
Come and see grandpa, tomorrow grandpa is leaving: the old man who called for his granddaughter in front of the surveillance hanged himself

author:Pavilion said



"Xiaolin, come and see grandpa, grandpa will leave tomorrow."

"You're very nice to grandpa, grandson."

"If you come tomorrow to say yes, you come to see grandpa."

"Grandpa can't get over it, forget it."


In a small mountain village, a lonely old man chattered to the surveillance camera.

At first glance, I thought it was just the elders' thoughts about the younger generations.

After listening carefully, you will find that something is wrong with the old man's words.

Thoughts are real, nostalgia is real, and all thoughts are also true.

It's a farewell.

The publisher of the video, the granddaughter "Xiaolin" shouted in the mouth of the old man, also confirmed that the grandfather had passed away.

When she saw the surveillance, she was heartbroken:

"Later, the person I loved the most, the person who cared for me the most, became a small mountain, and I could no longer see him waiting for me to come home.

He's gone far away, so far away that I won't see him until the rest of my life. ”

Not being able to see her grandfather for the last time has become a permanent regret for her granddaughter.

To be honest, I read it with tears in my eyes.

Far away from my hometown, begging for a life outside, I missed this kind of life and death parting again and again.

But at the same time of sadness, I also hid a doubt in my heart:

Obviously, the old man in the video looks so good, how can he be sure that he won't be there tomorrow?

I don't dare to think the worst...... Until the past two days, a follow-up report was exposed:

That night, the old man hanged himself.

Come and see grandpa, tomorrow grandpa is leaving: the old man who called for his granddaughter in front of the surveillance hanged himself



The old man, surnamed Zhao, lives in a remote mountain village in Yunnan.

This is not the first time that Old Man Zhao has committed suicide.

In May last year, the old man had drunk pesticides, but because his family found out in time, he was rescued.

After that, the old man began to look for ropes, and the family hid all the ropes.

But over the past year, the old man has never been able to dispel suicidal thoughts.

Why is the old man bent on death?

"He's so lonely, he's so tormented." Granddaughter Kobayashi said heartbrokenly.

The transportation in the mountainous area is inconvenient, and the mobile phone signal is intermittent.

The old man has no education, and his family bought him a smartphone to pass the time, but he always doesn't use it well, and he doesn't even understand the basic functions of making calls.

Since the death of his wife the year before last, the old man has become even more depressed.

The two girls who had just entered elementary school in the neighbors next door heard it more than once, and the old man muttered, dreaming of his wife every day.

When people reach old age, they don't have any pastime and lose their other half.

The spirit collapsed at once.

"I'm not good alone."

This is a phrase on the lips of the old man before his death, and "not good" is a local slang word that means "uncomfortable".

When people are old, the loneliness of their hearts is something we can't imagine.

Writer Jing Fang told a story.

The three of them live in Beijing, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou, and in order to take care of their parents in their hometown, they specially hired a nanny.

But there was a time when my mother always complained about the babysitter's petty theft.

However, after the three sisters and brothers understood, they knew that the nanny had not done it.

But in order to appease the mother, they installed surveillance cameras in the house.

As a result, every bit of the mother's home is presented in the eyes of the children.

Since then, the children have finally learned the reason for their mother's unreasonable trouble:

She watched TV shows that she wasn't interested in every day, and sometimes didn't say a word all night.

Especially in the cold winter, parents even sit on the sofa all day, in a fixed position, in a fixed position, watching the same channel until they fall asleep.

Every time they call, parents ask their children when they will be back, but many times, the return date is just an unknown day.

It was only then that Jing Fang suddenly realized:

"The days of my parents are covered with large blank spaces. These voids are barren fields, with no crops and no hope for harvesting. ”

Come and see grandpa, tomorrow grandpa is leaving: the old man who called for his granddaughter in front of the surveillance hanged himself



The video of Mr. Zhao shouting at his granddaughter spread on the Internet.

The children and grandchildren of the Zhao family have received a lot of criticism, what is the "Internet filial son", what "where have the children gone......

A hat that is not worthy of a descendant is directly buttoned up.

Let's stop standing and talking without backache.

The fact is that the children and grandchildren of the old man have worked hard to take care of the elderly.

Judging from the living environment of the elderly, this is not a rich and noble family.

The old man has 4 sons and 2 daughters, and after they started a family, the second son's family stayed in the village, and the house they lived in was only 50 steps from the old house where the old man lived.

Usually, the second son and second daughter-in-law are responsible for the three meals a day of the elderly.

The children are also willing to take the old man to live with them, "send him wherever he wants, but he is not happy", stay for a day or two and then go home.

The children wanted to find another wife for the old man, but Mr. Zhao didn't agree to anything.

The monitoring in front of the old man's room is still insisted on by his granddaughter Xiaolin: "I'm afraid that he will run or fall or something, and I want to see him more." ”

On Xiaolin's short video account, among the few works, there are many grandfathers.

Help grandpa wash his feet, eat with grandpa, walk with grandpa, and shoot special effects videos with his mobile phone to make grandpa happy......

Obviously, there is no one in this big family who has no conscience.

But each family also has its own difficulties, as the second son said:

Everyone is watching, but no one can always be by (the old man's) side and not leave a single step." ”

Filial piety is the first, no trace of the heart, no filial piety in the poor family.

In the final analysis, ordinary people, "you raised me, I will accompany you to grow old", it is quite extravagant.

Take myself as an example, after my grandfather died, my grandmother lived alone and her health gradually deteriorated.

Although my uncle's family and my grandmother live in the same village, my uncle and aunt, who are nearly 60 years old, work on the construction site and manage the fields.

My uncle had heart surgery a few years ago, and my aunt ran a tailor shop on her own.

My parents even do odd jobs everywhere, 360 days a year, only around the Spring Festival and the rest time.

Not to mention the juniors, all over the world, either students or workers, except for holidays, it is rare to see one or two figures in my hometown.

Finally, my grandmother was also admitted to the ICU on a lonely day because of a cold, which caused complications, and she never woke up.

I have seen a question on Zhihu: "What do you think of the sentence "there is no filial son before the bed of a long illness"? ”

A high praise answer is very heart-wrenching @Veronica:

Then you haven't been to a private hospital, you haven't seen those long-term patients in the VIP wards. These people are cared for by special nurses, have nutritious meals distributed by the hospital, do not need their children to accompany them 24 hours a day, do not need their children to coax their children to stir-fry with a shovel, do not need their children to squeeze for half an hour to deliver food, do not need their children to wash clothes in the dirty public bathroom, do not need their children to take feces and urinate all night and go to work the next day with a pair of red and swollen eyes and dark circles. The children of these people, because they had enough sleep, were in a happy mood, and their faces were full of smiles, and they kindly asked their father how he felt today, and did he get used to eating in his mother's hospital? No, hire a babysitter to cook. I can't wait to accompany you every day, after all, you don't have to clean up by yourself, you don't have to cook your own food, you just need to sit on the leather sofa, blow the air conditioner, and chat with your parents. Even if you don't leave for a day, you have time, and you don't have to worry about nodding and asking for leave with your boss when you turn around......

Who doesn't want to be a filial son?

But has life ever had a little mercy on us?

Come and see grandpa, tomorrow grandpa is leaving: the old man who called for his granddaughter in front of the surveillance hanged himself



To be honest, there are actually quite a lot of "alone" old people like Mr. Zhao nowadays.

What should I do when I am old, I have nothing to lose, and it is difficult for my children to be with me all the time?

Tell the story of the people around you.

The 76-year-old aunt is an old lady who has never walked out of the mountain village for most of her life.

More than ten years ago, because of the sudden death of his uncle, he began to live alone.

Two sons and a daughter are not around, but she should eat and drink.

When the child is free, take her on a trip, and she never shirks.

When she was older, her youngest son helped her find a nanny in the village, and she was not reckless, so she rested when she should rest.

It's okay to go out for a walk, and talk to the old lady and the old man.

The junior also taught her to use her mobile phone and computer to watch TV dramas online.

When you miss your children, make a video call.

Although two years ago, she had a serious illness and had surgery, and her legs and feet were not good, but when she went to pay her New Year's greetings during the Spring Festival, the old man was still very talkative.

Everyone has the day when they grow old, and we look forward to the twilight of life, and our children and grandchildren will be around their knees and enjoy the joy of family.

If you can, naturally fine.

If it is difficult, the old life of my aunt may also be a revelation.

I hope that tragedies like Mr. Zhao will not happen again.

Bless every old man, and all of us who will eventually grow old.