
Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

author:Wen Shisan

In 2009, the mainland planned to imitate the idol drama "Meteor Garden" and shoot a TV series called "Let's See the Meteor Shower".

The producers want to use this drama to bring out a mainland F4 beauty male group.

When casting, the director requires that the actor's fame can not be large, but the face must be handsome enough, and the proportion of the body must be good.

After several months of casting, several roles were fixed, each more than 180 tall, young and handsome.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

Sure enough, after the TV series was broadcast, it was a mess in the mainland, although the plot was childish and thunderous, but it was also the beginning of the chapter of the mainland idol drama.

Several of the protagonists in the play are also known as the first generation of traffic.

However, now more than ten years later, the situation of the male and female protagonists is also lamentable, and Zheng Shuang has played a good hand of cards and broken the beautiful star path.

After F4 solo flight, everyone's development direction is also different, and there are too many unsolved mysteries in the stories that happened on the body...

Seeing the former popular stars and remembering the dramas that were chased in the past seemed to be the mark of our youth.

Things are fickle, maybe that's life.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13">01</h1>

As the male number one in the TV series, it is not easy for Zhang Han to be selected.

Because he was not good-looking when he was a child, many people who saw Zhang Han would say that this child had grown cracked, which meant that this child looked ugly.

Until he went to college, he was not confident, and when he took pictures with his classmates, he would subconsciously stand on the side.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

In addition, he rarely takes the initiative to talk to female classmates.

Due to these various reasons, Zhang Han always cringed and shrinked in acting, and his nature has not been liberated.

Participating in many dramas are small dragon sets that can't even be named, and I can't see a little shadow of the current "domineering president".

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

Until 2009, someone came to invite Zhang Han to play the male protagonist of the cottage version of "Meteor Garden", and he had future development.

However, what makes people wonder is that Zhang Han at that time was not the most handsome, and he cowered when acting, how to make the director look at it at a glance?

Perhaps because inside and outside the play, Zhang Han in real life, like "Murong Yunhai" in the play, is a rich second generation with a sense of superiority.

Zhang Han's father was a businessman, and his mother was a doctor, who belonged to a wealthy part of the family in that era.

In 2004, Zhang Han was admitted to the acting department of the Central Academy of Drama, and when other students were still bicycles, he had already driven a luxury car.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

In March 2007, Zhang Han, who was a senior in college, drove out in a car, but was stopped by traffic police because of driving violations.

But what was surprising was that he did not know what the reason was, he not only did not stop, but also accelerated to escape, and dragged the traffic police who stopped the car 100 meters away.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

At that time, Zhang Han was still called Zhang Han.

Due to the drag, the traffic police arm fracture, there are rumors that there is a "kidney damage", in short, very serious.

The most critical thing is that Zhang Han has found the traffic police who were stuck during the escape, but he did not stop immediately, if it were not for the enthusiastic citizens who could not see it and forced it to stop, I am afraid that the name of the traffic policeman would not be guaranteed.

This matter has also been featured on CCTV's "When the Rule of Law is in Progress" program.

Ironically, many years later, Zhang Han changed his name to Zhang Han, and after becoming popular with "Let's See the Meteor Shower", he participated in CCTV's evening programs many times as an idol role model.

According to the relevant legal sources at the time, "Zhang Han's behavior was not an ordinary traffic accident, but a criminal offense that could be sentenced to prison." ”

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

Later, in order not to affect the future of their son, the family chose to settle out of court, and Zhang Han's family lost a lot of money for this.

But it still cast a huge stain on his life.

Years later, he also mentioned the matter.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

Later, "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower" was launched, and at a signing party, because there were fans of the 5 leading actors in the show present at the same time.

As a result, the venue was unbearable, and the organizers had to cancel the event.

In order to appease the fans, Zhang Han was photographed by the agent and apologized to the fans.

But when he came out to see his own support group, a group of people holding up a light sign and shouting Zhang Han's name, he realized that he was red.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

Later, Zhang Han signed a contract with Tianyu and became the object of praise, a well-deserved brother of Tianyu.

"Phoenix Totem", "Shanshan is coming", "Warm Strings", etc., have achieved good ratings.

However, although he is popular, the controversy about him has never been continuous, and throughout these years of works, not many people can show their hands.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

And most of them are plot dog blood, aesthetics are worrying, and everyone is also more and more disgusted with his "domineering president" personality.

Nowadays, there are many new people in the show business circle, Zhang Han has already faced a cool situation, if you want to return to the grand situation of that year, it is probably impossible not to seek transformation and breakthroughs

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="53">02</h1>

In 2007, on the talent show "Happy Male Voice" held by Hunan Satellite TV, a boy with long eyelashes and shyness and handsomeness walked up to the stage and said to everyone:

"Hello judges, my name is Yu Haoming, and I am taking the idol route."

Everyone laughed after listening, because he was well-behaved and white, so fans called him "National Brother".

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

Even if he is stuck in the national pile of outstanding boys, he is also considered excellent.

From junior high school to college, he has always been a school grass level figure, welcomed by boys, admired by girls, and liked by teachers.

So from an early age, he made up his mind to become a star.

In the end, on the stage of "Happy Male Voice", although it failed to win the top three, its popularity was super high.

Once off the plane countless fans came to pick him up, he knew for the first time what it was like to be a star.

That summer, he participated in "Dancing Miracle", joined "Every Day Upward", was selected to participate in the male second in "Let's See the Meteor Shower", and his career blossomed in full swing.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

The way forward, not only effortless, but unusually smooth, smooth and somewhat frightening.

If there had been no accident, Yu Haoming would still be the glittering strength faction.

But a fire destroyed his face and almost destroyed everything that was good.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

11 years ago, Yu Haoming suddenly exploded on the set, and when he was in a desperate situation, he rushed out of the fire with his partner Selina.

And gave up the only unit price at the scene to Selina, and many years later Yu Haoming recalled the incident:

"It's one of the most manly things I've ever done."

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

This story of "heroes saving the United States" has also become a good story in the entertainment industry, but the two people who experienced life and death together "turned against each other" shortly after.

After the incident broke out, everyone was praying for the two people to recover their health as soon as possible, and many people also praised Yu Haoming's act of sacrificing himself to save others.

But Selina doesn't seem to think so, and years later Selina thanked many of the people who helped her during that time.

The long list is the only one whose name is missing, which makes many people wonder why they do not mention Yu Haoming who sacrificed himself to save others?

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

As things got worse, everyone stood up for Yu Haoming and even asked Selina to apologize to him.

But then, Selina issued a statement saying that Yu Haoming did not help Selina, and the picture everyone saw was only the development of the plot, not the truth.

After taking the lead in speaking out, the outside world's speech has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Three years after the incident, Yu Haoming said in an interview that when the explosion occurred, he was thrown onto the mat by a huge impact and directly fainted.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

For a time, the wind evaluation reversed, Yu Haoming changed from seeing righteousness and courage to falsifying facts, and Yu Haoming became the biggest victim of public opinion.

Fortunately, in the end, Selina's ex-husband Zhang Chengzhong recognized Yu Haoming's approach in the interview and gave him a fair share.

Selina also said that she "doesn't want to have any more hurtful behavior." "That's the end of the matter.

Later, Yu Haoming also tried to make a comeback, participated in many film and television dramas, and his acting skills were also praised by the outside world.

It's just bad luck, encountered the era when traffic is king, and although Yu Haoming still has dramas today, there is very little news and he is in a state of seclusion.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

In fact, as long as there is strength, it is not a good choice to turn the focus to the background.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="88">03</h1>

Once, Zhu Zixiao participated in a popular science variety show "Encyclopedia", in which an old Chinese medicine doctor came.

When showing the body of the host guests present, it was clear at a glance that Zhu Zixiao had a problem.

Then he asked, Do you have an fissures? ”

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

The host on the stage exclaimed: "Zi Xiao, what happened to you?" ”

Zhu Zixiao was momentarily confused.

At that time, he was invited to this show as a popular student, and everyone thought that this was a simple joke, and no one would pay attention to it.

However, a few years later, everyone combined with another thing, and this matter became a lingering haze on Zhu Zixiao's body.

In 2017, Xiaosi Guo Jingming was exposed to a shocking scandal!

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

Under the continuous fermentation of things, some of its artists have also followed Guo Jingming on the hot search, including Zhu Zixiao.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

Zhu Zixiao was not from a science class, but he knew Guo Jingming for a long time and had a good relationship.

The reason why he can star in Shangguan Ruiqian in "Let's See the Meteor Shower" is because of his strong recommendation.

In 2006, Guo Jingming founded a literary magazine called "Minimal Talk" in his own style, striving to make it a favorite reading magazine for young readers.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

For "Minimal Talk" Guo Jingming strives for excellence, including the cover of the magazine, he must also personally see it.

When a certain issue was about to be published, Guo Jingming temporarily replaced the original cover model and chose a new person he liked, this person was Zhu Zixiao.

And that issue also has a small poem written by Guo Jingming, like a love story between a very small couple, it is difficult not to let people think more~

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304
Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

After that, anecdotal dramas began to circulate various ambiguous relationships between Guo and Zhu.

Until 2010, it was rumored that Zhu Zixiao and Guo Jingming "broke up", as for the reason, because the two were not public, it was impossible to speculate.

This is the outside world rumor that Zhu Zixiao is ungrateful and uses his money to live in his mansion, but he has a new love, which makes people chill.

There is also a saying that Guo Jingming and Zhu Zixiao had a conflict and eventually broke up unhappily.

However, no matter what kind of statement, after leaving Guo Jingming, Zhu Zixiao fell down for several years and directly retired.

And Guo Jingming?

And the "little fresh meat" men behind them, there are all kinds of rumors of shadows, some people say that they are "harems", some people say that they are for the "future".

But Guo Jingming's time has passed, and even outrageous rumors have nowhere to be confirmed.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

After a few years of silence, Zhu Zixiao instead "killed" back and became an anchor on the short video platform to bring goods for beauty brands.

Recently, it has become even more prosperous, and it is said that it can earn 200 million yuan a month.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

Although I don't know whether it is true or not, I am more comfortable than when I was a star, and I believe that I earned more than several times.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="91">04</h1>

Compared with the other three people, Wei Chen should be the one with the least black history among them.

Like Yu Haoming, Wei Chen was also a member of "Happy Male Voice" in 2007.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

As a student of the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Wei Chen watched his classmates around him sign up, and he also wanted to prove himself.

But the participation needs funds to support, wei Chen has no extra living expenses to support himself to chase his dreams.

But there is a person who is willing to save money for him, and give him the saved living expenses and pocket money to buy him a song disc and a costume for the competition.

This person is Wei Chen's girlfriend Yu Wei, who has been in love for 14 years.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

In April of that year, Yu Wei accompanied Wei Chen to Changsha to participate in the competition.

In order to save money, two young couples sit in hard seats and are not even willing to eat a box lunch on the train.

Fortunately, after layers of selection and elimination, Wei Chen reached the final all the way and won the third place in Zhang Jie, Wang Zhengliang, Chen Chusheng and many other powerful singers, and then quickly showed his prominence in the song world.

Because of his clear eyebrows and beautiful appearance, Yushu Linfeng, he is a standard fancy beauty, so when the mainland F4 chooses the role, Wei Chen naturally becomes one of the first choices.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

However, the so-called people are not many, he has not yet tasted the taste of popularity, all kinds of gossip like a rain of swords coming at him.

Some people say that he has plastic surgery and knife, and today he is climbing a rich woman in the circle.

The sudden "whole network black" shrouded Wei Chen, and he simply could not withstand the blow of public opinion, and depression, insomnia, and anxiety struck him.

While the other three people in meteor shower F4 were in full swing, Wei Chen was experiencing the darkest moment of his life.

Fortunately, I always have a girlfriend by my side.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

In May 2008, Yu Wei posted a long article on the school forum, refuting the gossip one by one and encouraging him to ignite hope for life.

After more than two months, Wei Chen finally said goodbye to depression.

However, after experiencing this "whole network black" incident, Wei Chen's psychology has matured a lot, and he has also understood the unspoken rules in the entertainment industry.

The so-called flowers are not red for a hundred days, and people are not good for a thousand days, so when the other three people play with the transformation of their lives to find a way, Wei Chen is at ease with the status quo and waits for the opportunity.

Therefore, when they were most popular, they could not see Wei Chen's figure, and when they were most controversial, Wei Chen would not be affected.

In 2017, Wei Chen took over the anti-war epic film "Eight Hundred", in which he played the male protagonist, Zhu Banchang "Zhu Shengzhong".

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

In order to match "Zhu Shengzhong" in image and psychology, Wei Chen deliberately stayed up late and did not sleep, eating only two meals a day to make himself look emaciated and haggard. After the filming of "Eight Hundred", Wei Chen lost 10 pounds.

Because of this spirit of dedication, in 2020, Wei Chen was invited to star in the film "King Kong Chuan", which commemorated the 70th anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

It has also achieved good social and economic benefits.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

Because these two films were screened in a year, Wei Chen's career was pushed to a new height.

He also starred in the just-released "My Father and Me".

Although there are not many scenes, in the films of the all-star cast, it can cooperate with Wu Jing, Zhang Ziyi, Zhang Yimou and others, indicating that the fame is just around the corner.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

After watching the current situation of internal entertainment F4, I can't help but sigh that after more than ten years of ups and downs, the situation of several people is very different, Wei Chen has actually become the only dark horse, but I believe that they must have grown a lot.

Inner Entertainment F4 Melon: Zhang Han Background Powerful? The inside story of Yu Haoming's fire, Wei Chen's former black history 01020304

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