
Why do some people age faster? After reading these 8 things, you will understand

author:Longnan Liangdang released

At the same age, some people are old, and some people are energetic, is it the difference in genes or the power of daily habits? Let's take a look, why do you age faster than others? If there is, it will be changed, and if there is none, it will be better!

1. Eat more than others

Eating too much will not only make people fat, but also make people age faster.

In 2023, researchers from the University of Cologne in Germany and others published a study in the journal Nature showing that restricting diet and inhibiting insulin signaling can reverse most of the changes associated with aging. Research has provided clues on how to promote healthy aging, such as dietary restrictions. ①

Health Advice:

Zuo Xiaoxia, director of the Nutrition Department of the Eighth Medical Center of the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, once said in an article in the Health Times that eating too much will increase people's metabolic burden, make some toxic and harmful substances unable to metabolize, and accelerate people's aging. But you can't eat too little, eating seven or eight points is easy to live long and healthy. ②

Why do some people age faster? After reading these 8 things, you will understand

2. Sleep less than others

Lack of sleep bothers many people, and in addition to making people sleepy and depressed, it may also accelerate aging.

In March 2024, researchers from the Department of Physical Education of Tsinghua University published a study in the journal "Scientific Reports" showing that 7 hours of sleep prolongs life the most, and too long and too short sleep time increases phenotypic age and promotes biological aging. ③

Health Advice:

Jiang Bo, a physician in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, said in an article published in the People's Daily Health Account that try not to give yourself external stimulation before going to bed, such as: try to reduce exercise, do not drink strong tea, minimize indoor light, and create a good sleeping environment for yourself.

It is more important not to play with your phone before going to bed, otherwise you may sleep worse and worse. Some people can't sleep anyway and need to seek help from a doctor in time to get rid of sleep disorders. ④

3. Drink less water than others

In 2023, a study published in The Lancet showed that drinking enough water every day may be an effective way to delay aging and prolong life.

The study showed that middle-aged people with excessive blood sodium significantly increased the risk of aging, chronic diseases, and early death. A normal, high level of sodium in the blood is usually a sign of insufficient body hydration. ⑤

Health Advice:

Ma Guansheng, head of the Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene at Peking University's School of Public Health, once said in an article in the Health Times that it was too late to drink water when he felt thirsty.

It is recommended that when you don't feel thirsty, you should take the initiative to drink water in small amounts and many times, and there is no best time to drink water, you can drink a cup in the morning and evening, and the others are evenly distributed in the daily time, about 200 ml each time. ⑥

Fourth, exercise less than others

In 2021, researchers from the University of Arkansas in the United States published research in the journal Senescent Cell showing that even if you don't start exercising until later in life, you can slow down the effects of aging, and exercise can alleviate age-related methylation transitions and alleviate epigenetic aging of skeletal muscle. ⑦

Health Advice:

Dr. Jiang Bo said that there are various ways and forms of exercise, such as running, playing basketball, walking, and doing a set of tai chi, which are all good ways to exercise. You must persevere, don't waste your body. ④

Why do some people age faster? After reading these 8 things, you will understand

Fifth, less sunscreen than others

Li Jing, chief physician of the Department of Medical Cosmetology of the Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in an article published on the Health Tianjin public account that in addition to endogenous aging, it is inevitable that natural aging is also caused by external factors such as ultraviolet radiation, smoking, wind and sun exposure and exposure to toxic and harmful chemicals.

Among them, ultraviolet radiation is the most important factor that causes exogenous aging of the skin, also known as photoaging. ⑧

Health Advice:

Photoaging can be controlled, as long as you do a good job of sun protection to prevent excessive radiation of ultraviolet rays to the skin, you can control or slow down the damage caused by photoaging to the skin.

To do a good job of sun protection, you can choose physical sunscreen, such as wearing a hat, wearing a mask, wearing an umbrella or wearing sun-protective clothing, etc., or you can choose to wear sunscreen outside. ⑧

6. Emotions are worse than others

In 2022, scientists from various research institutions such as the Chinese University of Hong Kong published a study in the journal "Aging-We" to prove that aging is not only determined by physiological factors, but also affected by psychological state.

The researchers found that a lower level of psychological variables accelerated aging by 1.65 years, taking all eight psychological variables together. The 8 psychological variables are: annoyance, lack of concentration, depression, hopelessness, fear, difficulty sleeping, sadness, and loneliness. ⑨

Health Advice:

Wang Xue, the attending physician of the Fifth Treatment Area (Psychosomatic Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Center) of the Psychology Department of the Sixth Hospital of Changchun City, Jilin Province, said in an article published on the hospital's official account that when the anger rises, consciously change the topic or do something else to distract attention, such as watching movies, listening to music, walking, etc., so that the tension is relaxed.

For another example, when encountering unhappiness and grievances, don't suppress it in your heart, say it to your close friends or relatives or cry a lot, so as to release the depression. ⑩

7. The pressure is greater than others

In 2023, a study published in the authoritative journal Cell Metabolism showed that people do age under severe stress. But the good news is that stress-induced aging can be reversed once an individual has recovered from severe stress. ⑪

Health Advice:

If you want to slow down aging, you must learn to release stress. Soaking in a hot bath, taking deep breaths, making friends, and going out for a walk are all simple and effective ways to de-stress.

Why do some people age faster? After reading these 8 things, you will understand

8. Genes are older than others

Why do some people look old? It may also have something to do with genes. A 2016 study published in Modern Biology found that a gene called melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) is strongly associated with whether a person looks older.

According to the researchers, MC1R is the main gene that controls melanin synthesis and can make people look on average 2 years older than their chronological age. ⑫

Health Advice:

As we age, aging inevitably comes. If you belong to the category of aging slowly, you are naturally worth rejoicing; If not, it is also possible to inhibit the rate of aging by actively improving daily life, adjusting work and rest, balancing nutrition, and slowly adjusting to it.

Source: Health Times