
The 10 most beautiful ancient texts in ancient China should be read at least once in a lifetime

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Chinese characters are the longest-used script in the world.

Allow Hidden Lady to be proud for 5 seconds.

What makes Yinniang even more proud is that since her birth,

The sages used Chinese characters to compose wonderful articles,

To this day, I still have a fragrance at the corner of my lips, and the charm is endless.

Yin Niang was proud for another 5 seconds.

5 seconds is not enough to express my emotions for the admiration of the sages.

Today, Yinniang wants to share 10 of the most beautiful ancient texts,

The beauty of words, the beauty of rhythm, the beauty of artistic conception,

As Chinese,

I think I must read it once in my life?

Let's learn with Yinniang!

The 10 most beautiful ancient texts in ancient China should be read at least once in a lifetime

Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection

Jin Wang Xizhi

In the ninth year of Yonghe, the age is ugly, and at the beginning of the twilight spring, he will be in the Lanting of Huiji Shanyin, and he will repair things. The sages are complete, and the young are salty. There are lofty mountains and mountains here, lush forests and bamboos; There is also a clear stream turbulent, reflecting the left and right, leading to the flow of the winding water, and the column sits second. Although there is no silk bamboo orchestra, a song is enough to tell the romance.

It's a day, the sky is clear, the wind is smooth, looking up at the universe, looking down on the prosperity of the category, so the eyes are full of joy, enough to be extremely audio-visual entertainment, and the letter is also cola.

The face of the lady is with, and the admiration of the first life, or the embrace of all, the enlightenment is in a room; Or because of the entrustment, outside the wreckage. Although the interest is different, the restlessness is different, when it is happy with what it encounters, it is temporarily obtained by itself, and it is self-sufficient (with "fast"), and it does not know that old age is coming. and what they are tired, their feelings change with things, and their feelings are related. I like it, and between the pitches, it has become a vestige, and I can't help but be happy with it. The situation is shortened and followed, and the end is at the end. The ancients said: "Death and life are also important." "Isn't it painful!

Every time you look at the reasons for the interest of the people in the past, if you are united, you will not be able to mourn in the text, and you can't say it. It is known that death and life are illusory, and Qi Peng's death is vain. The future looks at the present, and the present looks at the past. Sad husband! Therefore, the people of the time are listed, and the description is recorded, although the world is different, so it is happy, and it is also one. Those who read it later will also be impressed by Sven.

【Background】On April 22, 353 A.D. (the third day of the third month of the ninth year of Jin Yonghe), Wang Xizhi, who was then the internal history of Huiji, and his friends Xie An, Sun Sui and other 41 people drank and wrote poems at the Lanting Yaji in Huiji Shanyin.

The participants transcribed the poems into a collection, and everyone recommended the convener of the gathering, the respected Wang Xizhi, to write a preface to record this collection, that is, the "Preface to the Lanting Collection".

【Evaluation】"Lanting Collection Preface" is lofty and broad, and the pen is vulgar, and it is like coming to a grand event in person.

Jin Shengsigh "The World's Talented Men Must Read": This article is bent on repeating life and death and is very sick, and now the good times can be read, and it is not allowed to say that there are wonderful words in passing, and it is really the first love in ancient and modern times.

The 10 most beautiful ancient texts in ancient China should be read at least once in a lifetime

"The Story of the Peach Blossom Spring"

Jin Tao Yuanming

In the Jin Dynasty, the Wuling people fished for their business. Walk around the river, forget the distance of the road. Suddenly, the peach blossom forest, hundreds of steps between the shore, there are no miscellaneous trees in it, the fragrant grass is delicious, and the fallen flowers are colorful. The fisherman is very different, and he goes forward again, wanting to exhaust his forest.

When the forest runs out of water, there will be a mountain, and the mountain has a small mouth, as if there is light. Drop off the boat and enter from the mouth. At the beginning, it is extremely narrow, and only then can it be passed. After dozens of steps, it suddenly became clear. The land is flat, the houses are like that, and there are good fields and beautiful ponds and mulberry bamboos. Qianmo traffic, chickens and dogs smell each other. Among them, the men and women are dressed like outsiders. Yellow hair hangs down and is happy.

When he saw the fisherman, he was shocked and asked where he had come from. Answered. Then he had to return home, and set up wine to kill chickens for food. When the village heard about this person, Xian came to inquire. Since Yun Xianshi avoided the chaos of the Qin Dynasty, he led his wife and people to this desperate situation, and did not come back, so he was separated from outsiders. Ask what the world is today, but I don't know if there is a Han, regardless of Wei and Jin. This person sighed for what he had said and heard. The rest of the people returned to their homes, and they all drank and ate. Stop for a few days and resign. The Chinese said: "It is not enough for outsiders." ”

Once he went out and got his boat, he helped him to the road, and he was determined everywhere. And the county, Yi Taishou, said so. Taishou immediately sent people to follow him, looking for what he wanted, and then he got lost and lost his way.

Nanyang Liu Ziji, a noble scholar, heard it, and happily went to it. Unsuccessfully, the search for the disease ended, and then there was no concern.

【Evaluation】Tao Yuanming has created a spiritual eternal hometown for the Chinese, where life is peaceful and peaceful, there is no fighting, no troubles, the sun rises and the sun sets, and it is a place that everyone yearns for.

The language of this article is vivid, concise, timeless, and seemingly understated, but the peaceful and peaceful life scenes are vivid and fascinating. "The herbs are fresh and the flowers are colorful" is the entrance to romantic life.

The 10 most beautiful ancient texts in ancient China should be read at least once in a lifetime

"Words of Return" (with preface)

Jin Tao Yuanming

The rest of the family is poor, and the cultivation is not enough for self-sufficiency. The naïve room, the bottle has no storage corn, and the raw materials are not seen. The relatives persuaded the rest to be the chief officials, and they had a way to get rid of their hearts and ask for it. There will be things in the four directions, the princes will be virtuous with love, and the uncles will be poor and poor, so they will be used for Xiaoyi. At that time, the turmoil was not quiet, and he was worried about the distant service, Peng Ze went home for a hundred miles, and the benefits of the public land were enough for wine. So I asked for it. and a few days, there is a feeling of return. How? The quality is natural, not pretentious. Although hunger and cold, he is sick against himself. Try to follow the personnel, all of them are self-serving. So he was generous and deeply ashamed of his life's ambition. If you still look forward to it, you will pass away. Xun Cheng's sister was mourned in Wuchang, and her love was in Junben, so she was exempted from her post. Mid-autumn to winter, more than 80 days in the official. Because things are going well, the fate is called "Return". Otomi years old November also.

Returning, the countryside will not return? Both self-conscious and self-serving, melancholy and sad? Realize that the past is not admonished, and those who know the future can be traced. It's not far away, and I feel that today is but yesterday is not. The boat is far away with a light flutter, and the wind is fluttering and blowing clothes. Ask the husband the way forward, hate the morning light.

It is Zhan Hengyu, and he is happy. The servants are welcomed, and the children are waiting for the door. The three paths are barren, and the pine chrysanthemum still exists. Bring the child into the room, and there is a bottle of wine. Introduce the pot to drink yourself, and the court is pleasant. Leaning on the south window to be proud, the knees are easy to be safe. The garden is involved in the fun, although the door is set up and often closed. Help the old to rest, and look at it from time to time. The clouds have no intention of going out, and the birds are tired of flying and know how to return. Jing Phong will enter, caress the lonely pine and coil.

When you return, please take a break from traveling. The world is contrary to me, and I want to go back to my words? Joy relatives' words, music and piano books to dispel worries. The peasants told Yu Yichun that there would be something to do in the west. Or a life towel car, or a lonely boat. It is not only slender to find a ravine, but also rugged and through the hills. Mu Xinxin is proud, and the spring trickles and flows. When all things are good, I feel that my life is resting.

That's it! When will it be in the form of a universe? Do you want to stay? What do you want? Wealth is not my wish, and the emperor's hometown is unexpected. Huai Liangchen is lonely or planting a cane. Dengdong Gao is a poem with Shu Xiao and a clear stream. Talk about multiplication and return to the end, Lefu's destiny is doubtful!

This is Tao Yuanming's declaration of returning to the countryside from his official career, the article is sincere, the language is simple, the syllables are harmonious, like nature, showing a natural beauty. Tao Yuanming is straightforward, not pretending to be embellished, but naturally innocent and amiable.

Through the description of specific scenes and activities, the author creates a tranquil and comfortable artistic conception of optimism and nature, with simple language, smooth rhetoric, ingenuity and nature, sincere feelings, far-reaching artistic conception, and strong appeal.

Ouyang Xiu: There is no article in Jin, but Tao Yuanming's "Words of Return" is just an article.

The 10 most beautiful ancient texts in ancient China should be read at least once in a lifetime

Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng

Don Wangbo

Yuzhang Ancient County, Hongdu New Mansion. The stars are divided into wings, and the ground is connected to Henglu. The three rivers and the five lakes are controlled, and the Ouyue is controlled. Wuhua Tianbao, the ruins of the dragon light shooting bull fight; Outstanding people, Xu Ru went down to Chen Fan's couch. Xiongzhou fog column, Juncai Xingchi. At the turn of the summer of Taihuang Pillow, the guests and hosts enjoy the beauty of the southeast. The Yawang of the Governor of Yan Gong, the halberd is far away; Yuwen Xinzhou's Yifan, the curtain is temporarily stationed. Ten days off, winning friends like clouds; Thousands of miles to welcome, full of friends. Teng Jiao Qifeng, the word sect of Master Meng; Purple Electric Green Frost, General Wang's arsenal. The family is slaughtered, and the road is famous; How do you know that the boy is victorious.

The time is September, and the order belongs to the third autumn. The water is exhausted and the cold pool is clear, and the smoke is condensed and the twilight is purple. Riding on the road, visiting the scenery in Chong'a; The Changzhou of the emperor, the old museum of heaven and man. The mountains are towering and green, and the sky is heavy; Feige Liudan, next to the landless. Heting Zhu, the lingering of the poor island; Guidian Lan Palace, that is, the posture of the hills.

Draped in embroidery, carved overhead, the mountains are open to its sight, and the river is shocking. Lu Yan pounced on the ground, Zhong Ming Ding Food House; The ship Mitsu, the green finch and the yellow dragon. The clouds are gone, and the color is bright. Luoxia and lonely birds fly together, and the autumn water is the same color as the sky. The fishing boat sings at night, ringing on the shore of the poor Peng Li; The geese were frightened, and the sound broke the pool of Hengyang.

Far away, Yixing flying. Cool and breezy, slender song and white clouds. Suiyuan green bamboo, the bottle of Peng Ze; Yeshui Zhuhua, the pen of Linchuan. Four beautiful tools, two dilemmas. Poor in the middle of the sky, extremely entertaining in the leisure day. The sky is high and the earth is high, and the universe is infinite; Happiness and sorrow come, and there are many things to know the void. Looking at Chang'an in the sun, Mu Wu will be in the clouds. The terrain is extremely deep in the south, and the heavenly pillar is high and the north is far away. It is difficult to cross the mountain, who is sad and lost? When they meet in Pingshui, they are all guests from other places. Emperor Huai is gone, what year is the Fengxuan room?

Whew! Bad luck and bad fate. Feng Tang is easy to be old, and Li Guang is difficult to seal. Qu Jiayi is in Changsha, not without a holy lord; Channeling Liang Hong in the sea song, is there a lack of bright time? The gentleman who relied on saw the opportunity and knew his fate. When you are old and strong, you would rather move the heart of the white head? Poor and strong, do not fall into the ambition of the clouds. Drink the greedy spring and feel refreshed, and be happy when it dries up. Although the North Sea is credit, it can be picked up; The east corner has passed, and it is not too late for mulberry elm. Meng tastes noble and clean, and has spare time to serve the country; Ruan Ji is rampant, how can he cry at the end of the road!

Bo, a three-foot life, a scholar. There is no way to ask for help, waiting for the weak crown of the final army; There is a pen with a pen, and Mu Zong's long wind. She hairpin wat in Bailing, Fengchen dusk in thousands of miles. It is not the treasure tree of the Xie family, and it is the neighbor of the Meng family. He is getting more and more court, chattering with the carp; Now I hold it, and I like to trust the dragon gate. Yang Yi didn't meet, and he felt sorry for Lingyun; The bell period has been met, why is it ashamed to play the flowing water?

Woohoo! The resort is not frequent, and the feast is difficult again; The Orchid Pavilion has been erected, and the ruins of Zize Hill. Parting words, fortunate to be grateful to Wei Yang; Ascending to the heights is what is expected of the public. Dare to be contemptuous, respectful and short-term; Every word is given, and the four rhymes are complete. Please sprinkle the Pan River, and pour the land and sea clouds.

Because of this "Preface to King Teng's Pavilion", Wang Bo has been famous for eternity.

The whole text is written in the style of pun, with staggered sentences and clear rhythms; Beautifully decorated, the rhetoric is gorgeous; Use allusions, concise and subtle. The whole text pays so much attention to the rhythm and does not affect the expression of meaning, and achieves the unity of content and form, which makes people applaud.

The article is duality throughout the article, and the whole article is allusion, from the magnificent scenery of King Teng's Pavilion, to the sense of floating life, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

The 10 most beautiful ancient texts in ancient China should be read at least once in a lifetime

"Spring Night Banquet from the Younger Brother Peach Garden Preface"

Don Lee Bai

Those who husband heaven and earth are also the rebels of all things; Those who have passed through time are also passers-by for hundreds of generations. And floating like a dream, for joy? The ancients traveled at night with candles, and there was a good thing. The situation of Yangchun summoned me to smoke the scene, and the large piece of fake me to the article. The peach blossom garden, the joy of the family. The group of seasons is handsome, all of them are Huilian; I sing songs, and I am ashamed of recreation. The reward is not over, and the talk is clear. Open a feast to sit on the flowers, fly the feathers and get drunk with the moon. If there is no good song, how can he Shen Yahuai? If the poem is not successful, the penalty will be based on the number of wine in the Golden Valley.

【Background】In the fifteenth year of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty (727), in Anlu, Li Bai and his cousins feasted and wrote poems on the Spring Night, and wrote this preface for it. The full text vividly describes the scene of the author and his brothers gathering on a spring night, drinking and writing poems.

In the article, Li Bai sighed that the world is vast, time is fleeting, the article is written in a chic and natural manner, the tone is sonorous, and the wonderful sentence style makes the article more colorful.

Li Fujiu's "100 Articles of Ancient Chinese Writing" Volume 14: One sentence and one turn, one turn and one meaning, the size has the tendency of overwhelming. The beauty of the short article is not more than this.

The 10 most beautiful ancient texts in ancient China should be read at least once in a lifetime


Don Yoo Yu-seok

The mountain is not high, and there is a fairy name. The water is not deep, and if there is a dragon, it will be spiritual. Si is a burrow, but Wu Dexin. The moss marks are green, and the grass is green. There is a lot of talk and laughter, and there is no white ding. You can tune the piano and read the Golden Sutra. There is no silk and bamboo, and there is no case. Nanyang Zhuge Lu, Xishu Ziyun Pavilion, Confucius Yun: What is ugly?

Background: This short essay is written by the author in praise of the Burrow, expressing his own noble aspirations, peace and happiness, and not being in the same stream as the world.

【Evaluation】In terms of language expression, four-character sentences, five-character sentences, dual sentences, and comparative sentences, only the last sentence is a prose sentence, the sentence structure is neat and varied, the text is concise and clear, the tone is harmonious, and the syllables are sonorous.

The 10 most beautiful ancient texts in ancient China should be read at least once in a lifetime

"A Fang Gong Fu"

Don Dumu

Six kings, one from all over the world; Shushan Wu, A Fang out. Covering more than 300 miles, isolated from the sky. Lishan is constructed in the north and folds in the west, and goes straight to Xianyang. The two rivers dissolve and flow into the palace wall. Five steps on the first floor, ten steps on the first floor; The corridor waist is back, and the eaves teeth are pecked high; Each hugs the terrain and fights with each other. Coiled, embarrassed, beehive water vortex, I don't know how many tens of millions of them fall! Long bridge lying on the waves, Weiyun He Long? The road is empty, and it is not a rainbow? High and low are confused, and they don't know the West and the East. The song platform is warm, and the spring is melting; The dance hall is cold-sleeved, and the wind and rain are miserable. Within a day, between the houses, and the climate is uneven.

Concubines and concubines, princes and grandsons, resigned from the palace downstairs, came from Qin, sang the night strings, and were from the Qin palace. star screen, makeup mirror also; The green clouds are disturbed, and the comb is also small; Weiliu is greasy, and fat water is also discarded; The smoke is slanting and the fog is horizontal, and the pepper orchid is also burned. The thunder was shocked, and the palace car passed by; I listened to it from afar, but I didn't know what it was. One muscle and one appearance, extremely beautiful, standing far-sighted, and looking at luck; There are those who are not seen, thirty-six years.

Yan and Zhao Zhi's collections, Han and Wei Zhi's management, Qi and Chu's elites, for several generations, plundered their people, and leaned on them like mountains. Once you can't have it, you lose in the meantime. Dingdang jade, gold nuggets and beads, abandon the throwing, the Qin people regard it, and they do not regret it.

Whew! The heart of one person, the heart of tens of millions. Qin loves luxury, and people also miss their home; How can I take all the baht and use it like mud and sand? so that the pillars of the negative building are more than the farmers of the south acre; There are more rafters than workers on the plane; Nail head phosphorus, more than in the millet grains; The tile seams are uneven, more than the silk strands around the body; The straight bar and horizontal sill are more than the city of the nine earths; The orchestra is dumb, more than the words of the city. so that the people of the world dare not speak and dare to be angry; The heart of a single husband is becoming more and more arrogant. The pawn called, Hangu Ju; The Chu people burned, pitiful scorched earth.

Alack! Those who destroy the Six Kingdoms will also be the Six Kingdoms, not Qin. The Qin people, the Qin people, the non-world. Whew! It is enough to make each of the six kingdoms love his own people; If Qin Fu loves the people of the Six Kingdoms, then the third generation can be the king of all generations, and who will be wiped out? The Qin people have no time to mourn themselves, and future generations mourn them; Later generations mourn and do not learn from it, and it also makes future generations mourn for future generations.

【Background】Du Mu wrote this essay, summarizing the historical lessons of the Qin Dynasty rulers' arrogance and ruin, which was intended to warn the rulers of the Tang Dynasty and show the feelings of an upright literati who cared about the country and the people, and helped the world.

【Evaluation】The whole text uses imagination, metaphor and exaggeration, as well as description, arrangement and discussion. The language of the article is concise, neat but not piled up, rich but not flashy, vigorous and vigorous, and the style is bold.

【Famous Comments】Jin Shengsi's "Must Read for Talented People in the World": Fang Qi is extremely beautiful, and it is the clearest text. At this point, the article is exhausted. Read it word for word.

The 10 most beautiful ancient texts in ancient China should be read at least once in a lifetime

The Story of Yueyang Tower

Song Fan Zhongyan

In the spring of the fourth year of Qingli, Teng Zijing guarded Baling County. The more the next year, the politics will be harmonious, and all kinds of waste will be prosperous. It is to rebuild Yueyang Tower, increase its old system, and engrave Tang Xian's poems on it. It belongs to the composition to remember it.

Yuguanfu Baling is victorious, in a lake in Dongting. Connecting the distant mountains, swallowing the Yangtze River, the vast soup soup, the endless horizon; The morning sun is cloudy, and the weather is myriad. This is the grand view of Yueyang Tower, and the predecessors have prepared it. However, the north leads to Wuxia, the South Pole Xiaoxiang, and the people who move to the house will be here.

If the rain is raining, it does not open for a month, the yin wind roars, and the turbidity waves are emptied; The sun and stars are hidden, and the mountains are hidden; Business travel is not good, and the tree is devastated; In the twilight, the tiger roars and the ape cries. Dengslou also, there are people who go to the country to cherish their hometown, are worried and fearful, full of gloom, and feel extremely sad.

To Ruochun and Jingming, the waves are not alarmed, the sky is up and down, and the sky is blue; Sand gulls fly and gather, brocade scales swim; Shore Zhi Tinglan, lush green. And or the long smoke is empty, the moon is thousands of miles, the floating light is golden, the still shadow is sinking, and the fishing songs answer each other, what a joy is this! Dengsi Lou also, there is a relaxed heart, spoiled and forgotten, the wine to the wind, its joyful people.

Woof! To taste the heart of the ancient benevolence, or the difference between the two, what is it? Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself; The height of the temple is worried about the people; Far away from the rivers and lakes, you are worried about it. It is a worry about advancing and a worry about retreating. But when will it be? It must be said that "the worries of the world are worried, and the joy of the world is happy". Belch! Weisi people, who am I with?

On September 15 of the sixth year.

【Background】The Story of Yueyang Tower is an essay written by the Northern Song Dynasty writer Fan Zhongyan on the 15th day of September in the 6th year of Qingli (October 17, 1046) at the request of his friend Teng Zijing, the Taishou of Baling County, to rebuild Yueyang Tower.

【Evaluation】The full text of narration, scene writing, lyricism, and discussion are integrated, with movement and stillness, light and shade, simple words, and harmonious syllables.

"The worries of the world first, and the joy of the world after the world" has become a famous sentence.

The 10 most beautiful ancient texts in ancient China should be read at least once in a lifetime

The Legend of the Drunkard Pavilion

Song Ouyang Xiu

All around Chu are mountains. Its southwest peaks, the forest ravines are particularly beautiful. The one who looks at the blue and deep show, Langya also. The mountain travels six or seven miles, and gradually hears the sound of water gurgling and pouring out between the two peaks, and the brewing spring is also. The peak turns around, there is a pavilion wings on the spring, and the drunkard pavilion is also. Who is the pavilion maker? The monk of the mountain is also wise. Who is the name? Too shou calls himself also. Taishou and guests come to drink here, drink less and get drunk, and the year is the highest, so he calls himself a drunkard. The drunkard's intention is not in the wine, but in the mountains and rivers. The joy of mountains and rivers, the heart and the wine of the house.

If the sun rises and the forest opens, the clouds return and the caves are twilight, the obscure changers, and the morning and twilight in the mountains. The wild fragrance is fragrant, the beautiful wood is beautiful and prosperous, the wind and frost are noble, the water falls and the stone comes out, and the four times in the mountains are also. Towards the beginning, returning at dusk, the scenery of the four seasons is different, and the joy is endless.

As for the loser singing on the way, the traveler resting in the tree, the former calling, the latter responding, the crickly carrying, the one who comes and goes, the Churen travels. Fishing near the stream, the stream is deep and the fish are fat. The brewing spring is wine, and the spring is fragrant and the wine is watery; The mountain cuisine is wild, and the miscellaneous and former Chen is too feasting. The joy of the feast, not silk and bamboo, among the shooters, the game wins, the staggered, the sit-up and noisy, the guests are happy. Pale and white-haired, depressed, too drunk.

The sunset is in the mountains, the shadows are scattered, and the guests are too guarded to return. The woods are shady, the chirping is up and down, the visitors go and the birds are happy. However, birds know the joy of mountains and forests, but they do not know the joy of people; People know that they are too happy to swim, but they don't know how to be too happy. Drunk can have fun with it, and those who wake up can speak to the text are too guarded. Who is Taishou? Luling Ouyang Xiu also.

The language of "The Legend of the Drunkard Pavilion" is very distinctive, the style is clear and beautiful, the words are concise, the syllables are sonorous, and it is perfect in the realm of pure fire, with both pictorial beauty and musical beauty.

Mao Kun's "Eight Great Notes of the Tang and Song Dynasties": The painting in the text. In the past, people read this article as if they were swimming in a secluded spring and a stone, only to see a layer when they entered a layer, and the road was not endless, and reading it had made people look forward to it. This is the cave in the article.

The 10 most beautiful ancient texts in ancient China should be read at least once in a lifetime

"Front Red Wall"

Song Su Shi

In the autumn of Renxu, in July, Suzi and the guest traveled under the red cliff. The breeze is coming, and the water is not rippling. Raise the wine to belong to the guest, recite the poem of the bright moon, and sing the chapter of the fairy. Shaoyan, the moon comes out of the east mountain, wandering between the bullfights. The white dew crosses the river, and the water shines to the sky. As far as a reed is, Ling Wanqing is at a loss. The vastness is like Feng Xuan resisting the wind, and he doesn't know where it stops; fluttering like a legacy of independence, feathering and ascending to immortals.

So he drank and enjoyed himself, and sang about it. The song said: "Gui Yi Xilan oar, hit the sky and trace the streamer." Slim and small, looking at the beauty of the sky. "There are people who blow the flute in the hole, and they rely on the song and harmonize it. Its voice whined, such as resentment, such as admiration, such as crying, such as complaining, and the aftermath lingered, endlessly. Dancing the submarine of the ravine, crying the wife of the lonely boat.

Su Zi was stunned, sat down and asked, "Why is it?" The guest said: "The moon and stars are scarce, and the black magpie flies south, isn't this Cao Mengde's poetry?" Looking at Xiakou in the west, looking at Wuchang in the east, the mountains and rivers are sympathetic, and the sky is gloomy, this is not Mengde's trapped in Zhou Lang? Fang Qi broke Jingzhou, went down to Jiangling, went down the river to the east, traveled thousands of miles, covered the sky with flags, drank wine near the river, and gave poems to the horizontal lance, and the male of the solid first generation was also, and now he is safe? In addition, I and my son fished on the Jiangzhu, and the fish and shrimp were friends with the elk, driving a flat boat with a leaf, and lifting a bottle to belong to each other. Parasitic mayflies in the heavens and the earth, a millet in the sea. Mourn the moments of my life, and envy the infinity of the Yangtze River. Fly the fairy to swim, hold the bright moon and end long. I don't know it suddenly, and I will leave it in the sad wind. ”

Su Zi said: "Ke also knows the water and the moon? The deceased is like this, but he has not tasted the past; Those who are surplus and void are like them, and those who die are not long. The cover will be viewed from the one who has changed, and the heavens and the earth will not be able to take a moment; From the point of view of the unchanging, the thing and I are endless, and how to envy! And between heaven and earth, everything has its own owner, and it is not mine, although I can't take anything. But the breeze on the river, and the bright moon in the mountains, the sound of the ear, the color of the eye, the inexhaustible, is the endless hiding of the Creator, and I am suitable for the Son. ”

The guests smiled happily and drank more when washing the lamp. The core of the dish is exhausted, and the cups and plates are in disarray. The phase and the pillow are in the boat, and I don't know the whiteness of the East.

【Background】In the fifth year of Yuanfeng, Su Shi traveled to Chibi twice on July 16 and October 15, and wrote two fu with the theme of Chibi, the first one was called "Chibi Fu", and the second was "Hou Chibi Fu".

【Evaluation】This article is based on "taking the text as the endowment", all of which are prose sentences, and there is a neatness in the unevenness. Most of them rhyme, making this text particularly suitable for recitation, and it is extremely rich in the beauty of sound rhyme, reflecting the strengths of rhyme.

【Famous Comments】Mao Kun of the Ming Dynasty: To taste the Dongpo article immortal, read this two endowments. It makes people think of the world.

(Material source: WeChat public account Classical Literature and Poetry)

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