
Compensation negotiated Bild: Bayern will pay 10.5 million euros + floating for Kompany

Compensation negotiated Bild: Bayern will pay 10.5 million euros + floating for Kompany

Let's go live

2024-05-26 06:36Posted on the official account of the US Live Bar

Compensation negotiated Bild: Bayern will pay 10.5 million euros + floating for Kompany

Live broadcast on May 26 Bild news, Kompany is close to coaching Bayern, and the amount of compensation paid by Bayern to Burnley has been confirmed, the amount is 10.5 million euros, plus a floating bonus.

According to Bild, Vincent Kompany is not Bayern's firefighting coach, and Bayern directors Ebel and Freund want to build the team's future with Kompany.

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  • Compensation negotiated Bild: Bayern will pay 10.5 million euros + floating for Kompany

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