
The moon is in the absence of the sycamore: an unexpected thing happened

author:Wolong drinking water

Sixty-three, tomorrow and accidents

Jin Yunfei has never been the kind of character who takes the initiative to provoke trouble, her popularity in the May 11 dormitory is definitely no less than that of Zhou Yu, who is a little high-minded, seeing Zhou Yu's eyes a little angry, Li Weidong's nurse girlfriend hurriedly played a round, she said half-jokingly: "Tomorrow Xiao Daqian will be divided into two." Thankfully it's today, otherwise it would have been split into three. ”

Everyone laughed, and Yang Meiyan was also afraid of making an unpleasant scene, so she quickly pulled Zhou Yu's arm: "Yuyu, if Da Qian is willing to answer the phone, he will come, don't force him!" ”

Zhou Yu finally didn't have a seizure, but he was also a little emotional: "Hmph! Who cares about her! Xiao Daqian, you make me very disappointed in the group of men. "After that, get dressed and leave.

This was a bit unhappy, Ba Yong hurriedly said: "Yuyu, don't leave yet, let's take a group photo together." Weidong, what about the camera you borrowed? Let's say goodbye, maybe there won't be a meeting of this scope next time. Come, everyone raise their glasses and wish a happy new year together! ”

Zhou Yu is not a person who does not understand the world, she had to listen to Ba Yong's opinion, and everyone took a group photo, and the last time of 1991 passed in a hurry.

The end time was not too late, it was not yet nine o'clock, except for Chen Guowen and Xie Daozhong cleaning the battlefield in the dormitory, everyone went downstairs together, first sent Zhou Yu and Yang Meiyan to the girls' dormitory, Xiao Daqian was about to send Yun Fei back to the TV station apartment, but everyone didn't walk a few steps, and saw an ambulance with flashing red lights speeding at the school gate, even if it was on campus, it did not slow down, and everyone avoided it. The ambulance stopped at the entrance of the teacher's family home. It's a short walk from the girls' dormitory.

After the ambulance stopped, two or three paramedics in white coats jumped down, and at the same time, someone was answering at the gate of the family hospital, and one person shouted: "On the sixth floor, my lover is relatively fat, and it may not be easy to lift." ”

The paramedics shouted, "Then you can get a few neighbors or students to help." There were only three of us in the car, and the driver couldn't get up. ”

Xiao Daqian and Ba Yong glanced at each other, they heard that the person who spoke was Professor Luo, their major, could it be that his family had a physical problem? Thinking of this, the two of them almost didn't hesitate, and ran forward, and several other people followed.

Xiao Daqian shouted, "Professor Luo, what's wrong? Can I help you? ”

Professor Luo is a very thin middle-aged man, he is in his fifties, he didn't see who it was at first, but he was a little surprised, he looked back while running to the family home with the medical staff, and only when everyone ran close did he recognize Xiao Daqian and Yang Meiyan, and couldn't help nodding: "Oh, it's you, it's great, my lover has a heart attack, it's not that I called 120, it's great if you want to help carry it." ”

Xiao Daqian immediately agreed, and Zhou Yu said loudly: "If you have a heart attack, you can't move around at will, Professor Luo, who will take care of your aunt in your family?" ”

They had already run to a family building, which was a six-story building, and there were a lot of things in the stairs, even if Professor Luo was very familiar with the environment, he also kicked over some flower pots and other miscellaneous items on the stairs, and there were very few elevators in those days, and they were out of breath when they climbed up from the first floor.

Professor Luo is in the east household on the sixth floor, and his house is the kind of old-fashioned two-bedroom and one-living room structure, the middle hall is very small, and a dining table is set, and one of the houses is used as a living room, even the professors of Southeast University only live in this condition. Professor Luo's lover was lying on the bed in the bedroom, and there was a gray-haired old lady next to her, crying, muttering, "Huahua, you can't die!" ”

The medical staff is very professional, and when they went upstairs, they had already begun to prepare the equipment, and when they saw this scene, they immediately rushed over and began to examine the patient. Zhou Yu and Li Weidong's girlfriend also understands medicine and rushed up to help, and Professor Luo even came to his wife and shouted her name: "Guanghua, Lu Guanghua, you hold on, the doctor is here." You must be fine. ”

Xiao Daqian didn't stand at the front, he and several others stood in the middle hall, but heard the doctor's words: "No! It's been done a long time ago! ”

Professor Luo's body shook for a moment, and there was already a cry in his voice: "Old Lu, don't scare me, wake up!" The old lady next to her was already crying for the exam.

Zhou Yu was calmer, she rushed to the front and squatted on the patient to start cardiac resuscitation, and did not shy away from artificial respiration, while Li Weidong's girlfriend asked the doctor in the ambulance to inject a cardiotonic injection: "Fight again, maybe it's fake death?" ”

The doctors have obviously seen too many such things, and they are much calmer than Zhou Yu: "This lady has been dead for at least fifteen minutes, and we received the call at 8:10, judging from the time, she should have died at that time." Family members mourn. ”

Professor Luo cried, Xiao Daqian's nose was sore, Zhou Yu still didn't give up, she pressed the patient's chest and abdomen very hard, and the old lady who was crying didn't seem to give up and stopped crying. Yang Meiyan also wiped away her tears, and she went into the bedroom to support Professor Luo.

Ba Yong and Li Weidong both sighed, Xiao Daqian shook his head, they are men, they have all experienced life and death, they all believe in science, Zhou Yu's non-giving up is a kind of morality, but it is obvious that this Mrs. Luo has no life. On the last day of 1991, without waiting for the first rays of sunshine in 1992, it is really impossible to say which one came first or tomorrow.

Jin Yunfei was also stimulated, she suddenly lay on Xiao Daqian's shoulder and cried: "Brother, I'm afraid!" ”

Xiao Daqian patted Yun Fei: "It's okay, Yun Fei, it's okay!" ”

The house burst into tears, and finally Zhou Yu finally gave up, she blamed herself and muttered sorry, and then the old lady cried again: "Daughter! Guanghua, why didn't you just leave without saying a word? ”

Xiao Daqian also ran into the house and helped Professor Luo with Yang Meiyan, while the two medical staff were much calmer, filling in the information and taking Mrs. Luo's body back to the hospital, and the neighbors also heard the news and ran over to see what happened. Professor Luo was in tears, saying that tonight and his son who was far away abroad on the phone, maybe there was a little dispute between his wife and son over something, and then his wife went back to the bedroom and said to lie down for a while, he didn't care, and his mother-in-law watched the New Year's party in the living room, but then he heard movement in the bedroom, when his mother-in-law rushed over to see, his wife's face was already dark, she had angina pectoris before, and there was first-aid medicine at home, but this time the medication didn't seem to work, and he hurriedly dialed 120 from his home phone.

The medical staff in the ambulance asked Professor Luo to sign, but his mother-in-law fainted next to him, Zhou Yu rushed over to give first aid, and then Xiao Daqian calmed down, saying that he should quickly send Professor Luo's mother-in-law to the hospital for first aid, and at the same time send the body of Luo's mother-in-law to the hospital for preservation. He left Li Weidong and his girlfriend and Yang Meiyan at the professor's house, while Zhuang Huyi went to inform the school, and himself, Ba Yong, and Zhou Yu went to the hospital with the car: "Yunfei, go back to the dormitory by yourself, I can't take care of you." ”

Jin Yunfei also saw the trouble of things, she nodded: "Brother, I'm fine." You are also safe in mind. ”

Xiao Daqian sighed, he couldn't tell why, he still witnessed death on the last day of the New Year, it seems that he has seen too many such things this year: "You also tell Shuyan, I guess I won't be able to accompany you two tomorrow." ”

Jin Yunfei continued to nod: "Well, brother, it's important for you to deal with big things." ”

Xiao Daqian is not wrong, he has been extremely busy in the past two days, Professor Luo is a teacher of architecture, he has always belonged to the kind of nerd type, the family is arranged by his wife, I don't know how to deal with this encounter after I encounter something, the school sent an obituary after learning the information, and whether it is Professor Luo at home or the mother-in-law in the hospital, they can't do without people, the most troublesome thing is that Professor Luo's son can't come back abroad, so many things are handled by Xiao Daqian, Of course, the entire students of the industrial and civil construction majors are also enthusiastic to help their teachers, although it is far from perfect, but the funeral runs forward step by step.

After Chu Shuyan heard Yun Fei say this, she also came over to bow and condole, she saw Xiao Daqian in the simple mourning hall, her boyfriend was tired again, Chu Shuyan was distressed, she asked Xiao Daqian to go downstairs, find a place where no one was and complained: "What's going on with you lately?" If I ignore you, you won't look for me? Hmph, careful-eyed man. ”

Xiao Daqian smiled bitterly: "See where you want to go?" I originally arranged to accompany you to Xuanwu Lake today, this New Year's Day in 1992 should not be missed, who knew that this kind of thing would happen. Shuyan, you and Yun Fei go to relax, I have to deal with this matter, Professor Luo lost his wife in middle age, and it is pitiful enough. ”

"Alas, yes, that's how people have their own lives. Xiao Daqian, we have to live well. Oh, when you're done with this, come to my house for dinner. My dad said he really enjoyed talking to you. He has been depressed recently, and I heard my mother say that if I can't get my father, he will have to adjust his work, and he will be transferred from the current member of the Standing Committee of the Zhenjiang Municipal Party Committee to a provincial college and university as the party secretary, so he will not have any power. You enlightened my dad. ”

Xiao Daqian shrugged: "I can't enlighten." I prefer to listen to him give me an analysis of current affairs. Shuyan, don't worry, I think your father is doing the right thing now, the country's reform and opening up is the trend of the times, and no one can stop it. ”

Chu Shuyan looked left and right, and when he saw that there was really no one, he whispered: "You kiss me, this is the first day of 1992, I think it makes some sense." I wanted to have dinner with you in the Archives dormitory tonight. I don't think there's a chance now. ”

Xiao Daqian kissed without hesitation, Chu Shuyan also catered fiercely, the two kissed for three minutes before letting go of each other, Xiao Daqian sighed: "I also want to be with you, this New Year's first shot is very meaningful." ”

"Hooligans!" Chu Shuyan blushed and pushed Xiao Daqian, "Why don't you go to my house at night." ”

Xiao Daqian wanted to agree, but finally shook his head: "No, tomorrow Mrs. Luo will say goodbye to her body, and I may sleep at his house tonight." ”

"I see that many people are in his house, and there are people in the school who deal with this matter, and the earth will not turn without you?" Chu Shuyan was obviously not very satisfied.

Xiao Daqian still shook his head very firmly: "Wait until this matter is dealt with." I haven't had anything to do lately, but I have an idea to go back to my hometown before the Spring Festival. We need to contact the internship location by ourselves, so many people have returned to their hometowns. I can use that to go back and see. ”

"Do you have a title for your graduation project?" Let me give you a suggestion, you can design the relevant content of the Zhenjiang Yangzhou Bridge, this project has been approved, you can go to Zhenjiang for an internship. The construction machinery factory where you did your internship last time is now also involved. ”

"That's a great idea! I thought about it, by the way, Yang Meiyan said that she wanted to do her graduation project with me, is it okay to bring her? ”

Chu Shuyan pouted, she didn't have an opinion on Yang Meiyan, she just felt that Yang Meiyan and Zhou Yu were too close, but in the end she nodded: "Whatever you want!" You're going to be involved in that project, and I'm going to ask my dad to find you somebody. ”

Xiao Daqian smiled: "Okay! Book Goose, please! ”

", what's polite to me? Why don't you come to my house for dinner tomorrow night when you're fine? ”

The moon is in the absence of the sycamore: an unexpected thing happened

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