
Can scalding before a meal really kill microorganisms?

author:Shanghai Changning

Did you find out?

There's one thing

It's engraved in the DNA of a lot of people

And that's—

A ritual that must be performed before a meal

Blanch the dishes and chopsticks before eating

Can scalding before a meal really kill microorganisms?

But, does this really work? Let's analyze it first

What microorganisms are generally left on tableware?

Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori is very closely related to chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers. At a high temperature of 100°C, it can be inactivated in about 10 minutes.

Note! The temperature is at least higher than 80 °C, because Helicobacter pylori may be effective in resuscitation at 70~80 °C.

Escherichia coli

Bacteria that normally inhabit the intestine can cause acute diarrhea only in exceptional circumstances. It is intolerant to high temperatures, and it only takes about 1 minute to be killed in an environment of about 75°C.

Staphylococcus aureus

Common foodborne pathogenic microorganisms can produce enterotoxins under certain conditions. It has a certain tolerance to high temperatures, and it can be completely killed at a high temperature of more than 80 °C for 30 minutes.


Bacteria are hypnozoites that are highly resistant to stress and can withstand high temperatures, ultraviolet rays, ionizing radiation, and a variety of chemicals. In general, boiling water does not kill them.


Common foodborne pathogens, which are not very resistant to heat, can be killed in 15 minutes at a temperature of 60°C.


Most molds can be killed at a temperature of 80°C, with the exception of fungal spores (dormant fungi) and toxins produced by some fungi.

Therefore, once the tableware becomes moldy, scalding it with boiling water will not work.


Enteroviruses such as rotavirus are easily inactivated and can be heated in water at 56°C for 30 minutes. For hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C viruses, boil at 100°C for 1 minute.

These microorganisms all have different degrees of harm to the human body and pose a threat to human health.

Does scalding really kill these microbes?

Experts say that in order to achieve disinfection effect, at least two conditions must be met at the same time:

★ Must be piping hot boiling water at 100°C;

★ Instead of putting it in boiling water and picking it up, submerge it for at least 5 minutes.

But when you go to a restaurant outside, this is usually the case: the temperature is too low, and the hot tea provided by the waiter is generally only about 70 °C, and then poured into the cold tea set, the temperature will be lower;

The time is too short, and many friends just rinse the dishes when they are ironing, and it will be over in a few seconds.

So hot dishes before meals can only be said ...... Full of ritual~~~

"Can't you just flush the dust?" "It doesn't matter if you can burn it clean, the main thing is to feel comfortable" "Just go through a procedure, you still take it seriously" "You don't understand, scalding dishes is the first step in social etiquette~"

Although boiling water has no effect on scalding dishes and chopsticks, there is one thing we can do to check whether the tableware is qualified

3 tricks to teach you to identify whether the tableware is qualified

If there are many impurities on the film, it may be waste plastic reused;

After tearing off the plastic film, smell whether there is a pungent and moldy smell on the tableware;

If it feels greasy to the touch and sticky to your hands, it means that the sterilized tableware is not qualified.

Can scalding before a meal really kill microorganisms?
Can scalding before a meal really kill microorganisms?

Source: People's Daily Online Science Popularization

Editor: Cheng Qian

Editor-in-charge: Gao Qin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

Can scalding before a meal really kill microorganisms?

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