
Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?

Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?


2024-05-24 11:30Knowledge field creators

Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?

Yesterday, CCTV News' official Weibo posted a blog post with a very tough attitude.

The blog post reads: "Taiwan has never been a country and will never become a country, 'Taiwan independence' is a dead end, and the reunification of the motherland is unstoppable!" China will eventually achieve complete reunification."

Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?

After this blog post was released, it instantly appeared on the Weibo hot search list, and many artists in Taiwan have reposted this blog post successively. For example, Taiwanese artists such as Zhang Shaohan, Hou Peizen, and Ouyang Nana have all reposted this blog post to show their attitudes to the public.

And some netizens also made a table to count how many Taiwanese artists have reposted this Weibo or made relevant statements:

Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?

And there are also some big Vs or netizens, who have issued a point of view, that is-Taiwanese celebrities who don't express their stance at this time are actually already expressing their stance with silence - because not expressing their stance is a kind of statement!

There are also many people who think that if Taiwanese artists don't express their stance at this time, then don't come to us to make money in the future:

Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?
Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?
Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?
Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?

And some people said that at this time, a Taiwanese star like Jay Chou, who has a lot of influence, should stand up and make a statement:

Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?

So, why don't some Taiwanese artists come out and express their stance at such a critical time? So what do they think in their hearts at the critical moment?

In fact, in psychology, there are three main reasons why a person does not express his position at a critical time.

(1) Self-protection.

In a complex interpersonal or political environment, not taking a stand is actually a strategy. Because this neutral behavior can avoid direct conflict or unnecessary trouble. This approach itself is to express that you want to transcend right and wrong, and at the same time want to maximize your own interests and avoid getting yourself involved in uncertainty.

(2) Default.

In many cases, when faced with an important issue, choosing not to express an opinion or position is likely to be an acceptance or acquiescence. They don't explicitly say yes or no with words, but by their inaction, they've actually conveyed an attitude or position that they're already on the side that they're tacitly right, but which side is right, they don't say.

(3) Demonstrate your power.

In some contexts, when an opinion leader or an influential figure chooses not to take a stand, this silence may be seen as a show of strength, because not taking a stand means that their opinion is crucial, because if they do, it can affect the situation and upset the balance.

In fact, those Taiwanese artists who don't take a stand, I think the reason why they don't take a stand is largely because of their "self-preservation" psychology.

So for such a star, should it be blocked?

For example, a person like Jay Chou, his influence in the world is actually very large, but on this important issue, he still does not stand up and take a stand, so should we immediately show a hostile posture towards him, or even immediately take action against him?

To answer this question, you have to talk about a word. This word is - united front.

What is "United Front"?

The full name of the united front is the "united front," and this work is not only of great significance, but also of far-reaching significance.

So, when carrying out the "united front" work, what is a very crucial and core task to be done?

In fact, this key and core work is in one sentence - to unite all the forces that can be united.

Solidarity can unite the power that means that through extensive solidarity work, the positive forces of different political positions, different social strata, different ethnic and religious beliefs, different regions, and overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese will be brought together to form a powerful synergy to promote national development and social progress.

Therefore, the core of the united front lies in tolerance and unity, because only in this way can we unite people with different positions, different strata, and different beliefs.

So, if you look at it from the standpoint of "united front", do you think that if Jay Chou does not express his position, then we will immediately block him, do you think it is conducive to doing a good job in the united front work?

Jay Chou, whether at home or overseas, the United Front is of great significance, so if he doesn't express his position, we will immediately block him, or immediately push him to the other camp, so at this time, do you say that the united front work is still meaningful?

At a very critical time, before people have expressed their position, we immediately pushed him to the opposing camp, what is the difference between this and deliberately feeding cards to the opponent when playing mahjong?

Therefore, if an important star like Jay Chou does not express his position and thinks about problems with united front thinking, it can actually be understood in this way - if he does not express his position, then he is actually a force that can still be fought for, as long as he does not express his position, then he still has a chance to unite with us.

In fact, for people like Jay Chou, the significance of unity is definitely greater than blocking.

Because his music works integrate a lot of Chinese cultural elements, his overseas influence is actually our China's soft power, as long as he does not express his position, then he can be a bridge of cross-strait cultural exchanges, we can use his music to enhance the emotional connection and mutual understanding of the people on both sides of the strait, and at the same time unite the relationship between the masses on both sides of the strait.

At the end of the article, I would like to say that tolerance, understanding, unity, and cohesion are the core of united front work. Don't go around forcing people to take a stand, because by doing so, you're often pushing your friends over the side of the enemy.

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  • Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?
  • Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?
  • Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?
  • Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?
  • Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?
  • Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?
  • Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?
  • Should Taiwanese artists who do not express their stance on the Taiwan issue be banned?

Personal opinion, for reference only

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