
vivo announced the first day of the 618 battle report: won the double crown of's Android mobile phone brand list

vivo announced the first day of the 618 battle report: won the double crown of's Android mobile phone brand list

Mobile China

2024-05-21 09:46Published in Beijing

  With the hot progress of the 618 mid-year promotion, vivo also announced the sales data of the first day (May 20). According to the official battle report released by vivo, a number of products have achieved good sales results on different platforms.

vivo phones

  It is reported that vivo's online sales increased by 287% year-on-year. Specific to various e-commerce platforms, vivo (including iQOO) won the top 1 in sales and sales of JD's Android mobile phone brand list, and the top 2 in sales and sales of Tmall's Android mobile phone brand list. In addition, in vivo's official mall, the GMV of mobile phones reached 3.5 times that of the same period last year.

  In terms of stores and brands, the official flagship store of JD vivo has entered the top 3 sales of third-party brand flagship stores of JD mobile phones; On the Pinduoduo platform, the vivo (including iQOO) brand is the top 1 in Android mobile phone sales; In addition, in Douyin's vivo official flagship store, it won the TOP3 of the mobile phone delivery list; Kuaishou vivo's official flagship store has also entered the TOP3 of Android mobile phone brand sales.

  From the perspective of models, vivo X100 Ultra won the TOP1 of the Tmall mobile phone hot sales list, and X Fold3 also entered the TOP2 of JD's large folding screen mobile phone list. In addition, vivo smart terminal products (including tablets, watches and TWS earphones) also made efforts this time, with sales of 301% of the same period last year.

vivo announced the first day of the 618 battle report: won the double crown of's Android mobile phone brand list

vivo 618 first-day battle report

  On the whole, vivo performed well in this year's 618 mid-year promotion, and the sales of a number of products led the audience, which can be said to have made a good start.

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  • vivo announced the first day of the 618 battle report: won the double crown of's Android mobile phone brand list

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