
Looking back at Shaw's secret to longevity: eating vegetarian and drinking water aside, the real key is these 3 things

author:Dr. Yang is a popular science


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I believe that "Shaw Brothers Films" have left a deep imprint on many people's youth, and one of the masterpieces is "New One-Armed Knife", which is also an important milestone for Shaw Brothers films. One of the Shaw Brothers is Run Run Shaw, an irreproducible legend in Chinese film history, who has made films go from silent to sound, from black and white to color.

Hong Kong's famous TV station TVB was also founded by him, he has shot more than 1,000 movies, cultivated Stephen Chow, Andy Lau, Tony Leung and other well-known stars, and also made Hong Kong have the reputation of "Oriental Hollywood". In addition to film and television, he also invested a lot of effort in medicine, education, etc., and the famous Shaw Hospital and the Shaw Building in various schools were built under his sponsorship.

But what Shaw is famous for, in addition to his works, is also his enviable physique. Born in 1907 and died in 2014 at the age of 107, Run Run Shaw was an enviable centenarian. After entering middle and old age, Run Run Shaw was only admitted to the hospital with pneumonia at the age of 98, and the rest of the time he was very strong, so in addition to his cinematic aesthetics, his health experience is also worth learning.

Looking back at Shaw's secret to longevity: eating vegetarian and drinking water aside, the real key is these 3 things

In 1932, Run Run Shaw completed the shooting of China's first sound film in Hong Kong, and officially joined his first wife, Wong Meizhen. It is worth mentioning that Huang Meizhen was originally the girlfriend of her Bole Yu Dongxuan, but because Huang Meizhen and Run Run Shaw met late, they finally came together. Yu Dongxuan did not get angry when he found out, but sent blessings to the love of the two, and when the two of them got married, Yu Dongxuan also generously sent a congratulatory gift of 500,000 yuan, which shows how big his heart is.

But feng shui takes turns, and in the 50s of the 20th century, Run Run Shaw saw Hong Kong's economy developing, which he thought was also a once-in-a-century opportunity for the film industry. So he officially entered Hong Kong, while his wife Huang Meizhen stayed in Singapore, took care of his family affairs, and became the woman behind him, and it was precisely because of this decision that the couple gradually drifted apart.

Run Run Shaw's career is in full swing, and of course he can't avoid those warblers and Yanyan when he is in Vanity Fair, and Fang Yihua, known as the "Yellow Warbler out of the valley", stands out. After the two came into contact for a while, Run Run Shaw found that she was not a vase of personal beauty and sweetness, but was very clever in business, so he invited her to join his company, and the two officially became business partners from lovers.

Looking back at Shaw's secret to longevity: eating vegetarian and drinking water aside, the real key is these 3 things

Run Run Shaw and Fong Yat Wah are in full swing in Hong Kong, while his first wife, Wong Mei Chun, is alone in Singapore, although her husband has not come back to see her once, but fortunately there are children around. But people die once, and Wong Mei Zhen is no exception, she died of illness at the age of 85, and her marriage to Run Run Shaw finally ended. After that, Shaw did not take on the role of father, but continued to leave his four children in Singapore to be cared for by his brother, which is why none of them were willing to claim the inheritance after his death.

When people enter middle and old age, the body's immunity and regulation ability will be greatly reduced, so the probability of suffering from diseases will also increase. The average life expectancy of mainland women is about 80 years, and Huang Meizhen has obviously reached this average, but still not reached Shaw's 100-year-old age.

Normally, women live longer than men, and men are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease than women due to hormone secretion and other reasons, the most obvious manifestation of which is coronary atherosclerosis. In addition, the proportion of men with bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol is higher than that of women, and these bad habits will also accelerate the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases and cancer. But on this basis, Shaw still lived so long, and his meticulous care of the body can be seen.

Looking back at Shaw's secret to longevity: eating vegetarian and drinking water aside, the real key is these 3 things

10 years after Huang Meizhen's death, Run Run Shaw still decided to give Fang Yihua who accompanied him an official name, so at the age of 90, he married Fang Yihua abroad, and Run Run Shaw also walked to the end of his life by her side. Because the four children all had a lot of criticism of Shaw in their hearts, and even refused to inherit his property after his death, the wealth was finally returned to the Shaw Foundation, which continued to sow the seeds of charity around the world.

Run Run Shaw insisted on working until he retired at the age of 103, and many reporters interviewed him in the newspaper about his health experience, and he never skimped, and shared generously every time: "My health tips are not simply exercising and drinking plenty of water, but the three health tips that I have summarized after visiting many Chinese medicine practitioners and health experts." ”

How to take care of your health properly?

1. Don't rely too much on supplements

After Mr. Run Run Shaw entered middle age, he began to pay attention to health preservation, and usually consumed some nutrients and health products, including some precious medicinal materials and ingredients, but as he grew older, he no longer relied on these things. He also said that the environment in the body cannot be maintained by taking tonic from the outside world, but to insist on proper exercise, and the way to longevity lies in exercise.

Looking back at Shaw's secret to longevity: eating vegetarian and drinking water aside, the real key is these 3 things

Every night before going to bed, he lies in bed and swings the soles of his feet 64 times, forward, backward, left and right, and turns another 64 times. In addition, he would practice qigong for 45 minutes in the morning, and then walk for half an hour to an hour. In addition to physical exercise, mental activity is also very important, Run Run Shaw also reads the newspaper for about 1 hour a day, and travels once a year to obtain news and information as soon as possible, constantly increase new knowledge, and at the same time achieve the purpose of longevity.

2. Eat a balanced diet

For the sake of good health, many elderly people often dare not eat that or that, or even only eat vegetarian food, and do not get meat at all, which is actually a very wrong diet. Run Run Shaw can be said to have "no taboos" in his diet, except for not drinking alcohol, he eats steak and chicken wings correctly, he follows a balanced nutrition, never only eats vegetarian, but also does not eat picky eaters.

He knows that people who are serious picky eaters and picky eaters in life often have difficulty in strengthening their bodies. As we age, all physical skills deteriorate, including the gastrointestinal system. In addition to the reduced tolerance of the gastrointestinal tract, the absorption capacity will also decrease, so if you do not eat meat and eat too one-fold diet, it is easy to develop malnutrition and emaciation.

Looking back at Shaw's secret to longevity: eating vegetarian and drinking water aside, the real key is these 3 things

3. The principle of "three noes".

Mr. Shaw also has a famous "three don'ts" principle: don't do anything that gambles, drinks, or things that are too exciting. He said that these things are not good for his health, so he doesn't do them. It can be seen that learning to restrain unhealthy desires and maintain good living habits is also conducive to health and longevity.

After entering middle and old age, we must learn to relax our minds and not be competitive in everything, which is clinically known as type A personality. When people are excited, blood vessels will shrink sharply, resulting in narrowing of blood vessels or a sudden increase in blood pressure, which also leads to people with this personality are very prone to cardiovascular diseases, especially hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage and other diseases.

According to a survey by the Chinese Gerontology Society, 60% of the reasons for the longevity of the elderly depend on their own mentality. It is recognized that a cheerful personality and less worrying are the way to live a long life, while negative emotions are easy to hurt the body. Foreign scholars have found that if people over the age of 50 are still optimistic, then their risk of heart failure will be 73% lower than that of those who are not optimistic.

Looking back at Shaw's secret to longevity: eating vegetarian and drinking water aside, the real key is these 3 things

As the old saying goes, forty is not confused, fifty knows the destiny of heaven, and sixty ears are smooth. With the enrichment of life experience, we should learn to be optimistic and open-minded about people and things, and be a "sunny old man": contentment, self-satisfaction, not irritable, not suspicious, and longevity can be achieved naturally.

(Note: "Review of Shaw's Secret of Longevity: Vegetarian, Drinking Water Aside, the Real Key is These 3 Things" The names are pseudonyms, and some pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)