
Smart mothers, 5 things that don't post their children in the circle of friends

Smart mothers, 5 things that don't post their children in the circle of friends

Ting Ma Alan

2024-05-26 18:44Posted in Guangdong parenting field creators

Hello everyone, I'm Ting's mother.

Since I had a child, my mother's circle of friends has endless materials: today the child has the first tooth, today the child has taken a short step, and today the child will be called "Mom......

Smart mothers, 5 things that don't post their children in the circle of friends

As a platform to share the bits and pieces of life, many mothers like to post their children's growth moments on it.

Ting's mother is the same, since Tingting was born, my circle of friends has been her show, and every surprise she gave me is recorded here.

But you know what? Not all content about children is suitable for public sharing, and smart mothers know that in order to protect their children's privacy and security, there are 5 things that should not be posted in the circle of friends.

1. A frontal photo of your child

The frontal photograph contains the child's face and facial expressions and is important information for identifying a person. Posting such photos frequently on social platforms may be exploited by bad actors.

For example, some mothers like to post photos of their children going to school or participating in activities, and criminals can infer the children's school or even daily life patterns through background information.

Smart mothers, 5 things that don't post their children in the circle of friends

Therefore, when posting photos, you can choose the back or side, or cover the face appropriately.

2. Children's Personal Information

This includes sensitive information such as the child's name, date of birth, home address, etc.

While the original intention of sharing this information may be good, such as to celebrate a child's birthday, it also exposes the child's personal information and increases the risk of being exploited by criminals.

Neighbor Li Mei once posted the child's birth certificate in the circle of friends as part of the birthday celebration, and later realized the seriousness of the problem after being reminded by a friend, and deleted the relevant content in time.

3. Your child's school and class information

Posting a photo of a child wearing a school uniform or mentioning a specific school name or class information will make it easy for strangers to understand the child's learning environment.

Smart mothers, 5 things that don't post their children in the circle of friends

Not only is this an invasion of the child's privacy, but it can also pose a potential threat to the child's safety.

Zhao Li once posted a photo of the child wearing the school emblem, and the attached text mentioned the name of the school and the class, which attracted the attention of some people who did not know, which made the whole family feel very uneasy.

4. Children's awards and honors

While sharing your child's accomplishments is something to be proud of, showing off too much can cause unnecessary stress for your child.

Especially on public platforms such as Moments, too much attention may lead to children's excessive evaluation in the unexpected world, affecting their self-perception.

Wang Hao's mother often posted her child's various awards and trophies in the circle of friends, but the child became anxious because she was afraid of losing this praise.

5. Your child's daily whereabouts

Keeping up to date with your child's location or daily activities is tantamount to announcing your child's whereabouts to everyone.

Smart mothers, 5 things that don't post their children in the circle of friends

This practice not only violates the child's privacy, but can also cause unnecessary trouble.

Chen Ting's mother once live-streamed the whole process of taking her children to the amusement park on Moments, including the items they played and the places to rest, and was later told by her friends that it was very dangerous to do so and might attract the attention of criminals.

In the age of social media, it is even more important to protect your child's privacy and security.

As mothers, we need to find a balance between sharing the joy of our children's growth and maintaining their privacy.

We need to keep reminding ourselves that not all love needs to be shown to the world. Sometimes, silent protection and proper sharing are the deepest love for children.

Through the proper use of social media, we can enjoy sharing while keeping our children safe and healthy.

(The picture is from the network, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)

I am @婷momalan, a nationally certified nursery teacher, family education lecturer, committed to sharing parenting experience in small stories, welcome to follow me, and accompany children to grow up together.

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  • Smart mothers, 5 things that don't post their children in the circle of friends
  • Smart mothers, 5 things that don't post their children in the circle of friends
  • Smart mothers, 5 things that don't post their children in the circle of friends
  • Smart mothers, 5 things that don't post their children in the circle of friends

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