
Strictly grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic, and strive for excellence to do a good job in service guarantee! Li Qiang inspected the preparations for the Expo

author:People's Online Hai

The opening of the Fourth China International Import Expo is imminent, and the preparatory work has entered a critical stage. On the afternoon of October 22, Li Qiang, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and head of the leading group for urban service guarantee of the Expo, inspected the epidemic prevention and control, service guarantee and exhibition-related work of the Expo at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai). Li Qiang pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on "getting better and better" at the Expo, lift the spirit, redouble our efforts, grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic with an unrelenting and strict attitude, do a good job in service guarantee with the momentum of excellence and perseverance, and go all out to ensure the complete success of the Fourth Expo.

Strictly grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic, and strive for excellence to do a good job in service guarantee! Li Qiang inspected the preparations for the Expo

The fourth CIIE is composed of enterprise exhibitions, national exhibitions, Hongqiao International Economic Forum, professional supporting activities and other parts, and the preparatory work is currently being refined and upgraded. After listening in detail to the introduction of urban service guarantees and exhibitions, Li Qiang pointed out that the Expo is of great significance to promoting a new round of high-level opening up and building a new development pattern. Under the premise of persistently grasping the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, we must implement the tasks of urban service guarantee at a higher level, stricter standards, and better quality, and do a good job at a higher level, with better results, and with better results. It is necessary to firmly establish the idea of "one game of chess", in accordance with the unified deployment of the organizing committee, under the support and guidance of the Ministry of Commerce and other national ministries and commissions, to further enhance the spirit, enhance the execution, strengthen coordination, take the initiative to step forward, and do all work more in place, more meticulously and more comprehensively with greater tenacity.

Elaborate design, optimization and upgrading, highlight the logo of the Expo, show the image of the city, do a good job of follow-up opening, and build the South Square area into a city park suitable for travel

The South Square of the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) creates a sea of colorful flowers through the artistic design of flowers and green plants, showing the beauty of ecology and the beauty of the city. Municipal leaders carefully inspected the landscape of the square and listened to the introduction of relevant work. Li Qiang pointed out that the South Square has become a landmark area for exhibitors and tourists to understand the Expo and enter the Expo, and it is necessary to carefully design, optimize and upgrade, highlight the logo of the Expo, show the image of the city, do a good job in follow-up opening, and build the South Square area into a city park suitable for travel.

With the most serious attitude, the strictest standards, and the most stringent measures to achieve accurate prevention and control, closed-loop management, and strict seams

Strictly grasp the prevention and control of the epidemic, and strive for excellence to do a good job in service guarantee! Li Qiang inspected the preparations for the Expo

Li Qiang inspected the transportation guarantee and service support of the exhibition hall all the way, and learned in detail about the progress of improving the convenience of admission for exhibitors and epidemic prevention and control. Li Qiang pointed out that it is necessary to sort out, improve, and improve all aspects of the service guarantee of the Expo, not only to make good use of the experience and practices that have been formed, but also to constantly find problems and deficiencies through stress tests and actual combat exercises, and to solve them in a timely manner. The epidemic prevention and control of the Expo cannot be paralyzed and relaxed, it must be strict and strict, solid and solid, fine and fine, focusing on key links such as "people, things, pavilions" and important lines of defense such as "national borders, cities, regions, exhibition areas", and achieving accurate prevention and control, closed-loop management and strict seams with the most serious attitude, the strictest standards and the strictest measures. It is necessary to continue to check for hidden risks, make up for loopholes and shortcomings in a timely manner, carry out emergency drills on a rolling basis, and effectively improve the ability to deal with them.

Through digital means to improve the efficiency of management services, so that exhibitors have a more efficient and convenient and comfortable experience of exhibition and viewing

Subsequently, Li Qiang came to the on-site command center of the Expo to visit and comfort the comrades who continued to fight in the front line of preparation, watch the demonstration of the application scenarios of the fourth expo enabled by science and technology, and listen to the report on the use of big data to ensure the preparation of the expo. Li Qiang pointed out that it is necessary to accelerate the collection and integration of data and information, develop more digital application scenarios, improve the efficiency of management services through digital means, promote the full application of urban digital transformation results in the practice of the Expo, better empower the urban service guarantee during the Expo, and let exhibitors have a more efficient, convenient and comfortable exhibition experience. It is necessary to actively explore and improve the new model of online and offline integration, improve the display and concentration of "cloud exhibitions", set up an open benchmark, and reflect the world's first-class.

Wang Bingnan, vice minister of the Ministry of Commerce, and municipal leaders Chen Yin, Zhuge Yujie, Shu Qing, and Zong Ming attended the inspection.

(Source: Shanghai Release)

(Editor-in-charge: Mu Yifan, Xuan Zhaoqiang)

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