
Fast gunner, the fine pass threshold is too high? Use the right [Epimedium Weed], fifteen minutes, ten thousand battles

author:Dr. Andro Kodu of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Introduction~ Fast gunner, the threshold of Jingguan is too high? Use the right [Epimedium Weed], fifteen minutes, ten thousand battles

1. Epimedium + raspberries

The fairy spleen replenishes the kidney and yang, and benefits the essence and qi;

Raspberry solidifies essence and shrinks urine, which can help yang qi rise;

Kidneys and feet, strong, yang, cavernous body angry and long-lasting.

Fast gunner, the fine pass threshold is too high? Use the right [Epimedium Weed], fifteen minutes, ten thousand battles

2. Epimedium + wolfberry

Epimedium strengthens muscles and bones, and invigorates qi;

wolfberry nourishes the liver and kidneys, brightens the eyes;

The liver and kidneys are sufficient, and the muscles are strong, which can prolong the time and fight for a long time.

Fast gunner, the fine pass threshold is too high? Use the right [Epimedium Weed], fifteen minutes, ten thousand battles

3. Epimedium + keel

Epimedium is good for qi and strengthens intelligence;

The keel warms and replenishes the heart qi, astringent and astringent;

Yang Ping Yin is secret, essence is cure, and Zongjin is invigorated and stable.

Fast gunner, the fine pass threshold is too high? Use the right [Epimedium Weed], fifteen minutes, ten thousand battles

【Headline Medical Case】

The fan roasted sweet potato, it is difficult to act, there are ideas, but the fast gunner, habitually looking at the door, fast as lightning. Symptoms:

1. The corpora cavernosa is sensitive and weak, and the ability to fix sperm is too poor

2. Insomnia and dreams, sleeping less than five hours

3. Dizziness, low strength, intolerance to fatigue


5. It is easy to be upset, dare not be alone, and it is easy to have palpitations when tired

6. The tongue is light, pale, the tip of the tongue is red, the base of the tongue is sunken, and the pulse is weak

Fast gunner, the fine pass threshold is too high? Use the right [Epimedium Weed], fifteen minutes, ten thousand battles

Syndrome differentiation: heart and kidney deficiency, essence is not kept

Treatment: Nourish the heart and kidneys, and strengthen the essence

Astragalus membranaceus, atractylodes atractylodes, ginseng, yam, Sichuan hyssop, epimedium weed, cocoon, Ze Yuan, danpi, cinnamon, and boiled licorice can be used. He was instructed to eat a light diet, start to abstain from the heart, eat a light diet and eat less and more meals. After a period of time, the Zong tendons are tough and powerful, and they can freely control the essence without coming out.

Fast gunner, the fine pass threshold is too high? Use the right [Epimedium Weed], fifteen minutes, ten thousand battles

Many friends think that as long as there is a functional problem, it is kidney deficiency that needs to be supplemented in a variety of ways, but in fact, kidney deficiency is just one of them, but it just makes you feel that the symptoms are more obvious. At this time, all the internal organs of the body are in a state of weakness, especially the heart, which has lost its status as an official of the monarch. I want to guard his essence in my heart, but the essence has already left the palace gate, which shows how weak my heart is.

Fast gunner, the fine pass threshold is too high? Use the right [Epimedium Weed], fifteen minutes, ten thousand battles

Under normal circumstances, the heart qi is vigorous, the kidney qi is not weak, the heart and kidney are prosperous, and they are both vigorous. Therefore, it can only be said that only when the heart and kidneys are vigorous together can we keep the essence pass, and it can also be said that although the right to open and close the essence pass is in the heart, it also needs to be completed under the premise that the heart and kidney are vigorous, and both are indispensable. Knowing only to tonify the kidney but not knowing the heart will inevitably lead to overheating of the essence, hurting the heart and aggravating the condition. Therefore, many people make up for it more and more, and the more they make up, the more sensitive they become, which in turn aggravates their condition.