
A poem written in the summer, the whole sentence is beautiful and moving, and it is indeed a rare masterpiece

author:No. 1 Poetry Lane

Poetry has an appointment, and No. 1 Poetry Lane welcomes everyone's arrival.

I like summer the most, because summer represents the most vigorous vitality, the most romantic and unrestrained feelings.

Flowers in summer: lotus leaves are infinitely green, and lotus flowers are different red;

Trees in the summer: Fang Fei Xie went to hate, Xia Mu Yin Yin is lovely;

The wind in summer: the crystal curtain moves and the breeze rises, and the roses are full of incense.

......, and reading the ancient poems of summer is to enrich and wash people's mood and soul.

A poem written in the summer, the whole sentence is beautiful and moving, and it is indeed a rare masterpiece

In this issue, we will share a poem by a poet of the Qing Dynasty.

This poem uses four simple sentences to write the beauty of summer, and people can't help but praise it after reading it.

In early summer, I lived in a friend's new home

Qing · Xu Bencheng

Love to be idle, this thing is the most pleasant, and the bamboo house rope bed takes a nap.

In addition to the wine scoop, there is no long thing, and the curtain is full of new green rain and sunshine.

Xu Benxin, Xulu, Chongning people, Qing Dynasty poet in the mainland, Taoist priest of Wuhou Temple in Chengdu, author of "Xiangye Pavilion Poetry Collection".

This poem was written by the author when he lived in a friend's new home, and in the beautiful picture, it is rich in a lot of leisurely taste.

In fact, whether it is in the era of the Qing Dynasty, or in terms of the entire poetry circle in ancient and modern times, this poem can be called a masterpiece.

A poem written in the summer, the whole sentence is beautiful and moving, and it is indeed a rare masterpiece

The first sentence of the poem is written from the imaginary, which expresses the author's inner emotions more clearly: love and leisure are the most pleasant; Relaxation is actually one of the most enjoyable factors.

In the first sentence, the author does not directly point to the main object "friends dwelling", but first expresses his own opinion. From the author's point of view, we have fully read his temperament and mood through the words "leisure" and "pleasantness".

Some people are so busy all day long that they never have time to stop to find the joy of life, let alone to appreciate life. Such people will always be troubled by some trivial things, so they will not be able to reap the benefits of a relaxed and happy mood.

In fact, the vast majority of us are like this, or because of the so-called "struggle" and "pursuit", or because of the current life dilemma that is difficult to escape, in short, "leisure" is rare for most people.

But the author is right, people who like to be leisurely can often get a good mood; And people who have "leisure" are often very happy. For this point, I believe everyone can deeply agree.

A sharp quote from the author resonated with readers in an instant; With the resonance of readers, the charm of the word "leisure" in the poem is more prominent and rich.

The first sentence says "idle", and the sentence confirms it on this basis: the bamboo house rope bed takes a nap; Taking a nap on the rope bed in the bamboo house, I feel that the dreams are so sweet.

There is a saying of "point question" in metrical poems, such as directly pointing to the topic at the beginning, such as homeopathic point at the end. So in the case of this poem, it is more implicitly pointed out in the sentence.

The words "bamboo house rope bed" can be said to present the "friend's new home" in front of the reader's eyes, and it also copies the appearance of the "new home" more specifically.

"Nap Qing" closely echoes the first sentence, especially the word "leisure" in it to fully explain, so that we can clearly see the author's leisurely image, and at the same time, we can also truly understand the author's happy mood.

In addition, through the description of the sentence, we can also see that the environment of the friend's new home is very elegant and quiet, which provides favorable conditions for the "pleasantness" in the first sentence; Therefore, no matter from which point of view, the context between the receiving sentence and the first sentence is always smooth.

A poem written in the summer, the whole sentence is beautiful and moving, and it is indeed a rare masterpiece

"There is nothing long except for the wine scoop, and the curtain is full of new green rain and sunshine." For "me", except for the wine scoop, there is really nothing good at, looking up, the green curtain in the rainy weather, it looks so fresh and pleasant.

From the perspective of the writing conception of this poem, we find that the author combines the two perspectives of "virtual" and "real", and in the transformation of one virtual and one real, the author's own image and the image of his friend's residence are skillfully and naturally displayed.

In the first two sentences, the author is highlighting his "leisurely" side, and then at the turn of the sentence, the author uses the "wine scoop" to highlight his "crazy" side.

"There is nothing to grow except for the wine scoop", which is the author's self-introduction and his humble words. In the author's opinion, what he is best at is drinking, so in his eyes, "wine scoop" is a more weighty thing.

The author highlights "wine", reflecting his own loose feelings, so he also distances himself from ordinary "laymen". In this way, the beautiful image of friends is naturally reflected. So the author seems to be writing about himself, but in fact he is also writing about friends.

In a leisurely time, in a quiet environment, drinking and ...... with friends, such a scene is enough to attract readers.

But the author did not forget to give another fresh and dusty, bright and clean scene description: full of new green rain and sunny. This scene suddenly brings reading and writing to a time away from the hustle and bustle, so that what we see in our eyes and feel in our hearts are full of greenery, and all of them are from the peace and tranquility of summer.

The last two sentences are full of painting and interest, which delights the reader's poetic eyes and moistens the reader's mood, which is really not ordinary beauty!

A poem written in the summer, the whole sentence is beautiful and moving, and it is indeed a rare masterpiece

Sleep up and have nothing to disturb, but look at the new green full of sparse curtains; Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think of this poem? Please talk briefly in the comment area.

regard poetry as a confidant, and carry out reading and writing to the end; Welcome everyone to pay attention to No. 1 Poetry Lane, and we will meet you here in the next issue!

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