
Butragueno: There are very few players who have said goodbye like Kroos

Butragueno: There are very few players who have said goodbye like Kroos

Understand the Emperor of the Ball

2024-05-26 06:39Posted on the official account of Zhejiang Xiangqiudi

After the farewell ceremony for Kroos, Real Madrid's PR director Butragueno spoke to RMTV, in which he spoke highly of the German midfielder.

Butragueno: There are very few players who have said goodbye like Kroos

Cross's farewell

It was wonderful, it was very moving, the performance in the line-up and the substitutions was fantastic and the Betis players were very respectful. I think Kroos had one of the best nights of his life and very few players have said goodbye like this. His contribution is extraordinary, he is one of the best midfielders at the club and he has one more game to say goodbye to hopefully with the Champions League title. The farewell ceremony was natural and sincere, and I saw him go around the stadium for the last time to thank him, and the whole crowd stayed for 15 or 20 minutes after the match, which was a recognition of his career over the years. We will miss him as a leader in the dressing room, he decided to end his career now and the fans reciprocated him.

About the Champions League final

At the start of each season, one of our big goals is to reach the Champions League final and win it again, and this is one of the most important games of a player's life. The opponents are strong and dangerous and we have a lot of confidence in our players, we believe in the maturity and experience of the players and hopefully we will be happy this time next Saturday.

A word to the fans

Thank you to the fans who have been with us throughout the season, who will be cheering us on at Wembley, we feel the support from the stands, they have inspired the team on many occasions and they deserve to be lifted together again.

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  • Butragueno: There are very few players who have said goodbye like Kroos

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