
On the day of 520, China announced sanctions against three US arms dealers, banning them from operating in China and imposing huge fines

author:Sun Xuwen

Since the beginning of this year, the degree of interference of the Biden administration in the Taiwan issue has continued to increase with the deterioration of the domestic political environment in the United States, especially the intensification of election competition. Now, the Biden administration is no longer satisfied with intervening in the situation in the Taiwan Strait by arranging anti-China lawmakers to visit Taiwan or arms sales to Taiwan, but has extended its black hand directly to the cornerstone of China-US relations: UNGA Resolution 2758. On the 19th of this month, Fu Cong, the Permanent Representative of the Mainland to the United Nations, published a signed article clearly pointing out that in the past, US officials have frequently made remarks slandering the authority of UNGA Resolution 2758, openly hyping up the so-called "theory that Taiwan's status is undecided", misleading international public opinion and challenging the one-China principle.

Fu Cong stressed that before the adoption of UN General Assembly Resolution 2758, the United States had worked with other countries to promote the "dual representation" proposal in a vain attempt to create "two Chinas", but it was opposed by the overwhelming majority of the participating countries. The United States has failed in the past, and it is even less likely that it will succeed if it repeats itself today. Fu Cong further said that the United States and the DPP authorities have ignored facts and legal conclusions and openly distorted UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 in order to serve ulterior political purposes.

On the day of 520, China announced sanctions against three US arms dealers, banning them from operating in China and imposing huge fines

Fu Cong pointed out that China will continue to win the understanding and support of the United Nations and the vast number of member states in order to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, oppose "Taiwan independence and separatism," and realize the just cause of complete reunification. This article by Deputy Fu Cong comprehensively and in detail explains the origin of UNGA Resolution 2758 and the historical basis that supports it as an international consensus. Just 24 hours after the publication of Deputy Fu Cong's article, the Ministry of Commerce of the mainland launched a new round of countermeasures against US arms sales to Taiwan. According to the Global Times, citing the website of the Ministry of Commerce on the 20th, the Ministry of Commerce issued the No. 1 and No. 2 announcements of this year in accordance with the Foreign Trade Law, the National Security Law and other relevant laws, and according to the working mechanism of the Unreliable Entity List.

The two announcements put three U.S. military-industrial complexes on the list of unreliable entities: General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, General Dynamics Land Systems, and Boeing Defense, Space & Security. In the future, these three military-industrial complexes will not be allowed to engage in import and export activities related to the mainland, make new investments in the mainland, send senior executives into the mainland, and not approve the executives of the above-mentioned enterprises to obtain work permits in the mainland.

On the day of 520, China announced sanctions against three US arms dealers, banning them from operating in China and imposing huge fines

In addition to the ban on entry, they will also be deprived of their status of stay and residence, and fines will be imposed on the above-mentioned enterprises in the amount of twice the amount of arms sales to Taiwan since the fact of the "List Regulations", and the punishment will be doubled if they refuse to do so. It can be seen from the content of the announcement that the fines involved in the last article are not the core, and the real focus is on the first article "no import and export from the mainland" and the second article "no new investment in the mainland". The former limits the ability of the three military-industrial complexes to rely on China's supply chain to obtain cost-effective components, even if the other party can purchase from other countries, the overall competitiveness should be affected by price factors.

The latter is to prevent the other side from "eating and smashing the pot" and prevent these dead businessmen from enjoying the dividends of China's economic development on the one hand, but on the other hand, they are fueling the arrogance of the Taiwan independence separatist forces to resist reunification by force. Whether it is in terms of time and intensity, this round of countermeasures is just right, so as to avoid being used by the Biden administration to make a big fuss about intimidating American companies that normally operate and produce in China, and directly targeting all US entities that intend to undermine cross-strait reunification.

On the day of 520, China announced sanctions against three US arms dealers, banning them from operating in China and imposing huge fines

The United States should realize that dialogue between heads of state alone is not enough to enhance the international credibility of the United States, and if the United States continues to engage in treachery and double-dealing activities, China will never be stingy in countermeasures. The reason why this countermeasure was chosen on May 20 is that China wants to send a clear signal to the United States, Taiwan and even the world that touching the red line in the Taiwan Strait will definitely outweigh the losses.

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