
Exclusive investigation announced! People here love to eat late-night snacks!

author:CCTV Finance

(CCTV Finance "China's Better Life Survey") How do people feel about their lives? Are you happy with your city? The annual "China Better Life Survey" will be broadcast live on CCTV financial new media at 19:00 tomorrow to release a number of blockbuster data on people's consumption hotspots, travel intentions, innovation and entrepreneurship trends, artificial intelligence trends and city satisfaction, and the "China's better life city" in the eyes of the people will be announced at the same time.

Today, let's first learn some interesting data about the leisure life of Chinese people.


Mobile entertainment is still a weapon to "kill" time, and the frequency of mobile phones swiped by middle- and high-income people has decreased significantly

The 2023-2024 "China Good Life Survey" found that the top five leisure activities for Chinese people are mobile entertainment, dinner/supper, visiting night markets/shopping malls, reading books and studying and spending time with family.

Exclusive investigation announced! People here love to eat late-night snacks!

Mobile entertainment has ranked first in the "killer" of Chinese time for two consecutive years, but compared with the previous year, the proportion has still decreased a lot. This is a good trend, and it is becoming the consensus of more people to be less "bowed".

Exclusive investigation announced! People here love to eat late-night snacks!

Especially young people aged 18-35, they are the main force of mobile entertainment, but the proportion has also begun to decrease slightly, followed by middle-aged people aged 36-59, and the third is people over 60 years old, and the overall trend of their mobile entertainment has also declined slightly.

Exclusive investigation announced! People here love to eat late-night snacks!

An interesting finding is that middle- and high-income people with an annual income of more than 200,000 yuan have significantly reduced the frequency of swiping mobile phones in their leisure time, and it is more than 8 percentage points lower than the national average. Spending time on your phone won't bring wealth, don't be a "bowing person", and spend more time on more meaningful things.

Exclusive investigation announced! People here love to eat late-night snacks!

Dinner/supper dominates the list

What is eye-catching is that the crowd of people who choose dinner/supper in leisure time has been soaring, an increase of nearly 30 percentage points compared with the previous year, reaching the highest value in four years.

For the first time, night markets/shopping malls have also squeezed into the top three leisure and entertainment activities of Chinese people, and it is obvious that people are not satisfied with finding the joy of life in every inch of their mobile phones.

Exclusive investigation announced! People here love to eat late-night snacks!

Where is the best place to have a dinner party/late-night snack? The survey found that people in Northeast China are the most fond of dinner/supper among the seven regions, crowding out South China, which has always occupied the first place, and nearly 4 percentage points higher than them. The proportion of Northeast Chinese people having dinner and supper in leisure time reached 41.84%.

Exclusive investigation announced! People here love to eat late-night snacks!

Among the 36 large and medium-sized cities, the five cities that like to have dinner and supper the most are Dalian, Changsha, Qingdao, Urumqi and Harbin, of which there are two northeast cities.

Exclusive investigation announced! People here love to eat late-night snacks!

For more information, please pay attention to the release of the data release of the "Big Survey" of "A Beautiful Night" live broadcast on CCTV Financial New Media at 19:00 on the 21st.

Please indicate CCTV Finance and Economics for reprinting

Editor: Dong Lindan