
iOS17.5.1 official version upgrade experience, the battery life ratings of these models have been reduced

iOS17.5.1 official version upgrade experience, the battery life ratings of these models have been reduced


2024-05-25 16:38Posted in Zhejiang Digital Creators

After the official version of iOS17.5, Apple pushed the official version of iOS17.5.1 upgrade update, iOS17.5.1 is mainly a repair upgrade update, which fixes the problems of the official version of iOS17.5.

iOS17.5.1 official version upgrade experience, the battery life ratings of these models have been reduced

The iOS 17.5.1 release upgrade provides important bug fixes and addresses an issue where in rare cases a database corruption causes deleted photos to reappear in the Photos library.

iOS17.5.1 official version upgrade experience, the battery life ratings of these models have been reduced

Many iPhone users are also more concerned about the iOS17.5.1 official version upgrade experience, how the battery life performance is, and now the iOS17.5.1 official version upgrade battery life test results are here.

@iAppleBytes tested the battery life of the iPhone 15, iPhone 13, iPhone 12, iPhone 11, iPhone XR and iPhone SE 2 after upgrading to iOS 17.5.1.

Judging from the test results, the iPhone 13 is the only model with an improved battery life score, while the battery life scores of other models have decreased to varying degrees, among which the iPhone 15 has the largest decrease in the battery life score.

iOS17.5.1 official version upgrade experience, the battery life ratings of these models have been reduced

Has your iPhone been upgraded to iOS17.5.1 official version, how is the use experience, especially how is the battery life?

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  • iOS17.5.1 official version upgrade experience, the battery life ratings of these models have been reduced
  • iOS17.5.1 official version upgrade experience, the battery life ratings of these models have been reduced
  • iOS17.5.1 official version upgrade experience, the battery life ratings of these models have been reduced

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