
Tonight at 20:59, Xiaoman ushered in, and the doctor suggested "endure more hardships"

author:Jiangxi city scene

Source | Urban Live Original

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Today (May 20) 20:59:17

We will usher in the small full solar term

Enter this solar term

Wheat and other summer crops in the northern part of the country

The kernels are starting to plump but not yet ripe

Therefore, it is called Xiaoman

And in the south

Xiaoman means that there is a lot of rain

Tonight at 20:59, Xiaoman ushered in, and the doctor suggested "endure more hardships"

The traditional customs of the small full solar term include sacrificing to the god of cars, worshipping the god of silkworms, circling the three spirits, eating bitter vegetables and grabbing water. These traditional customs originated in an agrarian society, and all of them conveyed the farmers' love for the land and their desire for harvest. Folklore expert Mei Lianhua believes that the word "Xiaoman" also contains the wisdom of the Chinese.

Tonight at 20:59, Xiaoman ushered in, and the doctor suggested "endure more hardships"
Folklore expert Mei Lianhua: You see we talk about this small summer and big summer, but there is a small man but no big man. There is a philosophy of life in this, which is overflowing. That little satisfaction is to have such an effect.
Tonight at 20:59, Xiaoman ushered in, and the doctor suggested "endure more hardships"

During the small full solar term, the temperature rises and the rainfall increases. At this moment, the south is about to enter the hot summer, and the temperature in the north is gradually equalizing with the south. After Xiaoman, the south of the Yellow River to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River began to have high temperature weather above 35 °C. Doctors suggest that at this time, people should do a good job of summer protection and take care of their bodies.

Tonight at 20:59, Xiaoman ushered in, and the doctor suggested "endure more hardships"
Xiong Jun, professor and deputy chief physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University: At this time, we must suffer "hardship", and suffering is related to the heart. Then enter the small full season, because people's hearts are easy to be excited, this heat will come up, so at this time, we must eat some foods related to bitterness, such as bitter gourd and lettuce. After eating these foods, it has a good regulating effect on our heart fire, and it also has a good adjustment effect on Xiaoman's sultry summer and hot season.
Tonight at 20:59, Xiaoman ushered in, and the doctor suggested "endure more hardships"

Xiong Jun reminded that when Xiaoman arrives, everyone should also pay attention to the moisture in the body and do a good job of removing dampness.

Tonight at 20:59, Xiaoman ushered in, and the doctor suggested "endure more hardships"
Xiong Jun, Professor and Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University: In summer, moisture begins to be generated, and the human body will feel stuffy after the moisture is generated. Then all aspects of the diet will begin to be affected, at this time to drink some dampness food, such as red beans, red beans, barley these foods, through these can improve water, reduce swelling, dampness, play a good role in the body's regulation.

Friends with chronic diseases should also pay attention to the impact of temperature rise on their body.

Tonight at 20:59, Xiaoman ushered in, and the doctor suggested "endure more hardships"
Xiong Jun, Professor and Deputy Chief TCM Physician of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University: With the increase in temperature, there are higher requirements for our body's oxygen consumption and body. At this time, some chronic diseases will be affected, such as the four chronic diseases we often say, one is a patient with cancer and tumor, another is a patient with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, and the other is a patient with chronic respiratory disease and chronic kidney disease.