
If your child is going to elementary school within a year, these 4 things can't be done anymore anyway

If your child is going to elementary school within a year, these 4 things can't be done anymore anyway

Ting Ma Alan

2024-05-23 17:35Posted in Guangdong parenting field creators

Hello everyone, I'm Ting's mother

The children of the neighbor Xiaomei's family will go to primary school in the second half of the year, and recently they have been asking in the neighborhood group every day if they have gone to the kindergarten bridging class together, and they can join a group together.

Xiaomei's family is a boy, usually very naughty. Xiaomei and her family are both at work, so the daily care of the children is done by grandparents. It is said that it is easy to spoil children in intergenerational parenting, no, Xiaomei often complains that her son is 6 years old, eats very slowly, and has to be fed by grandma.

If your child is going to elementary school within a year, these 4 things can't be done anymore anyway

The child is in kindergarten for 3 years, and they are all playing. Xiaomei and her family are very busy at work, and they don't have time to teach their children pinyin and counting, so they want to register for a class before the first grade and recharge, so as not to be unable to keep up with the progress in primary school.

With the state of Xiaomei's children, the most important thing at the moment is that it is more important to stop some things than to find a kindergarten bridging class.

As children grow up day by day, they will enter the door of primary school, which is not only an important stage of children's growth, but also a turning point in family education.

During the year-long preparation period, parents need to pay special attention to some habits or practices that need to be adjusted in time to avoid unnecessary troubles to their children's primary school life.

Here are 4 things you can't do anymore until your child goes to elementary school:

1. Stop over-spoiling and cultivate your child's independence

Over-indulgence can make children lose the ability to live independently, causing them to have difficulty adjusting to group life.

If your child is going to elementary school within a year, these 4 things can't be done anymore anyway

Xiao Ming is a smart and clever child, but since there is only one child in the family, his parents dote on him and do everything for him. When he arrived in elementary school, Xiao Ming found that he couldn't even organize his schoolbag and tie his shoes, which made him very faceless in front of his classmates and affected his self-confidence.

Before children enter primary school, parents should gradually let go and let their children learn to dress themselves, organize their school bags, put away toys, etc., so as to cultivate their independence and self-care skills.

Parents can make a "small family task list" and let their children complete some housework within their ability every day, such as sweeping the floor, wiping the table, etc., so that they can learn to be independent in practice.

2. Reduce the use of electronic products, protect eyesight and promote outdoor activities

Excessive use of electronic devices will not only affect children's visual health, but also cause them to lack outdoor exercise, affecting physical fitness and social skills.

If your child is going to elementary school within a year, these 4 things can't be done anymore anyway

Xiaofang is a "TV fan" who spends hours watching TV or playing on a tablet every day after school. Gradually, her eyesight began to deteriorate, and she became less athletic, and her physical fitness gradually deteriorated.

Before their children enter primary school, parents should limit the amount of time their children spend on electronic devices and encourage them to participate in outdoor activities.

Parents can work with their children to create a "Electronics Usage Schedule" that defines how long and when they will use electronics each day. At the same time, parents should also lead by example, reduce the time they spend using electronic devices, and spend more time with their children in outdoor activities, such as walking, cycling, climbing, etc.

3. Correct bad habits and cultivate good study habits and living habits

Bad habits can seriously affect a child's learning efficiency and quality of life.

Xiaogang is a lively and cute child, but he has a bad habit - procrastination. Putting off homework late every day leads to lack of sleep time and affects the mental state of the next day.

If your child is going to elementary school within a year, these 4 things can't be done anymore anyway

Before their children enter primary school, parents should focus on their children's habit formation, help them correct bad habits, and develop good study habits and living habits.

Parents can work with their children to create a "habit formation plan" that clarifies the tasks to be completed each day and the goals for habit formation. For example, it is stipulated that homework should be completed and school bags organized by 9 p.m. every day; Wake up at 7 a.m. and do morning reading, etc. At the same time, parents should also give their children enough encouragement and support to help them persevere.

Fourth, avoid advanced education, so that children can enjoy a happy childhood

Advance education can put children under too much pressure to learn at an early age, causing them to become bored with learning.

Xiaoli is a "little prodigy", and her parents began to teach her literacy and arithmetic when she was very young. However, when she reached primary school, Xiaoli lost interest in learning, and her grades gradually declined.

Before their children enter primary school, parents should avoid advanced education and let their children enjoy a happy childhood.

If your child is going to elementary school within a year, these 4 things can't be done anymore anyway

Parents should respect their children's growth rules and learning characteristics, and do not put pressure on their children to study too early. Children's interest in learning can be stimulated through games, picture books, etc., so that they can learn by playing and playing. At the same time, parents should also pay attention to their children's mental health and give them enough care and support.


In the year leading up to primary school, parents need to pay special attention to their child's growth and development to help them prepare well.

Cultivating independence, limiting the use of electronic devices, correcting bad habits, and avoiding early education can help your child to start elementary school in a healthy and happy way.

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I am @婷momalan, a nationally certified nursery teacher, family education lecturer, committed to sharing parenting experience in small stories, welcome to follow me, and accompany children to grow up together.

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  • If your child is going to elementary school within a year, these 4 things can't be done anymore anyway
  • If your child is going to elementary school within a year, these 4 things can't be done anymore anyway
  • If your child is going to elementary school within a year, these 4 things can't be done anymore anyway
  • If your child is going to elementary school within a year, these 4 things can't be done anymore anyway
  • If your child is going to elementary school within a year, these 4 things can't be done anymore anyway

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