
The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

author:A good guy card

Museum of the Human Body: Step into the wonderful world of the body


The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

The human body is a miraculous living machine, and its structure and function are so complex that human beings have been filled with curiosity and desire to explore since ancient times. In order to better understand and understand the human body, there have been various explorations in human history, and now, with the continuous progress of science and technology, the display of human body structure is no longer limited to books and pictures, but can be presented in a more intuitive and vivid way, such as the human body museum.

The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it
The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

1. The Dutch Museum of the Human Body: Step into the body of a "giant".

The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

The Museum of the Human Body is a special kind of museum, its architectural structure imitates the internal structure of the human body, allowing visitors to feel as if they are inside the human body, and observe various organs and tissues up close, which is a new journey of body exploration. Among the many museums of the human body, this museum of the human body in the Netherlands can be said to be unique, and it is also the first museum in the world to focus on the theme of human anatomy.

The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

1. Structural modeling: enter from the knees of the "giant".

The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

The architectural structure of this museum of the human body is very unique, the exterior looks like a huge human body, and visitors need to enter from the knees of the "giants" to start their visit. The entire interior of the museum is divided into two floors, and visitors will pass through the display of leg muscles, reproductive organs, digestive organs, etc., the whole journey takes about 55 minutes, and only 1,000 people can visit every day, and children under the age of 6 are not allowed to enter.

The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

2. Reminder to love: Start with your body structure

The original intention of the design of the Museum of the Human Body is to let people understand and recognize their own bodies more intuitively through this special display method, and then realize the importance of physical health. For example, after visiting the structure of the lungs, smokers are likely to gain a new understanding of their body, so that they will cherish their health more and even make up their minds to quit smoking.

The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

2. Corpus Museum of the Human Body: A Journey of Body Exploration in China

In addition to the human body museum in the Netherlands, there are similar museums in China, such as the Corpus Human Body Museum in Ma'anshan, Anhui Province, which also focuses on the human body structure, allowing visitors to get a closer look at the internal structure of the human body.

The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

1. Architectural features: tall and straight "body"

The building of the Corpus Human Museum is very unique, its appearance is like a tall and straight "body", the interior is divided into four floors, the total height is about 40 meters, the total area is about 9030 square meters, it has won the "Golden Steel Award", it is a collection of popular science, education, entertainment as one of the modern museum.

The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

2. Universal Health: Let the Body Become an "Exhibit"

The Corpus Museum of the Human Body is very rich in exhibits, not only with large-scale human specimens, but also with a variety of interactive experiences and introductions to popular science knowledge, allowing visitors to continue to learn and explore while visiting. The establishment of such a museum is of great significance to the public, although the appearance may not be so pleasing, but it can turn physical health into a piece of "exhibits", through vivid display and explanation, so that everyone can have a deeper understanding and attention to their own body.

The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

3. The significance and impact of the Museum of the Human Body

The establishment of the human body museum can undoubtedly play a certain role in promoting the adjustment of the public's health awareness and living habits, so that everyone can not only stay in the understanding of "body structure", but also further understand the functions and maintenance methods of the body, so as to better prevent diseases and promote health.

The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

1. Promote health awareness

In front of such a vivid display, everyone can more intuitively understand the structure and function of various organs, as well as how various diseases affect the body, so as to have a new understanding of their own health and pay more attention to it.

2. Improve the level of medicine

For medical students and medical practitioners, visiting the Museum of the Human Body can also be a rare learning opportunity for them to have a deeper and more intuitive understanding of the human body structure, and improve their professional skills and medical level.

The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

3. Urban cultural landscape

The architectural structure where the Museum of the Human Body is located is also a unique innovation, which combines modern architectural design with cultural display, adds a unique landscape to the cultural landscape of the city, and also reflects the innovation and breakthrough of contemporary architecture in education and cultural communication.

4. Parent-child education platform

In addition, the Museum of the Human Body can also become a high-quality parent-child education platform, where parents can take their children to visit together, promote parent-child communication and education through physical exploration, and let children develop good living habits and health awareness from an early age.

The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

5. Revelation of Visiting Restrictions

The opening hours and restrictions of the Museum of the Human Body are also worth pondering, as it reminds us that we need to make reservations and arrangements when visiting the museum, and we cannot blindly rush in, which is not only designed to protect the exhibits and ensure the effect of the visit, but also a reminder and education for visitors to visit in an orderly manner, and other museums can also draw some inspiration from it.

The Dutch "heavy taste" museum, the internal human body structure is realistic, and female tourists dare not look at it

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