
"Wisdom view hands, blessing faces", people who really have great blessings have these 3 marks on their bodies

"Wisdom view hands, blessing faces", people who really have great blessings have these 3 marks on their bodies

People who have great good fortune will inevitably reveal three unique qualities from time to time.

There is a saying in "The Four Disciplines of Liaofan":

"Where the heavens will send people, before they are blessed, they will be the first to send their wisdom.

As soon as this wisdom is issued, the floating ones are self-real, and the wanton ones are self-restrained. ”

In this short and precious life, there are only three qualities, which are the light of the soul of the life of the blessed.

It is like a beacon on the journey of life, leading them to a smoother life.

"Wisdom view hands, blessing faces", people who really have great blessings have these 3 marks on their bodies

Wisdom and hands, open the door of wisdom

In an old mountain village, there lived a Xiucai.

He is knowledgeable, respectful of the old and loves the young, and is deeply respected by the villagers.

However, he often stared at his slightly rough hands in contemplation, and there was a slight confusion in his heart.

Why was his hands not as busy as the other peasants, but they were swarthy and rough, and it was difficult to reach the elegant level?

One day, he decides to visit a healer in the town, hoping to find an answer from there.

Xiu Caigong sat in front of the healer, asking worriedly.

He wondered why some people had strong hands but lacked spirituality, while others had slender hands but full of strength.

He wondered if there was something about his own illness that made his hands so vulgar.

After carefully observing Xiucai's hands, the healer replied calmly:

"Your hands are healthy.

A person's hands are not only tools for labor, but also an extension of the soul.

People with deep hearts and sharp minds, their hands are not delicate, but they contain endless wisdom and strength. ”

After Xiucai heard this, his heart suddenly brightened.

He thought back to his old days, and although his hands had done a lot for his hard work, he really didn't really feel their existence with his heart.

"Wisdom view hands, blessing faces", people who really have great blessings have these 3 marks on their bodies

From that day on, Xiucai began to pay attention to his hands.

He no longer just uses them to write and ink, but tries to use them to touch the world and perceive every detail of life.

He paints with his hands, and the works he paints are lifelike;

He used his hands to make tools to help villagers solve their problems;

He used his hands to help the elderly, children, women and children in the village and convey warmth.

As time passed, Xiucai found that her hands became more and more powerful.

Although they have not become as slender and spiritual as the hands of other scholars, what they have experienced in their hands has made Xiucai's knowledge more profound.

In fact, what can really ascend to the hall of elegance is not the good-looking skin, but the invincible power brought by the harmony of body and mind.

A person's hands, like the windows to his soul, can truly reflect the depth and sensitivity of his heart.

When a person's heart is full of wisdom and strength, his hands will also be strong and powerful, capable of creating endless possibilities.

If a person's heart is empty, his hands will also become weak and stiff, unable to play their true value.

Remember, wisdom in the hand, deep heart is skillful, shallow heart is clumsy.

"Wisdom view hands, blessing faces", people who really have great blessings have these 3 marks on their bodies

Fu Ji face, the beginning of the blessing fate

On a bustling street in Suzhou, there is a small teahouse.

The proprietress is a middle-aged woman with an ordinary appearance and neatly dressed.

Although her facial features are ordinary, she is kind and virtuous, and people can't help but want to get close.

Her smile is like a spring breeze, warm and relaxed.

Every morning, in front of the teahouse, she is the first to greet guests.

Whether it's a regular customer or a new face, she greets them with the same warmth, smiling.

Guests are attracted by her hearty smile and kind face, and they are willing to spend a leisurely afternoon in her teahouse.

The woman's voice was ethereal and magnetic, and listening to her was a pleasure.

She has a gentle personality, a warm heart and a kind face, and she is not pretentious in dealing with people.

If customers have any questions, she will answer them patiently and give help.

"Wisdom view hands, blessing faces", people who really have great blessings have these 3 marks on their bodies

She also never gets tired of some small requests from guests.

In every corner of the teahouse, you can often listen to her tell all kinds of anecdotes to the guests and resolve their troubles.

The presence of this proprietress is like a beam of light on the street, making people feel hope and strength.

She never deliberately pursues the appearance of powder, but treats people with a kind heart, exchanges sincerity for sincerity, and enjoys life.

The ancients believed that a good heart is a good face, and a good face is regarded as a symbol of good fortune.

If the face is good, it will be blessed, and if it is blessed, it will be at peace, and if you have peace of mind, everything will go smoothly.

"Wisdom view hands, blessing faces", people who really have great blessings have these 3 marks on their bodies

Walk vigorously and have a good attitude

Last year, a 103-year-old grandmother in Zibo, Shandong Province, became popular on the Internet.

One day, the 103-year-old grandmother Lou Chengyu went to visit her 83-year-old daughter.

She trotted happily all the way, like a naughty little girl.

The 83-year-old daughter went out to greet her, but she pushed her daughter away and walked by herself, and wondered: "You are not as fast as me." ”

Some netizens watched this video and complained:

"At the age of 83, my mother hurts, how happy I am."

In life, this grandmother is not deaf, blind, and walks vigorously, as if the years have not left traces on her.

She suffered a lot when she was young, but her later life was full of fun.

She loves to be a "demon", often teases her 80-year-old daughter-in-law, and even competes with her great-grandson for toys, which really breaks her daughter-in-law's heart.

But Grandma Lou has a young heart.

She even claimed that she wanted to get a driver's license and planned to take her 80-year-old son for a ride.

This idea not only made the family laugh, but also caused heated discussions among netizens.

Everyone joked that Grandma Lou was out of the world, and even Lord Yama couldn't control her.

"Wisdom view hands, blessing faces", people who really have great blessings have these 3 marks on their bodies

Today, Grandma Lou has become an "Internet celebrity grandmother".

When asked about the secret of her longevity, she replied simply:

"Good mentality."

Grandma Lou believes that in addition to daily exercise, the most important thing is to have a good attitude.

She always talks and laughs when she gets along with people, and never gets angry.

As the saying goes:

"Smile, ten years less."

Grandma Lou used her own personal experience to verify this sentence.

If you are agile, you will be healthy, if you are healthy, you will have a good mentality, and if you have a good attitude, everything will go smoothly.

"Wisdom and hand, Fu Ji face, good step and good attitude."

The Wisdom of the Hand is the Door of Wisdom:

This is the outward manifestation of the wisdom and perceptiveness of the mind, and it is the key to opening the door of wisdom.

Fu Ji face is the beginning of fortune:

This is a reflection of the goodness of the heart and the outside, and it is the light that attracts happiness and auspiciousness.

Walking with a good attitude and being healthy is always a winner in life:

This is like the pace of life, firm and powerful, showing a person's inner tenacity and optimism.

May you and I be destined for wisdom and good fortune,

With a vigorous pace and a good attitude, live your own brilliant life, and let every moment of life shine.

Author | Purple Utopia

Picture | Submitted by Ziqiao photography enthusiasts