mikiko is the chief choreographer, and the stage of "Tokyo Eight Minutes" and the famous electronic music group Perfume is created by her.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

"Escape is shameful but useful" Ending Love Dance is also from Mikiko

In addition, the team also includes Genki Kawamura, the producer of "Your Name", the famous advertising director Kaoru Kanno, and the disabled creative director Yoshiyuki who devotes herself to public welfare.

But three years later, none of the eight remained on the team, and the original "Dream Team" was ultimately "a chicken feather".


Frequent substitutions, not a single reliable thing

According to the weekly Wenchun, an official within the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee once broke the news to Wenchun that the work efficiency of the Olympic preparatory team was extremely low.

Because until June 2019, the year before the scheduled opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee still did not hand over a specific plan for the opening ceremony.

At first, the general director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games was Takashi Yamazaki, but due to his personal filming schedule, he could not fully participate in the design of the opening ceremony, so he voluntarily quit the team. As a result, the general director of the opening and closing ceremonies became the general manager Nomura Mansai.

According to the news, Nomura Mansai proposed a grand plan at that time: the town of soul and rebirth, mainly around the reconstruction of the 2011 East Japan earthquake, combined with traditional culture, to show the Olympic spirit.

However, the then chairman of the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee, Yoshiro Mori, disagreed and put forward some of his own ideas: such as "the tea room flies in the sky", "the balloon is used to form a Godzilla to watch the game"... Nomura Mansai found these ideas difficult to realize and had no practical significance, and it was difficult for the two to unify their opinions.

As a result, Mori Yoshiro used his right to demote Nomura Mansai to a nominal consultant, and Nomura Mansai was no longer involved in related matters until December last year, when the original eight-member director team was officially "disbanded".

However, at that time (2019) the IOC gave the deadline in front of us, and someone had to come out and do something.

At this time, MIKIKO was ordered to take over the mess and try to turn the tide and rewrite the plan. Her creative design is a "walk with athletes" program at its core, which aims to use state-of-the-art technology and mainly female dancers to show the world the streets and customs of Tokyo.

The IOC is said to be very satisfied with the proposal, and the opening ceremony soon entered the rehearsal stage. In addition, MIKIKO, with its connections and really excellent program, also attracted animation supervisor Katsuhiro Otomo and Shigeru Miyamoto, chairman of Nintendo, who said that they would participate in the opening ceremony.

By this time, MIKIKO's team had expanded to 500 people.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

"Wenchun" exposed the cover of mikiko's scheme

It should sound like a perfect opening ceremony, but the postponement of the Olympics is like opening a "Pandora's box". In the year shrouded by the epidemic, there were many "Drama" things within the opening ceremony team.

At the beginning of last year, Mikiko's good friend Kaoru Kanno, who had worked with many times, fell in the infighting between Dentsu, the biggest partner in the Tokyo Olympics. Accused of "power harassment", Kaoru Sugano stepped down from his position as part of the Olympic planning team, and the team with whom he co-authored the CG story also left.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

"Wenchun" revealed that MIKIKO originally planned to use Mario to introduce competitive sports

At this time, Hiroshi Sasaki appeared as the victorious party in Dentsu's "infighting". As a candidate designated by Dentsu executives who is closely related to Yoshiro Mori, as the director of the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games, he also began to get involved in the affairs of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

In the opening ceremony project " Only One Hand Covers the Sky ", Sasaki first bullied the disabled female director Ryosuke Kurisu, and discriminated against Yoshiyuki's physical disability.

Mikiko's scheme was then stitched and copied. It has been reported that Sasaki does not like MIKIKO's plan, and he hopes to propose new content, but the International Olympic Committee appreciates MIKIKO more, so he re-creates on MIKIKO's original plan, piecing together MIKIKO's works, and even more emptying MIKIKO's rights.

MIKIKO once questioned Yoshiro Mori, then chairman of the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee, and Yoshiro Mori said, "Of course Sasaki can't talk to you, because you're a woman."

In October last year, MIKIKO sent an email to dentsu's head, telling Dentsu that he had not received any feedback on his work in the past few months, and that he could not work, but the 500 people on the team could not do without work. MIKIKO said that he was very stressed because of this matter and suddenly lost his hearing.

Three weeks after sending the mail, MIKIKO officially resigned.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Another woman on the team: MIKIKO's girlfriend, music director Shiina Hayashina Hayashiki, also resigned as a result, and was also suspected of singing "connotation" to the Olympic Organizing Committee. The famous DJ Tomoyuki Tanaka (FPM) replaced her as music director.

In the end, the Olympic Organizing Committee disbanded the original team, and Sasaki Hiroshi officially became the general director, although it was not satisfactory, but it was also considered that the dust had settled.

Unexpectedly, "Weekly Bunchun" broke the news again, and in the publication of March 25 this year, it was exposed that Sasaki Hiroshi had suggested in the LINE chat that the famous funny female artist Naomi Watanabe should dress as a pig at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games to correspond to the harmonic sound of "Olympig".

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Sasaki's LINE speech refers to Naomi Watanabe in the name of pig's emoji

Although Sasaki Hiroshi came forward to explain that he was only telling "cold jokes" in the group, it still caused public outrage. Therefore, some dentsu people came out to break the news that Sasaki had performed "Body Shame" on many female colleagues.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Naomi Watanabe

Sasaki eventually withstood the pressure of public opinion and resigned.

So far, until April this year, three months before the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games, the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee was still looking for a new opening ceremony director.

The day before the opening, another director of the opening ceremony was dismissed because of his "black history".


A bad deal for the Tokyo Organising Committee

Although "Weekly Bunchun" has always been known for its love of writing small essays on the entertainment industry, this time it is "begging for a hammer" in the face of the tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee.

In a report on March 31 of this year, weekly Fumiharu said that it had obtained MIKIKO's 280-page opening ceremony plan, which contained important contents such as Miura Daichi and Naomi Watanabe, and although the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee expressed its dissatisfaction, it asked Bunchun to delete the relevant articles immediately.

However, the protests of the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee are a bit thin in the face of evidence, but Wenchun's attitude is very tough, saying that Wenchun's reporting on the opening ceremony is public and public welfare, and will continue to report in the future.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Miura Daichi appeared in MIKIKO's opening ceremony project

In February this year, former Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee President Yoshiro Mori was exposed for discriminatory remarks against women, and he once made this statement: "There are endless meetings where female members are present, and women should be limited to speaking."

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Yoshiro Mori

This once again set off popular sentiment, and eventually Yoshiro Mori resigned and female leader Seiko Hashimoto took the throne.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

Hashimoto's son

And that's just the tip of the iceberg, and what may shock the Japanese people the most is the budget for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

As of February last year, the budget for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Tokyo Olympic Games had reached 13 billion yen, and the budget had risen to 16.5 billion yen (about 1 billion yuan) due to the increase in equipment storage costs and labor costs due to the postponement.

In an interview with Japanese media in March, Hiroshi Sasaki revealed that the total budget of the four opening and closing ceremonies was only 1 billion yuan, which was a relatively tight amount for the production of an idol concert, even if the organizing committee urgently added some budget, but the amount available for the performance would not increase too much.

The opening ceremony alone is contrary to the "compact Olympic Games" when the Olympic bid was first made, not to mention the expenditure of the Tokyo Organising Committee on other aspects.

Coupled with the impact of the new crown epidemic, the Japanese people have also repeatedly demonstrated, calling for the postponement or cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics again, and even before the opening ceremony, there are still people protesting.

Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood

When it bid for the Olympic Games, Japan hoped that through this Olympic Games, the world could see a brand-new Japan, and see a Japan that had fully stood up from the bubble economy and the earthquake and nuclear disaster.

Fortunately, as Naomi Osaka lit the main torch tower, although the slot was full, the Tokyo Olympic Games were finally successfully opened without any danger.

But this is the official beginning of the "big test" of the "Olympic Games".



Behind the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: a "workplace Japanese drama" with incomparable dog blood