
Liu Qiangdong: People with poor long-term performance and don't work hard are not my brothers

Liu Qiangdong: People with poor long-term performance and don't work hard are not my brothers

i dark horse

2024-05-25 14:34Posted on the official account of i Dark Horse under Beijing Entrepreneur

Liu Qiangdong: People with poor long-term performance and don't work hard are not my brothers

Recently, multiple sources show that Jingdong Retail began to strictly check attendance this week, and adjusted the lunch break, and then broke out layoff information, which quickly attracted attention from all walks of life.

A netizen broke the news that just after the 519 Jingdong Old Employee Day, some old employees were soon laid off, and they were queuing up when they went to leave, and their fixed capital and human resources colleagues were still working overtime at night.

Liu Qiangdong: People with poor long-term performance and don't work hard are not my brothers

The netizen also mentioned that he heard that Liu Qiangdong held a meeting last weekend, emphasizing the culture of hard work, and let several executives who could not continue to work hard leave on the spot, and asked various departments to prepare graduation lists and lay off employees on the last day of yesterday's attendance cycle.

Liu Qiangdong: People with poor long-term performance and don't work hard are not my brothers

Until yesterday, there were still JD employees who broke the news that they were still working overtime for 618 the day before they were laid off, and the reasons for the layoffs were relatively vague. A former employee of also revealed that it is true that is laying off employees, and most of them are old employees, involving marketing, operations, procurement and sales, and other positions.

But this news did not get an official response from, until Technology broke out:

Liu Qiangdong said bluntly at the senior management meeting: "Anyone who has poor long-term performance and never works hard is not my brother." ”

Previously, it was reported that's management reflected on the company's management mistakes in the past few years, admitting that there was a "big enterprise disease" in the JD Group system, and there were serious problems in management, especially in the struggle.

The executive said that except for, there are hardly any Internet companies that have a two-hour lunch break, or even go to bed with lights off, and's management is very loose compared to other Internet companies, and many employees only start to resume afternoon work at half past two, which is more state-owned than state-owned enterprises.

According to media reports, has employees who clock in for nearly 100 days a year and get off work at four o'clock every day, but they can receive full salaries, and according to statistics, the number of internal check-ins per month is as high as 14,000.

Coincidentally, after Ali released its 2024 fiscal year annual report, Tsai Chongxin and Wu Yongming issued the first jointly signed "Letter to Shareholders", which also mentioned that in the past 25 years, Alibaba has experienced continuous growth and some "large company diseases".

Obviously, in the face of Pinduoduo's overall market capitalization, established e-commerce platforms such as and Alibaba have felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

On May 22, the financial report showed that Pinduoduo achieved revenue of 86.8 billion yuan in the first quarter, a year-on-year increase of 131%. After the release of the earnings report, Pinduoduo's U.S. stock rose more than 13% pre-market to $158.46 per share.

In other words, Pinduoduo has achieved nearly 3 times the profit and 4 times the market value of with 1/3 of's revenue. According to the data released at the end of last year, has more than 500,000 employees, and its labor cost pressure is self-evident.

In this regard, netizens believe that when consumers in the market begin to make careful calculations and give up better and choose cheaper, it is not Pinduoduo that wins, but the economy loses. Everyone knows that JD is good, but the wallet is more honest than people, which pulls everyone back to Pinduoduo.

Since the bosses of the big factories have already seen a serious crisis, the change will soon come. Layoffs are only one of the most noticeable parts of the world, and more strategic adjustments can only be detected by the top management.

First, in the face of fierce competition from Pinduoduo, and Taobao have canceled the pre-sale model for the 2024 618 promotion, seeking to simplify the shopping process and improve service quality to attract users.

The move is intended to emphasize price advantage and shopping experience, and respond to users' strong demand for low prices and convenient services, so as to maintain competitiveness in the e-commerce market. At the same time, Taobao and are also adjusting their business structure and personnel, focusing on user needs to achieve rapid business growth.

Secondly, on the occasion of 618, Liu Qiangdong, who lives overseas, has already directly intervened in the business, and judging from the time interval between Liu Qiangdong's voices disclosed by some media, from March this year to the present, Liu Qiangdong often sleeps less than 4 hours a day.

Finally, it is's strict inspection of attendance and layoffs, which has recently been concerned by the outside world.

Background information:

According to the Internet, Jingdong's new attendance regulations require that the number of people at work stations be counted at 9 o'clock in the morning every day, and if the shuttle bus is late, a certificate must be submitted.

The lunch break is shortened to 1 hour, from 12:00 to 13:00, and the lights are not turned off during this period. In addition, the company strictly prohibits punching and punching on behalf of the company, and will seriously deal with relevant personnel once found. To assess employee saturation, employees who leave work at 6 p.m. are subject to work saturation consideration. At the same time, all non-working WeChat groups were disbanded, and all communication was carried out.

A person familiar with the matter said that this time, Jingdong strictly checked attendance, and there was no formal email notice to adjust the lunch break time, but a verbal notice from the department, leaving no trace.

[The author of this article is i Dark Horse, i Dark Horse original.] If you need to reprint, please contact the WeChat public account (ID: iheima) for authorization. ]

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  • Liu Qiangdong: People with poor long-term performance and don't work hard are not my brothers
  • Liu Qiangdong: People with poor long-term performance and don't work hard are not my brothers
  • Liu Qiangdong: People with poor long-term performance and don't work hard are not my brothers

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