
Ready to fly! BYD DM-i 5.0 is about to debut: is the era of oil cars really about to turn the page?

Ready to fly! BYD DM-i 5.0 is about to debut: is the era of oil cars really about to turn the page?

Pick up the car

2024-05-26 23:14Published in Henan

Since the beginning of this year, electrification has entered a stalemate, and with the emergence of a large pattern of new energy market share approaching 50%, how to make achievements in the electrification sector in the new era is very critical.

In fact, the development of electrification in China can be understood as two core stages.

One is the basic stage from 0 to 1 to let more people know, and the other is the product strengthening stage from 1 to ∞, before 2023, in fact, more companies are doing the first stage of things: let more people understand new energy vehicles.

Ready to fly! BYD DM-i 5.0 is about to debut: is the era of oil cars really about to turn the page?

In April this year, the data of the Passenger Association showed that the market share of new energy reached 44%, of which the market share of PHEV vehicles has grown rapidly. It has become the core technical route to promote the development of the new energy market in the past year, which fully shows one thing, more people choose new energy vehicles, in fact, they are choosing PHEVs, a new product full of diversity and retaining the basic attributes of the car.

The DM-i hybrid system is one of the important technologies to promote the development of electrification in China, and it has been three years since its debut in 2021, playing the slogan of energy saving and smoothness, but with the continuous optimization of the industrial chain, a variety of hybrid systems have emerged in the market, and the DM-i hybrid system is also in urgent need of optimization.

Ready to fly! BYD DM-i 5.0 is about to debut: is the era of oil cars really about to turn the page?

The fifth-generation DM-i hybrid system has actually released some news last year, which is characterized by a further reduction in fuel consumption, and there is information that the fifth-generation DM-i hybrid system has a strong ability to run 2000km on a tank of fuel.

Of course, this is all speculation at the moment.

The Beijing Auto Show released the new Qin L, Seal 06, which is BYD's new product series, what can be seen at present is the enhancement of the sense of science and technology, the design details are more excellent, and there is a high probability that these two cars will use the new DM-i hybrid system.

Ready to fly! BYD DM-i 5.0 is about to debut: is the era of oil cars really about to turn the page?

The speculation in the market is:

1. The new Qin L and Seal 06 will be positioned as 100,000-150,000 level products.

2. Different from the previous Qin PLUS, the Qin L sequence is more focused on quality and refinement.

3. With the new DM-i 5.0, fuel consumption will continue to fall.

4. The chassis will be further optimized, and the handling feeling will be greatly improved.

If this kind of product is put on the market segment at a price of more than 100,000 yuan, it will inevitably bring about two phenomena.

Ready to fly! BYD DM-i 5.0 is about to debut: is the era of oil cars really about to turn the page?

One is that the living space of traditional joint venture cars will be further compressed, for example, the market segments of Civic and Corolla will continue to decrease, and these products that are still selling brand value will not be able to attract young consumer groups.

The other is that the traditional fuel vehicle market will be further compressed, and the problems of single fuel vehicle experience, high fuel consumption and low comprehensive cost will be more obvious in front of the DM-i 5.0 architecture.

In fact, the 100,000-150,000 family car market is in great need of optimization, and the traditional development route of fuel vehicles with joint venture vehicles as the core development axis cannot better serve the current young consumer demand.

Ready to fly! BYD DM-i 5.0 is about to debut: is the era of oil cars really about to turn the page?

If you want to seize sales and reputation in the new market in the future, you must have the following competitiveness.

1. The price is reasonable, the power structure is advanced, and DM-i, through the combination of internal combustion engine + battery + motor, can make maximum use of the characteristics of batteries and motors, and leverage the 100 years of technology accumulation of internal combustion engines.

It is more fuel-efficient and smoother, and can impress many wage earners.

2. The sense of science and technology is sufficient, young consumers have been tied to the Internet culture, and the traditional models with intelligent accumulation and experience are not good enough, it is difficult to impress young consumers, especially the post-95 and post-00 consumers, which are the main forces in the future.

3. Control the advantages of a strong industrial chain, ensure quality, and seize profit margins, a rich, perfect and strong industrial chain can bring better stability advantages, and at the same time, it can compress manufacturing costs step by step, ensure profit margins in a certain sense, and release profits to reduce prices on the basis of product homogenization in the future.

Since the beginning of this year, the competition between PHEVs and EVs has entered a white-hot stage, and the price, technology, and product wars are very obvious, and it will be difficult to continue to attract consumers if electrified products and electrification technologies are not innovated before 2023.

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  • Ready to fly! BYD DM-i 5.0 is about to debut: is the era of oil cars really about to turn the page?
  • Ready to fly! BYD DM-i 5.0 is about to debut: is the era of oil cars really about to turn the page?
  • Ready to fly! BYD DM-i 5.0 is about to debut: is the era of oil cars really about to turn the page?
  • Ready to fly! BYD DM-i 5.0 is about to debut: is the era of oil cars really about to turn the page?
  • Ready to fly! BYD DM-i 5.0 is about to debut: is the era of oil cars really about to turn the page?

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