
"National Fire Protection" brand creation|Focus on small incisions to do practical things National Fire Love Stations are blooming everywhere

author:Dehong Fire Protection
"National Fire Protection" brand creation|Focus on small incisions to do practical things National Fire Love Stations are blooming everywhere
"National Fire Protection" brand creation|Focus on small incisions to do practical things National Fire Love Stations are blooming everywhere

In order to further deepen the "National Fire Fighting" brand creation activities and build a strong demonstration position for loving the people, the Dehong Prefecture Fire and Rescue Detachment has set up National Fire Love Stations in 9 team stations across the state. The post station is built in strict accordance with the standard of "obvious signs, scientific layout, complete facilities and sound system", and uniformly sets up the national fire love station sign, fully implements the "24-hour service commitment", provides convenient and beneficial services for the masses free of charge, and effectively makes the "people's fire protection for the people" brand deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"National Fire Protection" brand creation|Focus on small incisions to do practical things National Fire Love Stations are blooming everywhere

The station is equipped with more than 50 sets of water dispensers, tables and chairs, medicine kits, first aid kits, tool boxes, sewing kits, motor vehicle emergency starting power supplies, pumps, chargers, umbrellas and other items, which can provide warm and convenient services for the majority of outdoor workers and the masses in the past. At the same time, there are also fire knowledge publicity materials placed in the station, so that the people can learn fire knowledge while resting and enhance the people's awareness of fire safety.

"National Fire Protection" brand creation|Focus on small incisions to do practical things National Fire Love Stations are blooming everywhere
"National Fire Protection" brand creation|Focus on small incisions to do practical things National Fire Love Stations are blooming everywhere
"National Fire Protection" brand creation|Focus on small incisions to do practical things National Fire Love Stations are blooming everywhere
"National Fire Protection" brand creation|Focus on small incisions to do practical things National Fire Love Stations are blooming everywhere

Since the official opening of the National Fire Love Station, it has served more than 100 people of all kinds, and has won unanimous affirmation and praise from the majority of outdoor workers, citizens and tourists. In the next step, the detachment will solicit opinions widely while serving the people, and further expand the functions of the national fire love station, so that the station can truly be built, retained, functional, widely benefited and recognized, and provide more practical and thoughtful, timely and smooth services for the masses.

"National Fire Protection" brand creation|Focus on small incisions to do practical things National Fire Love Stations are blooming everywhere

▌Author: Yang Zhao

▌Editor: Cheng Xiyuan

▌Proofreading: Lu Jiahui

▌Final review: Huang Shaohua