
30 heart-nourishing poems, suitable for reading when the heart is tired!

author:and political releases

Living in this world, getting up early and greedy for darkness, being busy, and living a repetitive life day by day.

If you are not afraid of being tired, you are afraid of being tired.

It's okay to be tired, it's good to take a rest, but when you're tired, it's really uncomfortable, and you may not be able to get out for a long time.

Poetry Jun recommends 30 heart-nourishing verses, suitable for reading when you are tired, so that you are much more comfortable!

30 heart-nourishing poems, suitable for reading when the heart is tired!

1. A person who is a person who is a happy person. - "Fireside Night Talk: The Fourth"

2. I can't afford to sleep on the three poles in the sun, and it is better to be idle than to be famous. ——Jia Yanxi, "Drum Words of the Wooden Peel Sanren"

3. The guests have nothing to do after dinner, and they go to Xihuang leisurely. ——Chen Qi "Leisurely"

4. There is a home for thousands of miles, and there is no wine to be happy in a spring. The heart is wide everywhere is Penglai. ——Xu Youren "Huanxi Sand"

5. Because of the monk's words in the bamboo courtyard, he stole half a day of leisure. ——Li She, "Monk's House of Helin Temple"

30 heart-nourishing poems, suitable for reading when the heart is tired!

6. The secluded hut is small, and the heart is wide and the cloth is not a cloth list. ——Zhang Sigang "Sideburns"

7. In his later years, he is only quiet, and he doesn't care about everything. ——Wang Wei, "Remuneration Shaofu"

8. Outside the leisurely realm, no dust is allowed. ——Nalan Xingde, "Water Tune Song Head, Title Xishan Autumn Cool Picture"

9. Walk appropriately, sit with peace of mind, drink when you are thirsty, eat when you are hungry, sing when you are drunk, and lie down to Sha Yin when you are sleepy. The sun and the moon are long, the world is wide, and the leisure is happy! ——Guan Hanqing, "Four Pieces of Jade, Leisure"

10. The cane quinoa head wine picks, the flower tips are high on the moon, and the children laugh at the clap. ——Hu Yishu "[Zhonglu] Happy Three Lives Over the Son of Heaven"

30 heart-nourishing poems, suitable for reading when the heart is tired!

11. Go to the poor place of the water and sit and watch the clouds rise. ——Wang Wei "Farewell to the South"

12. Snow on the river, Pubian wind, smiling and not sighing poor. ——Zhang Zhihe, "The Fisherman: The Fisherman in Yunxi Bay"

13The heart is wide and the ground is narrow, and the pavilion is small and the mountains are many. ——Dai Retro "Title Chunshan Li Jidao Garden"

14. Who brews a day of rain, refreshing all over the river. ——Zhang Ye "Mochizuki Brahman Introduction and Li Tingbi Rhyme Celebrate the First Degree"

15. If you can reach the truth, what is the worry? The heart is relaxed, and everything is resting. - "Ruan Langgui (Yuande Dianzuo and Zhao Zhizhong)"

30 heart-nourishing poems, suitable for reading when the heart is tired!

16. A hundred years of drunkenness, full of spring. High lying in the east mountain is a cloud. ——Zhang Kejiu, "The Book of Golden Letters: Leisure"

17. Don't think of being a marquis, leisurely and far away. ——Zhao Shixiu, "Xue's Gualu"

18. The wind and autumn are cool, and the leaves fall out of the well. Tao Ran is full of wine, the so-called secluded auspicious. ——Quan Deyu "Star Name Poem"

19. What is the reason why the world is cloudy, it is better to lie down and add food. ——Wang Wei, "Drinking Wine with Pei Di"

20. The fish is satisfied, and the woodcutter smiles and smiles. ——Hu Shaokai "Drunk East Wind"

30 heart-nourishing poems, suitable for reading when the heart is tired!

21. Qingshan and the masters, there is an appointment at first sight. Leisurely, speechless and happy. ——Zhao Mengfu "Zhou Nan Weng Youran Pavilion"

22. The Yangtze River surrounds Guo Zhi Fish Beauty, and the bamboo is fragrant with the mountains. - Su Shi "First Arrival in Huangzhou"

23. Half a life of eunuchs leaving the world, drunk and relaxed, dreams and leisure. - Lu You's "Self-Satisfaction"

24. Life is only for Liang Yuan, and he is happy to live a few white-headed fathers. ——Feng Zizhen, "Parrot Song, Yimen Nostalgia"

25. Drink two or three scoops happily, and only wish to be happy. Laughed and laughed, drunk. ——Xuxi Village, "[Double Tone] Happy Year"

30 heart-nourishing poems, suitable for reading when the heart is tired!

26. Leaning on the Hu bed, there are thousands of peaks outside the Yu Gong Building. Who to sit with. The moon is clear and the breeze is on me. - Su Shi "Dotting the Lips"

27. The situation is suitable, and the heart is indifferent. Leisurely will be really interesting, and you have to drink yourself. ——Wang Mian "Leaving a Title for the Leisurely Pavilion"

28. There are no guests all year round, and there is no intention to stay idle all day long. ——Wang Wei "Answer to the Fifth Brother Zhang"

29. There is a pond, a fishing flute when you wake up, and a fishing song when you are drunk. ——Ma Zhiyuan, "Toad Palace Song: Two Songs of Sighing World"

30. It's better to have light rice and coarse tea under the thatched house, and a futon with cold wind and dew. The head of the department stomped his feet and stripped wild vegetables, and he was drunk and sang a wine fairy. ——Jia Yanxi, "Drum Words of the Wooden Peel Sanren"

30 heart-nourishing poems, suitable for reading when the heart is tired!

Tired is tired, bitter is bitter, all are temporary, in the end, we can all carry it, boil out, you must always believe. People are forced out, they are not tired, they don't suffer a little, how can they become stronger, braver, and stronger?

Photo by Feng Zikai

(Material source: WeChat public account Classical Literature and Poetry)